Top Items:
Robert Stacy McCain / The Other McCain:
REPORT: Aaron Walker Arrested After Maryland Hearing on Kimberlin Case — Aaron Walker, whose complaint against convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin became a conservative cause célèbre this past week, was reportedly taken into custody today after a court hearing in Rockville, Maryland.
protein wisdom, The Jawa Report, Popehat, Truth Before Dishonor, American Spectator, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, EBL, The Spectacle Blog, Bob Owens,, Dedicated Tenther, The Mahablog, The PJ Tatler, Wake up America, American Power, Thoughts and Rantings, Instapundit, FilmLadd Blogs, That Mr. G Guy's Blog, Daily Pundit, hogewash and The Daley Gator
Blogger and Brett Kimberlin target Aaron Walker arrested in Maryland … This is absolutely outrageous. In a positively Kafka-esque turn of events, a Maryland judge has ordered that Walker be taken into police custody while serial harasser, terrorist, and killer Kimberlin remains free.
Michelle Malkin, Pink Flamingo Bar, Truth Before Dishonor and An Ex-Con's View
Dmoynihan / Munsey's Technosnarl:
When Your Honor, This Man Is a Convicted Domestic Terrorist Is Not Enough — This morning, I attended the hearing over a protective order sought by Brett Kimberlin against Aaron Walker in Rockville, MD. There were only a few people there. The actual hearing was first in the regular room …
Breaking: Domestic Terrorist Kimberlin Has Conservative Blogger Arrested — The World Is Upside-Down — Conservative blogger Aaron Walker was arrested today after the Maryland hearing on the Kimberlin case. — ‘Speedway Bomber’: Criminal terrorist Brett Kimberlin was convicted in 1981
Discussion: and The Daley Gator
Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama's Principles and Will — WASHINGTON — This was the enemy, served up in the latest chart from the intelligence agencies: 15 Qaeda suspects in Yemen with Western ties. The mug shots and brief biographies resembled a high school yearbook layout.
Firedoglake, Weekly Standard, Salon, World Now, Little Green Footballs, The Volokh Conspiracy, New York Magazine, Hit & Run, ABCNEWS, Hullabaloo, Hot Air, NO QUARTER, Lawyers, Guns & Money, 2012 Decoded, The Heritage Foundation, emptywheel, The Long War Journal, National Review, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Althouse, Lawfare, Global Guerrillas, Pat Dollard, Swampland, The PJ Tatler, The Glittering Eye, Campaign 2012, Connecting.the.Dots, The Agonist, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Blog, Prairie Weather and The Page
Drones: How Obama Learned to Kill — The Obama campaign touts a commander in chief who never flinches, but the truth is more complex. In an excerpt from his new book, Kill or Capture: The War on Terror and the Soul of the Obama Presidency, Daniel Klaidman reveals:
Mediaite and Suburban Guerrilla
Eugene Robinson / Washington Post:
Romney's pants on fire — There are those who tell the truth. There are those who distort the truth. And then there's Mitt Romney. — Every political campaign exaggerates and dissembles. This practice may not be admirable — it's surely one reason so many Americans are disenchanted with politics …
Hot Air, Jared Bernstein,, Hyscience, Wake up America, ABCNEWS, Patterico's Pontifications, Althouse, US Politics and
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
The Morning Plum: Stop letting Mitt Romney off easy — Mitt Romney wants the presidential election to be all about Barack Obama. If the press doesn't start asking Romney some difficult questions about the core arguments upon which his entire presidential candidacy is based, he may very well get his way.
Associated Press, BuzzFeed,, American Prospect, ABCNEWS, Red Alert Politics and Mother Jones
Jonathan Easley / Ballot Box:
Trump, Romney's surrogate, goes on ‘birther’ offensive
Trump, Romney's surrogate, goes on ‘birther’ offensive
CNN and Prairie Weather
Mitt Romney camp to attack the stimulus
CNN, Washington Post, PERRspectives, Politicker, Wake up America, The New Republic, The Agonist, Washington Monthly, Daily Kos, National Review and Campaign 2012
Mitt Romney Says He Needs Donald Trump's Support Despite Views on Obama's Birth Certificate
Mitt Romney Says He Needs Donald Trump's Support Despite Views on Obama's Birth Certificate
Discussion:, CNN, Campaign 2012, Booman Tribune, Hot Air, Outside the Beltway, GayPatriot,, Ballot Access News and
Mike Allen / Politico:
Red Alert Politics
Caroline May / The Daily Caller:
Pro-life group's hidden camera footage shows complicity in ‘sex-selective’ abortions — Live Action says Planned Parenthood and other U.S. abortion providers are willing to assist in the termination of baby girls for pregnant women who choose abortion because they want to have baby boys.
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
New Live Action video shows Planned Parenthood encouraging gender-selective abortion, Medicaid fraud — Want to see a real war on women? Not one defined by the opposition to the imposition of a Hubby State and subsidies, but one in which women of the future are systematically eliminated?
