Top Items:
Marco Rubio Not Being Vetted to Be Mitt Romney's Running Mate — (Riccardo S. Savi/WireImage/Getty Images) — Even before the Republicans chose a presidential nominee it was widely assumed that Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., would be at the top of anybody's list of vice presidential candidates.
Discussion:, BuzzFeed, Washington Monthly, Mediaite, The Hill, Guardian, Business Insider, The Week, The Daily Caller, CBS Miami, Hot Air, New York Magazine, Ricochet Conversations Feed, Outside the Beltway, Washington Post, Weekly Standard, White House Dossier, USA Today, Washington Wire, The Page, The Right Scoop and New York Times
Report: It isn't Rubio — ABC's Jon Karl: … There has always been a big gap between Rubio's actual odds of being Mitt Romney's vice president, and the popular perception that he'd be the perfect guy for the job. Sooner or later, there was bound to be a correction.
ABCNEWS, Mediaite, Riehl World View and The Right Scoop
MSNBC mischaracterizes Romney remarks — MSNBC aired footage today that inaccurately portrayed Mitt Romney's remarks at a campaign stop in Pennsylvania. — Discussing how the public sector suffers from a lack of competition, Romney told the audience about an optometrist who wanted to change …
No More Mister Nice Blog, Mediaite, Booman Tribune, Ed Driscoll and RADAMISTO
Another Ridiculous Lie From Liberal Media - Distorting Romney's “WAWAs” Hoagie Speech — Another example of how ridiculous the media is in their uncompromising struggle to distort the truth in order to make sure Obama wins and Conservatives lose. — Today it's being widely reported …
Romney's Wawa visit (Updated) — There were some write-ups of Mitt Romney's visit to a Wawa over the weekend during the Pennsylvania leg of his tour, most of which focused on his wading into a local battle over what store has better hoagies. — But there was also this moment in which he talked about the …
Moe Lane and The PJ Tatler
Media pretty excited about Romney talking up Wawa subs or something; Update: Deceptive editing
Twitchy, National Review, The Daily Dish and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS
Postcards from the Bus-Capade: Romney Road Report
American Prospect, Betsy's Page, Balloon Juice and Prairie Weather
Sen. Manchin to skip Democratic convention — Three prominent West Virginia Democrats said Monday that they would skip the party's national convention in Charlotte, N.C., this September over concerns that links to the party could hurt their re-election chances.
Wonkette, The Gateway Pundit,, Taylor Marsh, Politico, CNN and Balloon Juice
Obama Threatens Any Opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt with the Withdrawal of All U.S. Aid — Fabruary 2011: Pamela Geller, Front Page Magazine Interview: Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood … It wasn't enough that Obama invited the Muslim Brotherhood to his submission speech …
New York Times, Right Wing News and Rubin Reports
Mitch McConnell: Start over on health care — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday savaged the president's health care reform plans, now before the Supreme Court, as the “single biggest step in the direction of Europeanizing America” and accused Democrats of living “every day to raise taxes.”
Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Asians biggest immigrant group, study shows — Asians have surpassed Hispanics in terms of the number of immigrants moving to the United States, according to a new Pew Research Center survey on Tuesday, and most Asian-Americans prefer the Democratic Party. — Asians made up 36 percent …
New York Magazine
Obama Immigration Policy Favored 2-To-1 By Likely Voters — President Barack Obama is winning the opening round in the battle over immigration, according to a Bloomberg poll released today, putting Republicans on the defensive with his decision to end the deportations of some illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children,
Los Angeles Times, Hit & Run, Politico, Hot Air, CNN, Ballot Box, Washington Post, and Daily Kos
Obama's Lawless Presidency Close To Totalitarianism — The Obama Record: The chief executive who swore to faithfully execute the nation's laws picks those he'll ignore and makes up others through regulation and executive order. He sees no need for a Congress or Constitution.
