Top Items:
Associated Press:
Judge revokes George Zimmerman bond in Trayvon Martin killing — April 20, 2012: In this file photo, George Zimmerman, left, answers a question from attorney Mark O'Mara during a bond hearing in Sanford, Fla.AP/ORLANDO SENTINEL — SANFORD, FLA - URGENT: A judge on Friday revoked the bond …
DISSENTING JUSTICE, Daily Kos, The PJ Tatler and
Orlando Sentinel:
George Zimmerman's bond revoked in shooting of Trayvon Martin — In a new motion, prosecutors accused Zimmerman and his wife of lying to the judge during a bond hearing about money they collected for his defense. — Prosecutors allege Zimmerman's wife knew about the donations her husband …
The Moderate Voice, Little Green Footballs, Outside the Beltway, New York Magazine and Colorlines
Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute:
Zimmerman Bond Revoked — Here is a plot twist: — URGENT: A judge on Friday revoked the bond of the neighborhood watch volunteer charged with killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and ordered him returned to jail within 48 hours. — Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester said that George Zimmerman and his wife …
Booman Tribune
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Bill Clinton hits a home run in Wisconsin. Will it be enough? — Bill Clinton, in his speech in Wisconsin just now, framed the recall election as a stark choice between unity and division, between cooperation and conflict, and between shared prosperity and right wing winner-take-all economics.
Crooks and Liars, The Moderate Voice, Christian Science Monitor, The Caucus, Daily Kos, and Lean Forward
The Number That Will Matter In Wisconsin — In the epic showdown between Big Blue and Big Red, Walker's margin may be the number being watched from Chicago and Boston. A Walker blowout means trouble for the president. — Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (L) and Republican Wisconsin Governor …
Washington Monthly, New York Times, Hot Air, Washington Examiner, The Right Sphere, Wake up America, Politico, Mediaite and Guardian
Scott Walker Supporter Arrested At Bill Clinton Rally
Washington Free Beacon, Althouse, The Daily Caller and Moe Lane
Jonathan Easley / Ballot Box:
Bill Clinton rallies Wisconsin Democrats to vote Walker out in next week's recall
Bill Clinton rallies Wisconsin Democrats to vote Walker out in next week's recall
Poll: Obama-Romney race tied; Obama supporters appear more energized — Washington (CNN) - The race for the White House remains very close, according to a new national poll, partly because neither President Barack Obama nor Republican challenger Mitt Romney have a clear advantage on issue number one - the economy.
Politico, The Moderate Voice, The Hill, Reuters and Wall Street Journal
Brett LoGiurato / Business Insider:
Romney Just THRASHED Obama On The Jobs Report On CNBC
Romney Just THRASHED Obama On The Jobs Report On CNBC
American Prospect, The Caucus and Mediaite
Bill Clinton / CNN:
TRENDING: Bill Clinton, predicting Obama win, calls Romney's business career ‘sterling’
TRENDING: Bill Clinton, predicting Obama win, calls Romney's business career ‘sterling’
Washington Post, Politico, Reuters, Weekly Standard, No More Mister Nice Blog, American Prospect, Hot Air, Examiner, Weasel Zippers, Sister Toldjah, BREITBART.COM, CANNONFIRE, Washington Monthly, Outside the Beltway, The Raw Story,, ABCNEWS, Althouse, The Gateway Pundit, GOP 12, The Lonely Conservative, Towleroad News #gay, hogewash, National Review and The Hill
Bill Clinton / CNN:
TRENDING: Romney smiles at Clinton compliment
TRENDING: Romney smiles at Clinton compliment
Taylor Marsh, GOP 12 and Politico
Jonathan Cohn / The New Republic:
The New Jobs Report: Ooof
The New Jobs Report: Ooof
Yahoo! Finance,, Ezra Klein and The Greenroom
Ian Swanson / The Hill:
Bleak labor report finds economy added just 69,000 jobs in May
Bleak labor report finds economy added just 69,000 jobs in May
The Hope For America and Washington Free Beacon
Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran — WASHINGTON — From his first months in office, President Obama secretly ordered increasingly sophisticated attacks on the computer systems that run Iran's main nuclear enrichment facilities, significantly expanding America's …
Firedoglake, Weekly Standard, Battleland, emptywheel, CNN, The Heritage Foundation, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Gawker, Lawfare, Guardian, The Daily Caller, Mashable!, Washington Post, ABCNEWS, Via Meadia, Wired, Business Insider, Sister Toldjah, Hot Air, TechCrunch, The Lonely Conservative, ProPublica, Outside the Beltway, MFS - The Other News, Politico, ABCNEWS, The Caucus, VentureBeat, The Back Channel, New York Magazine, The PJ Tatler, The Raw Story, The Agonist, protein wisdom, Israel Matzav, Shakesville, Pirate's Cove, The Volokh Conspiracy and Balloon Juice, more at Mediagazer »
Brian McGrory / The Boston Globe:
Warren: 'I won't deny who I am' — Elizabeth Warren, outside her childhood home in Norman, Okla., last year. She said her parents had to elope because her father's family disapproved of her mother's Native American ancestry. — She has given clumsy answers, evaded questions …
EXCLUSIVE: ELOPED? ELIZABETH WARREN'S PARENTS MARRIED IN RELIGIOUS CEREMONY — Last night, in an interview with the Boston Globe, Elizabeth Warren claimed that her parents were forced to elope because her father's family objected to her mother's Native American heritage:
The PJ Tatler and Weasel Zippers
William March /
Federal officials order halt to purge of voter rolls — TAMPA — County elections supervisors raised red flags, and then federal authorities weighed in Thursday to demand the state of Florida halt its ongoing push to remove thousands of voters from the rolls.
