Top Items:

Pence likens health care ruling to 9/11 — In a closed door House GOP meeting Thursday, Indiana congressman and gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence likened the Supreme Court's ruling upholding the Democratic health care law to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, according to several sources present.
CNN, Taylor Marsh, Mediaite, ThinkProgress, Guardian, The New Civil Rights Movement, Mish's Global Economic …, SCOTUSblog, Daily Kos and The Maddow Blog
David Bernstein / The Volokh Conspiracy:
Was the Dissent Originally a Majority Opinion? — The four-Justice dissent, at least on first quick perusal, reads like it was originally written as a majority opinion, [something Larry Solum also noticed] (for example, he refers to Justice Ginsburg's opinion as “The dissent") [update …

Repeal Is a Fantasy — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks about the Supreme Court ruling on health care in Washington, Thursday, June 28, 2012. (Charles Dharapak / AP Photo) — The Republican Plan B is to repeal Obamacare on Day 1 of a Romney presidency. — Good luck with that.

CNN News Staffers Revolt Over Blown Coverage — “Embarrassing.” “F**king humiliating.” “Shameful.” A veteran producer jumps the gun, a young correspondent goes too far, and the network's crisis deepens. — News staffers at the cable network CNN, long the gold standard in television news …
Ezra Klein / Washington Post:
The political genius of John Roberts — After Chief Justice Charles Evan Hughes deftly beat back Franklin Delano Roosevelt's court-packing proposal, FDR said, with grudging admiration, that Hughes was the best politician in the country. “That was hardly the way Hughes would have chosen to be remembered …
Tom Scocca / Slate:
Obama Wins the Battle, Roberts Wins the War — The chief justice's canny move to uphold the Affordable Care Act while gutting the Commerce Clause. — There were two battles being fought in the Supreme Court over the Affordable Care Act. Chief Justice John Roberts—and Justice Anthony Kennedy …

Blog chatter: Impeach Roberts — Furious conservative activists lashed out Thursday in the blogosphere at Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts for siding with the left and upholding the individual mandate in “Obamacare,” with some even calling for his impeachment.
Lawrence Solum / Legal Theory Blog:
Evidence that the Votes Shifted After Conference (Initial Vote to Declare Mandate Unconstitutional) — After a preliminary read of the opinions in the Health Care Cases (National Federation of Independent Business v. Sibelius), there seems to be substantial evidence that the initial vote …
SCOTUSblog, The Moderate Voice and Alas, a Blog
Erick Erickson / Erick's blog:
I'm Not Down on John Roberts — Having gone through the opinion, I am not going to beat up on John Roberts. I am disappointed, but I want to make a few points. — First, I get the strong sense from a few anecdotal stories about Roberts over the past few months and the way he has written …
Discussion:, ABCNEWS, The Daily Caller, Politicker, Hit & Run, Wonkette and RedState

Why Romney Won't Repeal Obamacare — Mitt Romney, speaking just before noon today, declared that on his first day in office, “I will act to repeal Obamacare.” I think he chose his words carefully. As President, he may indeed “act” to repeal it on Day One, but I don't believe he will actually be able to overturn the law.
The Monkey Cage
J. Bradford DeLong / Brad DeLong:
Did Nino Scalia Firmly Think He Had His “Constitutional Moment”, and His Majority? — Sure sounds like he did not search-and-replace his text to correct it when Roberts peeled off. — Successfully electing George W. Bush 5-4 was not enough for him. He thought he had repealed the ACA 5-4 as well.
The Volokh Conspiracy, Balkinization, SCOTUSblog, The Huffington Post, PointOfLaw Forum and Business Insider

