Top Items:
Cameron Joseph / Ballot Box:
Barney Frank: Dems, unions made ‘big mistake’ in pushing for Wisconsin recall — Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) slammed unions and liberal activists for pushing to recall Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R). — “I think the people on the Democratic side made a big mistake and the funding thing was a big deal …
New York Times, Riehl World View, The Daily Beast, Hot Air, Politico, Weasel Zippers, The Hill, blogs and The Raw Story
Jesse Helfrich / The Hill:
Obama frets after ‘terrifying’ recall vote — President Obama will need to double down on his efforts to keep Wisconsin safely in his column after Gov. Scott Walker's (R) resounding victory in Tuesday's recall election. — Every Democratic presidential candidate since Walter Mondale in 1984 …
Weasel Zippers, The Lonely Conservative, Campaign Stops and Jammie Wearing Fools
Kos / Daily Kos:
GOP outplaying its Wisconsin hand — Barack Obama touring Wisconsin back in February. (Jason Reed/Reuters) — I'm not going to sugarcoat it, losing the governor's race in Wisconsin sucked. While we'll crunch the numbers on turnout in a later post, the exit polls point to two major reasons …
Crooks and Liars, New York Times, The Reaction, Business Insider, Political Economy, Balloon Juice, Informed Comment and Vodkapundit

The “People United” Go Down In Flames — The American left as we have come to know it suffered a devastating blow in Wisconsin last night. The organized heart of the left gave everything it had to the fight against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker: heart, shoe leather, wallet and soul.
The Conservatory, The Daily Dish, The Enterprise Blog, The Razor, RedState, The Daily Caller and Political Capital

We Are the 119% — MSNBC: My Schadenfreude Now Blankets Cable. — Last night we got home from a dinner and discovered something wonderful when we switched on the television. There's an entire cable network called MSNBC devoted to the entertainment of conservatives.
The Glittering Eye, Salon, The Angle, Ed Driscoll and

Labor Faces New Challenge — Losses in Wisconsin, California Come as Ranks of Government Unions Decline — Barb Forgue, front, of Marshall, Wis., sings a union song in support of recalling Gov. Scott Walker on Tuesday. The governor defeated the bid. — Organized labor …
The Lonely Conservative

Exit poll: Wisconsin in play in November
Hot Air, The Enterprise Blog, New York Times, Wizbang, ABCNEWS, Twitchy, Rush Limbaugh, CNN, RedState, blogs, The Spectacle Blog and GOP 12
Susan Jones / CNSNews:
38% of Voters from Union Households Voted for Walker
38% of Voters from Union Households Voted for Walker
Washington Post, Guardian, New York Times, Weasel Zippers, No More Mister Nice Blog and New York Magazine
Cameron Joseph / Ballot Box:
Rendell: Wisconsin recall a ‘dumb political fight’ for labor to pick
Rendell: Wisconsin recall a ‘dumb political fight’ for labor to pick
Hot Air, Politico and
Jonah Goldberg / National Review:
Notes on the Big Win
Glenn Thrush / Politico:
Only one takeaway from Wisconsin: Money shouts
Only one takeaway from Wisconsin: Money shouts
BREITBART.COM, blogs, The Daily Caller, PERRspectives, Washington Post, Daily Kos, Guardian,, CBS News, Campaign 2012 and ABCNEWS
Fox News:
Wisconsin's Walker survives recall by wide margin
Wisconsin's Walker survives recall by wide margin
Campaign 2012,, JSOnline, Fox News Insider, Sister Toldjah and Examiner
Alec MacGillis / The New Republic:
Meet The Walker-Obama Voter
Meet The Walker-Obama Voter
Democratic Strategist, Campaign 2012, American Spectator, The Daily Beast, Hit & Run and Washington Post
Romney predicts Wisconsin reverberates
Romney predicts Wisconsin reverberates
Harry's Place, The Rightnewz and Washington Post
Senator Asks DOJ to Investigate SWAT-ting Attacks on Conservative Bloggers — A number of conservative bloggers allege they have been targeted through the use of harassment tactics such as SWAT-ting (fooling 911 operators into sending emergency teams to their homes), in retaliation for posts …
Saxby Chambliss, U.S. Senator for Georgia:
Chambliss Demands Inquiry Into Attacks Against Conservative Commentators — Sends letter to Attorney General Eric Holder about recent “SWAT-ting” incidents — Sends letter to Attorney General Eric Holder about recent “SWAT-ting” incidents — WASHINGTON - Today, U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss …
Paul Krugman:
Estonian Rhapsody — Since Estonia has suddenly become the poster child for austerity defenders — they're on the euro and they're booming! — I thought it might be useful to have a picture of what we're talking about. Here's real GDP, from Eurostat: — So, a terrible — Depression-level …
Discussion: blogs, Mediaite, Hot Air, The PJ Tatler, FP Passport, World Now, The Raw Story, Campaign 2012 and CNBC