Laura Bassett / The Huffington Post:
Planned Parenthood Sting Caught On Video, Released By Anti-Abortion Activists … REACT: — FOLLOW: — Planned Parenthood, Abortion, Video, Anti-Abortion Activists, Planned Parenthood Video, Politics News — A group of anti-abortion activists that Planned Parenthood has suspected …
Washington Monthly,, Hot Air, Adrienne's Corner and The PJ Tatler
Steven Ertelt /
Video: Planned Parenthood Encourages Woman to Get Sex-Selection Abortion
Video: Planned Parenthood Encourages Woman to Get Sex-Selection Abortion
The Last Refuge and Weasel Zippers
New Sarah Palin approach; better results — Everyone has wondered who the Sarah Palin of 2012 would be. The answer is...Sarah Palin. — Palin's star power faded along with that of the other conservative Mitt Romney alternatives and her media presence has dwindled.
ABCNEWS and Taylor Marsh
Lucy Madison / CBS News:
In Texas, a rising conservative star takes on the establishment
In Texas, a rising conservative star takes on the establishment
Washington Wire, ABCNEWS, Guardian, National Review, and Left Coast Rebel
Ruben Navarrette Jr. / CNN:
GOP's problem with Latinos — as big as Texas
GOP's problem with Latinos — as big as Texas
Lawyers, Guns & Money
Max Pizarro / Politicker NJ:
Booker communications director resigns — Anne Torres, communications director for Newark Mayor Cory Booker, is resigning, effective today. — Sources say her resignation comes amid internal adminstration strife in the aftermath of Booker's appearance on Meet the Press.
Politico, Gothamist, New York Magazine, Mediaite, Politicker, The Daily Caller and Washington Free Beacon
David Giambusso / New Jersey Online:
Newark City Hall communications director resigns in wake of Booker's ‘Meet the Press’ appearance
Newark City Hall communications director resigns in wake of Booker's ‘Meet the Press’ appearance
The Hill, Washington Post, Jammie Wearing Fools and
Conor Friedersdorf / The Atlantic Online:
In Defense of Chris Hayes — The MSNBC host is getting beat up for remarks he made about the heroism of American soldiers. Really, his critics are the ones who should be apologizing. — Very few Americans wake up early on weekend mornings to watch public intellectuals chat.
American Prospect, Hit & Run, Mediaite, The Moderate Voice and The Camp Of The Saints
Carlo Munoz / The Hill:
Michelle Obama sponsors Navy's first submarine with all-female crew — The USS Illinois, the first Navy submarine to be staffed by an all-female crew, received the support of the White House on Memorial Day. — On Monday, First Lady Michelle Obama officially sponsored the Virginia-class submarine …
Politico, CNN, BLACKFIVE, Lynn Sweet, Sky Dancing, Weekly Standard, The PJ Tatler, Shakesville, Weasel Zippers and The Page
Alicia M. Cohn / The Hill:
Michelle Obama: 'We're all fighting for a decent America'
Michelle Obama: 'We're all fighting for a decent America'
Weasel Zippers
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Obama safe in Michigan — Barack Obama won't have to worry too much about holding Michigan for the Democrats this fall- he leads Mitt Romney 53-39 there, a lead little changed from PPP's last poll of the state in February when his advantage was 54-38. — Romney just doesn't have much of a home field advantage in the state.
The Caucus, Swampland and Ballot Box
'Allah's enemy!' Radio host slash-attacked for anti-Islam rant on air — Photo from — A radio host has been hospitalized after being cut 15 times by an unidentified criminal. Two weeks ago the journalist ventured to criticize the founder of Islam, the Prophet Mohammed, on air.
Atlas Shrugs, Guardian, Jihad Watch, Weasel Zippers, Bare Naked Islam and The Gateway Pundit
Craig Pittman / Tampa Bay Times:
Wetlands expert suspended by DEP after she refuses to approve permit — Florida's top state wetlands expert has been suspended after she refused to issue a permit on a controversial project — one that she said her boss was willing to bend the rules to approve.
ThinkProgress and Crooks and Liars
Debt-Ceiling Deja Vu Could Sink Economy — Europe is crumbling. China is slowing. The Federal Reserve is dithering. Yet the biggest threat to the emerging U.S. economic recovery may be Congress. — John Boehner, the leader of the House Republicans, has promised yet another fight …
American Prospect and ThinkProgress
Robert Mugabe appointed as UN international envoy for tourism — The Zimbabwe president, accused of ethnic cleansing and bankrupting his country, asked to champion tourism — With a line-up that includes Drew Barrymore, David Beckham, Orlando Bloom, and Ricky Martin …
Wonkette, The PJ Tatler and Via Meadia
David Brooks / New York Times:
The Role of Uncle Sam — From the dawn of the republic, the federal government has played a vital role in American economic life. Government promoted industrial development in the 18th century, transportation in the 19th, communications in the 20th and biotechnology today.
Washington Monthly, Booman Tribune, driftglass and No More Mister Nice Blog