Dem hopes of taking House dim — Democratic hopes of recapturing the House are dimming as a series of race-by-race setbacks and economic uncertainty suggest that the 25 seats they need to net might be out of reach. — The Hill projects that Democrats will net somewhere between 10 and 15 seats …
Discussion: and Jammie Wearing Fools
American Children, Now Struggling to Adjust to Life in Mexico — IZÚCAR DE MATAMOROS, Mexico — Jeffrey Isidoro sat near the door of his fifth-grade classroom here in central Mexico, staring outside through designer glasses that, like his Nike sneakers and Nike backpack …
Colorlines and
Many American Workers Are Underemployed and Underpaid — Throughout the Great Recession and the not-so-great recovery, the most commonly discussed measure of misery has been unemployment. But many middle-class and working-class people who are fortunate enough to have work are struggling as well …
Washington Wire, Shakesville and Right Wing News
Holder, Issa set for critical meeting on Fast and Furious documents, contempt vote — The congressional investigation that began 16 months ago into the botched anti-gunrunning operation Fast and Furious may be heading toward a resolution, as Attorney General Eric Holder attempts to make a deal …
Hot Air
Fast and Furious contempt vote up in the air
Pat Dollard
Senate Dems balk at ending Bush-era tax rates on wealthy without a deficit deal — A growing number of Senate Democrats are signaling they are not prepared to raise taxes on anyone in the weak economy unless Congress approves a grand bargain to reduce the deficit.
ThinkProgress and Washington Free Beacon
GOP lawmaker's bill would block Obama deportation policy — Rep. David Schweikert (R-Ariz.) on Monday proposed legislation that would block enforcement of President Obama's new policy of letting certain illegal immigrants request temporary relief from deportation.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Newt Gingrich's advice for Mitt Romney: Sharpen your animal instincts — Spinners and Winners — Newt Gingrich says he believes the super rich have an unfair advantage in American politics, but he also tells Spinners & winners that he urged his wealthiest supporter to give millions to the cause of electing Mitt Romney as President.
The Hill, The Raw Story and CNN
G20 summit: Barroso blames eurozone crisis on US banks — EC president says European leaders have not come to Mexico to receive lessons on how to handle the economy — The opening day of the G20 summit was threatening to deteriorate into a fractious row between eurozone countries …
Firedoglake, New York Times, World, Mish's Global Economic …, and The Agonist
US plans significant military presence in Kuwait — WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States is planning a significant military presence of 13,500 troops in Kuwait to give it the flexibility to respond to sudden conflicts in the region as Iraq adjusts to the withdrawal of American combat forces …
The Heritage Foundation
The Sad Demise of the Occupy Movement — Remember when the Democratic Party saw the Occupy movement as the Left's equivalent of the Tea Party? That lasted until it became obvious that 1) Occupy wasn't actually much of a movement, and 2) to the extent it existed, it was an embarrassment.
Occupy Caravan Road Trip
NRCC expands ad campaign in tough races — Barrow, the last white Democrat in Congress from the Deep South, is part of the endangered breed of Blue Dog Coalition. Redistricting made his district redder, and President Barack Obama could be a top-of-the-ticket anchor that weighs him down.
Ballot Box
BuzzFeed names D.C. chief: John Stanton — BuzzFeed has hired Roll Call reporter John Stanton to head its new Washington, D.C., bureau. — Stanton joins BuzzFeed after seven years with Roll Call and more than a decade on the congressional beat. — “John Stanton is a reporter's reporter …
Roll Call, FishbowlDC and Revolving …, more at Mediagazer »
Sen. Brown to debate, if MSNBC drops out — Fascinating sign of the times: Sen. Scott Brown announced today that he will accept an invitation to debate Elizabeth Warren at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute in Boston, but only on two conditions — one of which is that MSNBC …
The Maddow Blog, Wonkette, blogs, The Political Carnival, Boston Globe, Daily Kos, The Rightnewz and Mediaite
Bedford County dead dog receives voter registration forms … BEDFORD COUNTY, VA — When Tim Morris got his mail last week he found a pretty big surprise, a document asking his dog Mozart to register to vote. — Not only is Mozart a dog but he's been dead for two years.
The Daily Caller
At Party, Bloomberg Tips Hand on Endorsement — Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York has remained coy about whether he plans to endorse a presidential candidate this year, even as Mitt Romney and President Obama aggressively court the billionaire media mogul.
The Hill, Hot Air, The Daily Caller, Gothamist and New York Magazine