The Candidate Next Door — ON Dunemere Drive, it seems as if just about everyone has a gripe against the owners of No. 311. — The elderly woman next door complains that her car is constantly boxed into her driveway. A few houses over, a gay couple grumbles that their beloved ocean views are in jeopardy.
Weekly Standard, The Rightnewz and Hit & Run
John Bates / blogs:
First Lady Requires Photo ID for Her Book Signings; Voter ID Law-hating Media Fail to Note Obama Hypocrisy — The Obama administration has done its best to oppose states from instituting new, stricter voter ID laws, complaining that many minority voters lack photo identification.
Power Line, The Lonely Conservative, The Hope For America and The PJ Tatler

Mitt Romney's Hotmail Hacker Would Like You to Know That He Is Very, Very Sorry — Yesterday, a tipster sent us a note indicating that he had successfully accessed Mitt Romney's Hotmail and DropBox accounts after guessing the answer to a security question—Romney's favorite pet.
Truthdig, Mediaite, Indecision Forever, ABCNEWS, Politico, The Hill and Business Insider
Byron York / Campaign 2012:
Romney: Obama slowed recovery to push Obamacare — In an appearance in Texas Wednesday, Mitt Romney charged that President Obama “knowingly slowed down the recovery in this order to put in place Obamacare.” The president's action, Romney said, “deserves a lot of explaining.”
The Caucus, Hot Air and The Hill
Zeke Miller / BuzzFeed:
Big Obama Spending Fails To Move The Needle

The Horace Mann School's Secret History of Sexual Abuse — From the elevated platform of the No. 1 train's last stop at 242nd Street, you can just about see the lush 18-acre campus of the Horace Mann School. The walk from the station is short, but it traverses worlds.
New York Magazine, Gothamist and News Desk
14-Year-Old Talk Show Host — Homosexuality is ‘Perverted’ Choice — 14-YEAR-OLD TALK SHOW HOST — Gays Choose Perversion — No Matter What Gaga Says — You gotta laugh just a little watching a 14-year-old radio talk show host blast homosexuality as a choice people make — regardless of what Lady Gaga says.

BREAKING: Another Federal Judge Strikes Down DOMA — Another federal judge has struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), finding the law unconstitutional. — The victory comes in the case of Edie Windsor, who was seeking a refund of the federal estate tax paid by the estate of her late wife.
Booman Tribune and Lawyers, Guns & Money
Christian Heinze / GOP 12:
Jeb: 2012 was “probably my time” — Sure, Jeb Bush talked about not taking VP in his appearance on CBS this morning, but he's said that a thousand times. — This exchange was far more interesting and pretty big — he says that 2012 was probably the best moment for him to have run for president, but questions whether he could've won.
Mediaite and The Rightnewz
Michelle Obama / CNN:
Michelle Obama fires up crowd in Philly — Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (CNN) - First lady Michelle Obama rallied supporters in this must-win state Wednesday, imploring the energetic crowd to help give her husband a “chance to finish what we started.” — Touting the passage of health care reform …
Weasel Zippers and The Conservatory

Ray Bradbury | 1920-2012: Ray Bradbury, Science Fiction Master, Dies at 91 — Ray Bradbury, a master of science fiction whose imaginative and lyrical evocations of the future reflected both the optimism and the anxieties of his own postwar America, died on Tuesday in Los Angeles. He was 91.
Open Culture, Guardian, News Desk, Outside the Beltway, Boing Boing, Cato @ Liberty, Runnin' Scared, Connecting.the.Dots and Balloon Juice
Meredith Woerner / io9:
R.I.P. Ray Bradbury, Author of Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles
R.I.P. Ray Bradbury, Author of Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles
Guardian, The Democratic Daily, The PJ Tatler, Hit & Run, National Review, Dean's World, BuzzFeed, Towleroad News #gay, Gawker and Capital New York

Did President Obama Just Make A Blowjob Joke? — So says the pool report from his gay and lesbian fundraiser at L.A.'s Beverly Wilshire tonight. Incredibly awkward. — Obama speaks during a campaign event at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills tonight. — (Getty Images / JEWEL SAMAD)
Riehl World View

Kerry questions NYT decision to run stories — Sen. John Kerry on Wednesday questioned whether the New York Times should have published explosive stories last week about President Obama ordering cyberattacks against Iran's nuclear program. — “I personally think there is a serious question whether …
Weasel Zippers and CNN
Twitter Blog:
Taking flight: #Twitterbird — Over the past six years, the world has become familiar with a little blue bird. The bird is everywhere, constantly associated with Twitter the service, and Twitter the company. — Starting today you'll begin to notice a simplified Twitter bird.
TechCrunch, Betabeat, Gawker, Business Insider, DealBook and BuzzFeed
ECB Keeps Rates On Hold As Crisis Increases Pressure For Cut — The European Central Bank left interest rates on hold as the debt crisis tightens its grip on the euro-area economy, increasing pressure on policy makers to deliver further stimulus. — ECB officials meeting in Frankfurt today kept …
Firedoglake, New York Times, Paul Krugman and Financial Times
Matthew Yglesias / Slate:
Toff Doctrine Monetary Policy From Alan Greenspan to Mario Draghi
Toff Doctrine Monetary Policy From Alan Greenspan to Mario Draghi
The Atlantic Online