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Another Ridiculous Lie From Liberal Media - Distorting Romney's “WAWAs” Hoagie Speech — Another example of how ridiculous the media is in their uncompromising struggle to distort the truth in order to make sure Obama wins and Conservatives lose. — Today it's being widely reported …
When Mitt Romney Went To “WaWas” — Romney amazed by the convenience store's hoagie ordering terminals.
Romney's Wawa visit (Updated) — There were some write-ups of Mitt Romney's visit to a Wawa over the weekend during the Pennsylvania leg of his tour, most of which focused on his wading into a local battle over what store has better hoagies. — But there was also this moment in which he talked about the …
Moe Lane and The PJ Tatler
MSNBC mischaracterizes Romney remarks — MSNBC aired footage today that inaccurately portrayed Mitt Romney's remarks at a campaign stop in Pennsylvania. — Discussing how the public sector suffers from a lack of competition, Romney told the audience about an optometrist who wanted to change …
Ed Driscoll, The Raw Story and RADAMISTO
Media pretty excited about Romney talking up Wawa subs or something; Update: Deceptive editing — Via the Corner, this is what happens when the big political story on tap for today — a Syriza win in Greece followed by a global market meltdown over the break-up of the eurozone …
Twitchy, National Review and The Daily Dish
Postcards from the Bus-Capade: Romney Road Report
Prairie Weather
What It Will Mean If the Supreme Court Strikes Down Obamacare — Two years ago, when President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, the idea that its individual mandate provision was unconstitutional was laughable. There was no case law, no precedent, and frankly …
TPMDC — Scalia Reverses Himself: Now Disagrees With Key Precedent Supporting Constitutionality Of Health Care Reform — To observers of the ‘Obamacare’ oral arguments, it would come as no surprise that Justice Antonin Scalia is a likely vote to strike it down.
Talking Points Memo, The Daily Caller, Washington Monthly, The Moderate Voice and Brad DeLong
Obama picks John Kerry to play Romney in mock debate rehearsals — President Obama has tapped Sen. John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, to play Republican Mitt Romney in mock debate rehearsals, Obama campaign officials and the senator's office confirmed Monday.
John Kerry to play role of Mitt Romney for President Obama's debate prep
Campaign 2012, Washington Monthly, Guardian, Politico and WBUR
Sen. Manchin to skip Democratic convention — Three prominent West Virginia Democrats said Monday that they would skip the party's national convention in Charlotte, N.C., this September over concerns that links to the party could hurt their re-election chances.
Politico and Scared Monkeys
Sen. Brown to debate, if MSNBC drops out — Fascinating sign of the times: Sen. Scott Brown announced today that he will accept an invitation to debate Elizabeth Warren at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute in Boston, but only on two conditions — one of which is that MSNBC …
The Political Carnival,, Mediaite and The Rightnewz
Scott Brown accepts Kennedy debate with conditions
Daily Kos
At Party, Bloomberg Tips Hand on Endorsement — Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York has remained coy about whether he plans to endorse a presidential candidate this year, even as Mitt Romney and President Obama aggressively court the billionaire media mogul.
Hot Air, The Daily Caller, Gothamist and New York Magazine
G20 summit: Barroso blames eurozone crisis on US banks — EC president says European leaders have not come to Mexico to receive lessons on how to handle the economy — The opening day of the G20 summit was threatening to deteriorate into a fractious row between eurozone countries …
Mish's Global Economic … and The Agonist
Austerity has failed in Europe - we must all now go for growth
Paul Krugman
The Sad Demise of the Occupy Movement — Remember when the Democratic Party saw the Occupy movement as the Left's equivalent of the Tea Party? That lasted until it became obvious that 1) Occupy wasn't actually much of a movement, and 2) to the extent it existed, it was an embarrassment.
Occupy Caravan Road Trip
What The WaPo Went Cool On — That scene is a free, makeshift dental clinic for the uninsured. It was mobbed - as it would be in a developing country. Except it's right here in Tennessee, where many of the working poor are uninsured, and where the state is perfectly happy to keep it that way.
Balloon Juice
‘What New Law?’ — People who would benefit have little idea …
New York Magazine and Washington Monthly
Michelle Obama Jokes About Solar Car Explosion at OSU Commencement — ( - First lady Michelle Obama joked about the explosion of a solar-powered car when encouraging graduates of Oregon State University to persevere through life's challenges. — The first lady was the commencement …
The Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers
Michelle Obama slaps ‘corporate’ work, ‘fat paychecks’
Doug Ross and The Lonely Conservative
Clemens Is Found Not Guilty in Perjury Trial — WASHINGTON — Roger Clemens, whose hard throws intimidated even the toughest batters and turned him into one of the best pitchers in baseball history, was acquitted Monday of charges that he lied to Congress in 2008 when he insisted …
Lists, CNN, Scared Monkeys, Mediaite, Newsy and
Rubio Says Own Dream Act Derailed for Now — Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said Monday that President Barack Obama's move last week to block deportations for some young illegal immigrants in the U.S. has likely derailed his own similar efforts, at least until after the election.
Univision News Tumblr, Politico,, Hot Air, ThinkProgress, National Review, The Daily Caller, Balloon Juice and The Hill
Allen West says he's ‘dejected’ by Romney's answers on immigration — Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) said Monday he was “dejected” by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's performance during an interview Friday in which he was asked repeatedly about President Obama's recently announced policy shift on illegal immigration.
The Raw Story, The PJ Tatler, Mediaite and The Right Scoop
Obama's WV Problem Stretches Into PA — A significant portion of western and central Pennsylvania Democrats declined to vote for Barack Obama in the April primary, an analysis by PoliticsPA has found. The results there resemble those of Arkansas, Kentucky and West Virginia …
Robert Redford: Democrats are bad storytellers — Robert Redford's a long-time supporter of the Democratic Party, but he thinks they could stand to learn a thing or two from his profession: Storytelling. — In the latest issue of Outside magazine, the actor and director is asked why …
Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Indecision Forever and American Glob