Discussion:, ThinkProgress and Daily Kos
Ryan J. Reilly /
TPMMuckraker — Justice Department Demands Florida Stop Purging Voter Rolls
TPMMuckraker — Justice Department Demands Florida Stop Purging Voter Rolls
Igor Volsky / ThinkProgress:
Florida Governor Rick Scott Defends Voter Purge: We're ‘Doing The Right Thing’
Florida Governor Rick Scott Defends Voter Purge: We're ‘Doing The Right Thing’
Post on Politics, Naked Politics and Indecision Forever
Alan B. Krueger / White Blog:
The Employment Situation in May — Problems in the job market were long in the making and will not be solved overnight. The economy lost jobs for 25 straight months beginning in February 2008, and over 8 million jobs were lost as a result of the Great Recession.
Weekly Standard, The Enterprise Blog, Hot Air, Rational Irrationality, The Gateway Pundit, ABCNEWS and Michelle Malkin
US Creates 69,000 New Jobs, Unemployment Rate 8.2%
Reuters, Investor's Business Daily, Bloomberg, Associated Press, Politico, Hot Air, Donklephant, Instapundit, Balloon Juice, Wake up America, The Moderate Voice, Outside the Beltway, Questions and Observations, Taylor Marsh, The Conservatory, Examiner, Daily Pundit, and Scared Monkeys
Steve Benen /
The road not taken — About a year ago, the job market looked …
The road not taken — About a year ago, the job market looked …
Washington Monthly, ThinkProgress and The Maddow Blog
Jeb Bush Proves He Won't be VP — Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush emphatically told reporters today he is not going to be a candidate for vice president. — “It's not in the cards for me,” Bush said. “I don't know how many times I have to repeat this. I have been repeating it for the last two years.
Bernie Becker / The Hill:
Democrat Van Hollen tells Jeb Bush he should be criticizing his brother
Democrat Van Hollen tells Jeb Bush he should be criticizing his brother
CNN, Politico and Washington Free Beacon
Shushannah Walshe / ABCNEWS:
Jeb Bush, Grilled on Capitol Hill, Differs from Party on No-Tax Pledge
Jeb Bush, Grilled on Capitol Hill, Differs from Party on No-Tax Pledge
Taking Note
The Charts That Should Accompany All Discussions of Media Bias — They are the ones presented this morning by John Sides, drawing on Pew analyses of positive, negative, and neutral press coverage of all Republican candidates and of President Obama through this past year. — Here's the trend in coverage of Mitt Romney.
Mediaite, Balloon Juice, The Monkey Cage and Politico
DC Comics Green Lantern relaunched as gay superhero — One of DC Comics oldest heroes is super-coming out. — The original Green Lantern - a DC Comics mainstay for the past 70 years - will be revealed to be a gay man in next week's issue of “Earth 2.” — Alan Scott - formerly …
Rory Cooper / National Review:
President Obama Shuns Lech Walesa — Lech Walesa was once a trade-union activist. He was often arrested for speaking his mind against Communist oppression behind the Iron Curtain in Poland and for defying the Soviet Union. He was an electrician who, with no higher education …
Vanessa Gera / Associated Press:
Obama: I Regret Using ‘Polish Death Camp’ Phrase
Obama: I Regret Using ‘Polish Death Camp’ Phrase
Power Line and Hot Air
Justin Sink / The Hill:
Obama apologizes in writing for ‘Polish death camp’ verbal gaffe
Obama apologizes in writing for ‘Polish death camp’ verbal gaffe
Politico, Weasel Zippers and The Daily Caller
Obama on nudity, drag-racing and how to write: 20 details from Maraniss' ‘Barack Obama: The Story’ — In the forthcoming biography “Barack Obama: The Story,” due in bookstores June 19, David Maraniss tells the largely untold story of Obama's family, his life growing up in Hawaii and Indonesia …
Indecision Forever, Guardian and Wonkette
Frank Newport / Gallup:
In U.S., 46% Hold Creationist View of Human Origins — Highly religious Americans most likely to believe in creationism — PRINCETON, NJ — Forty-six percent of Americans believe in the creationist view that God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years.
Hit & Run, Outside the Beltway, The New Civil Rights Movement, The Maddow Blog and Vox Popoli
Andy Campbell / The Huffington Post:
Zombie Apocalypse: CDC Denies Existence Of Zombies Despite Cannibal Incidents … REACT: — FOLLOW: — Zombies, Alexander Kinyua, Ronald Poppo, Rudy Eugene, Cdc, Cdc Denies Zombies, Cdc Zombie Apocalypse, Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, Weird Science, Zombie Apocalypse , Weird News
The Daily Caller, BuzzFeed, Mediaite, Business Insider, The Raw Story, Joe. My. God. and Gawker
Americans Have No Idea How Few Gay People There Are — Surveys show a shockingly high fraction think a quarter of the country is gay or lesbian, when the reality is that it's probably less than 2 percent. — One in ten. It's the name of the group that puts on the Reel Affirmations gay …
The New Civil Rights Movement
The Most-Cited Law Review Articles of All Time — The law professor equivalent of career hits is the “number of times cited” in journals. The stat is a measure of influence, not stroke, but a high citation count open doors, just the same. Institutions consider them when doling out grant awards …
Paul Krugman:
The Breakeven Point (Wonkish But Terrifying) — A number of us have been saying for some time that the euro crisis is, at its root, a balance of payments problem. During the careless years, capital flooded from the core to the periphery, leading to big trade deficits and overvalued real exchange rates …
New York Magazine, Brad DeLong and Eschaton