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George W. Bush's decapitated head appeared on Game of Thrones [Updated] — There's one hell of a dragon egg hidden in Game of Thrones season one. Turns out one of the many heads on a spike decorating King's Landing belonged to ex-president George Bush. — If you keep your eyes peeled …

Bush decapitated in ‘Game of Thrones’ — In the “Game of Thrones,” you win or you die, and George W. Bush did the latter in the HBO series — by decapitation. — That is, a prop head of the former president appears in the TV show, according to series creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss …

HBO apologizes after ‘Game of Thrones’ scene featured severed head resembling former President George W. Bush — Head appears briefly in episode of the fantasy series that aired last year — A screengrab from HBO's ‘Game of Thrones’ features a severed head that bares a striking resemblence to former President George W. Bush.

Former President George W. Bush Beheaded In ‘Game Of Thrones’ — NEW YORK ( — HBO's hit show “Game Of Thrones” is known for its unflinching violence, sexual content and magic. — But now its creators may find themselves having to do a bit of explaining after they apparently revealed …
ThinkProgress, Hot Air and Fire Andrea Mitchell!

The Republican family feud — It turns out Democrats are not the only ones with a surrogate problem. — When Jeb Bush, Mitch Daniels and Scott Walker all lobbed rhetorical explosive devices of varying sizes in Mitt Romney's direction, Democrats were gleeful that Republicans now had their own version of a Bain family feud.
No More Mister Nice Blog

Perjury charge against Shellie Zimmerman raises more questions of prosecutorial overreaching (Update: Prosecution misleadingly edited transcript) — Florida prosecutor Angela Corey has come under withering criticism from Alan Dershowitz for overcharging and leaving out important details …
The Mahablog and

Americans Still Blame Bush More Than Obama for Bad Economy — About half of Republicans blame Bush — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans continue to place more blame for the nation's economic problems on George W. Bush than on Barack Obama, even though Bush left office more than three years ago.

Loss of supply lines in Pakistan costs $100M a month, says Panetta — The continued closure of Pakistani supply routes to U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan is costing the Pentagon nearly $100 million a month, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told Congress on Wednesday.

Is Legalizing Weed Obama's Secret Weapon? — In 2004 George W. Bush's re-election campaign worked to put anti-gay marriage ballot initiatives up for vote in several swing states in order to turn out more hard-core conservatives to the polls. This year the question is whether marijuana legalization measures …
Campaign 2012, Conservative …, Pirate's Cove, Liberty News Network, Hit & Run, Guardian and Conservatives4Palin

Obama heads to Ohio for reboot — President Obama has picked the key swing state of Ohio to deliver a speech Thursday he hopes will serve as a reset button for a campaign that has begun to struggle. — Obama and his presumptive Republican opponent, Mitt Romney, will converge on the state …
CNN and Jammie Wearing Fools

TPMDC — Senators Fawn Over JPMorgan CEO After Massive Trading Debacle — The long-shot big hope for Wall Street reformers Wednesday was that JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon would trip up before the Senate Banking Committee and expose the need for tighter rules governing big banks.

TPMDC — Jeff Merkley Scolds JPMorgan CEO: ‘This Is Not Your Hearing’ (VIDEO)
Daily Kos, Esquire and The Moderate Voice

Hatch's Solyndra: Government picks another loser — U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) heads to a weekly policy meeting at the Capitol on March 20, 2012 in Washington, DC. The stage is being set for a fresh budget battle after the House GOP's plan was announced today amid calls from Democrats …
The Conservatory

Obama snubbed me, says McCain — Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said this week that President Obama never made a sincere effort to reach out to him after the 2008 election. — McCain was once seen as a potential ally of Obama. But far from becoming a partner — as the left hoped for and the right feared …

U.S. expands secret intelligence operations in Africa — OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso — The U.S. military is expanding its secret intelligence operations across Africa, establishing a network of small air bases to spy on terrorist hideouts from the fringes of the Sahara to jungle terrain along the equator …

