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Opinion: Defeat of healthcare law would erode voters' trust in Supreme Court — Every political strategist working the fall elections sees a game changer coming by the end of the month. — That's when the Supreme Court rules on the constitutionality of President Obama's signature legislative accomplishment, the Affordable Care Act.
The Clock Ticks Down on Whether We've Entered a New Era in American Politics — Two years ago, when President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, the idea that its individual mandate provision was unconstitutional was laughable. There was no case law, no precedent, and frankly …
A plain blog about politics
Scalia and Ginsburg Drop Hints about Obamacare's Fate at the Supreme Court — A Tea-Party supporter protest outside the US Supreme Court on the third day of oral arguements over the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on March 28, 2012 in Washington, DC.
Washington Monthly, The Daily Caller and Brad DeLong
The folly of Obamacare — We pay our presidents for judgment, and President Obama committed a colossal error of judgment in making health-care “reform” a centerpiece of his first term. Ahead of the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — and regardless of how the court decides …
Discussion:, Power Line and The Daily Beast
Any Court Health Care Decision Unlikely to Please — Immigration: Public Backs AZ Law, But Also Path to Citizenship — OVERVIEW — The public is unlikely to be satisfied with the Supreme Court's upcoming ruling on the 2010 Affordable Care Act - no matter what the Court decides.
Washington Post and Business Insider
Ann Romney: ‘I doubt’ we'll take as many overseas vacations as the Obamas — Ann Romney, the wife of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, said Monday that she doubted that she and her husband would vacation overseas as frequently as the Obamas if her husband were to win election.
Rubio's Take on DREAM ‘by Fiat’ — Senator Marco Rubio of Florida tells National Review Online that President Obama's executive order on immigration is part of a “growing consensus” in American politics about the children of illegal immigrants, but he is troubled by the president's lawmaking “by fiat.”
ThinkProgress and Washington Post
Exclusive: A Nation of Laws and a Nation of Immigrants
Politico, Democracy in America, The PJ Tatler and The New Republic
The Obama Campaign Needs an Intervention — During a focus group in Denver last week, Jeffrey Penny laid out his “criteria” for giving President Barack Obama his vote this year as he did in 2008. — “I just want to see specifics and quit the trash talk,” the 31-year-old web designer …
Politico, Weekly Standard, Moe Lane, Hot Air, Questions and Observations and Vodkapundit
WBUR Poll: Angus King Heavy Favorite To Replace Sen. Snowe — A new WBUR poll shows former Maine Gov. Angus King as the heavy favorite to replace retiring Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe. Current poll numbers have King, who is running as an independent, with 50 percent of likely voters …
Obama's Harvard law professor says ‘President MUST be defeated in 2012’ (even though he's the man Barack used to have on speed dial) — A former professor of Barack Obama has turned against his one-time student and publicly urged voters not to re-elect him.
Mediaite, The Jawa Report, Indecision Forever, Hot Air and Reuters
Greece as Victim — Ever since Greece hit the skids, we've heard a lot about what's wrong with everything Greek. Some of the accusations are true, some are false — but all of them are beside the point. Yes, there are big failings in Greece's economy, its politics and no doubt its society.
Markets Relief Fades at Greek Election Results
Slate, Via Meadia, Ezra Klein, IHT Rendezvous, The Daily Beast and Daniel W. Drezner
Businesses make $4M off NYC students by holding their cellphones during school — The city's ban on cellphones in schools is taking an amazing $4.2 million a year out of kids' pockets, a Post analysis has found. — The students — who attend the nearly 90 high schools and middle schools …
New York Magazine, Jezebel and Gothamist
‘How would a Jewish person feel if you put a swastika on a shoe?’ Adidas under fire for unveiling new trainer with orange ‘shackles’ like those worn by black slaves — Adidas has sparked outrage and been accused of ‘promoting slavery’ by creating a new pair of trainers which have bright orange 'shackles …
Riehl World View and The Right Scoop
A Guide to How Obama's New Immigration Policy Will Work, And a Word of Caution — President Barack Obama announced Friday afternoon that the Department of Homeland Security will no longer attempt to deport young undocumented immigrants brought here as children, signaling a compassionate shift …
The Reaction
Russian Warships Said to Be Going to Naval Base in Syria — MOSCOW — Introducing an unpredictable new element into the Syrian crisis, a Russian news agency said on Monday that two Russian naval vessels with marines on board were ready to head for Syria to protect Russian citizens and a naval base there …
ThinkProgress and
What ‘Call of Duty’ Shows About How War Changed America — The wildly popular game's latest installment bears the hallmarks of a culture of defeat. — What is the legacy of an Iliad-long war? Has it changed us? — Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is a wildly popular end-of-war game.
Giant Mushroom Cloud In Beijing (VIDEO) (PHOTOS) … FOLLOW: — Foreign Affairs, Video, Mushroom Clouds, Beijing, Beijing Mushroom Cloud, Beijing-China, China Mushroom Cloud, China Pollution, Green Haze, Haze, Massive Mushroom Cloud China, Mushroom Cloud Beijing, Mushroom Cloud Beijing Photos, World News
Gore's eco-friendly firm lands $16M contract to manage city pension funds — Here's an inconvenient truth: New York is greening the wallet of Al Gore. — Embattled city Comptroller John Liu has delivered a $16.56 million contract to the former vice president's environmentally friendly investment firm …
Michelle Malkin, The Lonely Conservative and Jammie Wearing Fools
ATF sued for Fast and Furious docs — The conservative organization Judicial Watch announced Monday that it was suing the ATF for Fast and Furious records of communications between the agency and the White House. — Specifically, the group said that it filed a Freedom of Information Act …
Romney predicts victory at star-studded bus tour stop in Wisconsin — Mitt Romney's bus tour rolled through Wisconsin on Monday, drawing a star-studded list of top Republican politicians to the latest stop on his swing through six battleground states. — The first stop of the day was Janesville …
CNN and Jammie Wearing Fools
Newspaper Work, With Warren Buffett as Boss — BUFFALO — Over the years, newspaper owners have built monuments to themselves in the form of giant buildings, statues and plaques commemorating their roles in their communities and the country at large. At the headquarters of The Buffalo News here …
New York Magazine, Media Decoder and Campaign 2012, more at Mediagazer »
GOP strategist: Republicans were ‘caught with their pants down’ on immigration — Republicans need to be very careful about how they respond to Obama's new immigration announcement, because Americans view the issue as one about fundamental fairness. If the GOP loses the Latino vote in the same …
9 Tall Tales From Barack Obama's Memoir — 1. Hussein Onyango, Barack's grandfather, wasn't really imprisoned and tortured by the British. — Source: — 2. The father of his Indonesian stepfather, Soewarno Martodihardjo, wasn't killed by Dutch soldiers in the fight for independence.
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