House GOP Blocking Abortion Access for Raped Soldiers — Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) wants to expand access to abortion for servicewomen who are raped. Only a few Republicans are willing to help. — Republican Senators John McCain, Scott Brown, and Susan Collins all support an effort …
Taylor Marsh, Daily Kos, Indecision Forever, The Reality-Based Community and ThinkProgress

You are here — Enter the terms you wish to search for. — ICANN developed the New generic Top-Level Domain Program to increase competition and choice by introducing new gTLDs into the Internet's addressing system. What is a gTLD? It is an Internet domain name extension such as the familiar .com, .net, or .org.
BBC, Gawker, Media Decoder, TechCrunch, WBUR, Mashable!, AllThingsD, Poynter, TPM IdeaLab, The Daily Caller, New York Magazine and New York Times, more at Mediagazer »

Foreclosures up for first time in 27 months — (Reuters) - Foreclosure starts rose year-over-year in May for the first time in more than two years as banks resumed dealing with distressed properties after a mortgage abuse settlement earlier this year, data firm RealtyTrac said on Thursday.

Obama up 6 in Nevada — Barack Obama continues to be favored to win Nevada again in 2012, but his position there is a good deal weaker than it was in 2008. Obama leads Romney 48-42. That's down a touch from our last poll in late March when he was ahead 51-43.
KTVZ-TV and Ballot Box

Mark Miner Joins Dewhurst's Senate Campaign Team … Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who is locked in a heated U.S. Senate runoff, is adding some firepower to his communications team. — Mark Miner, who worked for Dewhurst before becoming Gov. Rick Perry's most recognizable spokesman …
Washington Post, Hotline On Call and Trail Blazers Blog

Krauthammer and Reagan — A break from the road trip for one small quibble with Charles Krauthammer: he has now completely abandoned any intellectual integrity he may have had and joined the cult of Reagan mythmaking. Reagan did some fine things as president, like challenging and then negotiating with the “Evil Empire.”
The Daily Caller, RedState and Conservatives4Palin

Requiem for a candidate: ‘I could have been the gay Herman Cain!’ — Fred Karger, political consultant and gay activist of California, has formed an exploratory committee for a 2012 run for the Republican presidential nomination. (Flickr: Fred Karger) — Fred Karger failed.
Towleroad News #gay and New York Magazine

AFL-CIO Pulling Funds From Obama Campaign — The AFL-CIO has told Washington Whispers it will redeploy funds away from political candidates smack dab in the middle of election season, the latest sign that the largest federation of unions in the country could be becoming increasingly disillusioned with President Obama.
Conservative Hideout 2.0, “The Lid” and Weasel Zippers

Obama Trade Document Leaked, Revealing New Corporate Powers And Broken Campaign Promises … REACT: — FOLLOW: — 2012, Elections 2012, Barack Obama , Mitt Romney, Economy, Careers, Barack Obama , Politics, Video, November Election, November Elections, Trans-Pacific Partnership …
naked capitalism, Firedoglake, Truthdig, Mediaite, Hot Air, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and The PJ Tatler

Lenin's sojourn as curio corpse may be over — No political leader has yet dared to put the founding father of Russian communism six feet under. Will Vladimir Putin? — When the writer and former dissident Yuri Khariyakin told the Soviet parliament in 1989 that Lenin had expressed a wish …

ACLU sues over same-sex adoption ban — The American Civil Liberties Union filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday morning challenging North Carolina's law that effectively prohibits same-sex couples from adopting children. — The lawsuit was filed on behalf of six gay or lesbian couples …
ACLU, Associated Press and ThinkProgress

A blue man ‘dupe’: Parent panic at 32G ‘progressive’ school — The Blue School is one big play date in desperate need of adult supervision. — Parents are yanking their kids out of the “progressive,” $32,000 per-year private school founded by the Blue Man Group — which has no books and no tests …

Guess Who's Emerging From the Crisis? — FT Alphaville: … From Statistics Iceland: — GDP is still below previous peak, but I think one could argue, much more so than in say America, that a significant part of that peak involved a Ponzi financial sector that isn't coming back.
DownWithTyranny!, FT Alphaville, Balloon Juice and Mother Jones