In Health Care Ruling, Roberts Steals a Move From John Marshall's Playbook — There are eerie parallels between today's decision and a legendary case from Thomas Jefferson's time. — Earlier today, the Supreme Court, by a narrowly divided vote, upheld the individual mandate …
Washington Wire, New York Times, Washington Post, American Power, Cato @ Liberty and SCOTUSblog
Steve Benen / The Maddow Blog:
How far the four dissenters were willing to go — In a 5-4 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. But as the political, legal, and policy world scrutinizes the details of today's ruling, it's worth pausing to appreciate just how far the four dissenters …
Angry Bear, SCOTUSblog, Jack & Jill Politics and Lawyers, Guns & Money
Lyle Denniston / SCOTUSblog:
Don't call it a mandate — it's a tax (UPDATED) — UPDATED to 12:50 p.m. For those reading the opinions, the key section on the mandate is in Roberts' opinion, from pp. 33-44. That clearly has five votes behind it. — Salvaging the idea that Congress did have the power to try …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, The Hill, American Power, The Hill, Washington Post, CNN, 2012 Decoded, Slate, The Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Bangor Daily News, Jack & Jill Politics, FishbowlDC, Scared Monkeys, The Moderate Voice, Guardian, Maggie's Farm, Taylor Marsh and Wake up America, more at Mediagazer »
Lawrence Solum / Legal Theory Blog:
The Decision to Uphold the Mandate as Tax Represents a Gestalt Shift in Constitutional Law — The Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate today on a 5-4 vote. The decisive opinion by Justice Roberts reasons that the mandate was not authorized by commerce clause, but instead upheld the mandate as a tax.
Althouse, Slate, News Desk, Washington Examiner, ABCNEWS and The Volokh Conspiracy

4 Reasons Why Republicans Won't Be Able To Repeal Obamacare — Responding to Thursday's Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, Congressional Republicans have scheduled a vote in the House to repeal the law and Mitt Romney pledged to undo the measure if he's elected president in November.
The Political Carnival and The Daily Beast

Conservative Republicans Turn On Former Hero, Chief Justice John Roberts
Daily Kos, Salon, The Political Carnival and
Jake Tapper / ABCNEWS:
POTUS First Learned Erroneous News on Court Decision from Cable TV
POTUS First Learned Erroneous News on Court Decision from Cable TV
Washington Post, Mediaite, Mashable!, New York Magazine, The Stranger …, Poynter, ABCNEWS, Althouse, TVNewser, CNN and Gawker, more at Mediagazer »
Geneva Sands / The Hill:
Hillary Clinton: ‘Obviously quite excited’ about court ruling
Hillary Clinton: ‘Obviously quite excited’ about court ruling
Politico, Hot Air, The Hill and Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Jay Cost / Weekly Standard:
What Did SCOTUS Just Do? — Was today's Supreme Court Obamacare …
What Did SCOTUS Just Do? — Was today's Supreme Court Obamacare …
The Heritage Foundation, National Review, Betsy's Page and Bookworm Room
Rush Limbaugh:
The Court Rules: Obamacare is the Largest Tax Increase in the History of the World
The Court Rules: Obamacare is the Largest Tax Increase in the History of the World
Business Insider, Political Insider, Mother Jones and The Gateway Pundit
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
John Roberts Saves Us All
John Roberts Saves Us All
The Atlantic Online, The Huffington Post,, Slate, American Prospect, The Daily Dish, Democracy in America, The Week, BuzzFeed and Hit & Run
Jonathan H. Adler / The Volokh Conspiracy:
Initial Thoughts on the Health Care Ruling
Initial Thoughts on the Health Care Ruling
Slate, Washington Post, SCOTUSblog, National Review, Brad DeLong, Hullabaloo, Mother Jones and Hit & Run
Scott Lemieux / Lawyers, Guns & Money:
The Radicalism (And Hackery) of the Health Care Cases Dissenters
The Radicalism (And Hackery) of the Health Care Cases Dissenters
Discussion:, American Prospect and US Politics
Mj Lee / Politico:
Rush Limbaugh: SCOTUS is a ‘death panel’
Rush Limbaugh: SCOTUS is a ‘death panel’
Reuters, Rush Limbaugh and Babalú Blog
David Dayen / Firedoglake:
Chief Justice Roberts May Have Switched Health Care Vote at Last Minute
Chief Justice Roberts May Have Switched Health Care Vote at Last Minute
Paul Waldman / American Prospect:
Republicans Will Soon Stop Talking about Health Care
Republicans Will Soon Stop Talking about Health Care
RedState, and Washington Monthly
Economics Policies for the 21st Century:
SCOTUS Post-Mortem: What's Next?
SCOTUS Post-Mortem: What's Next?
National Review
John Hood / National Review:
The Mandate As Tax — Chief John Roberts may have flinched …
The Mandate As Tax — Chief John Roberts may have flinched …
Hot Air, Washington Post, Power Line, The New Republic, Washington Monthly and The Spectacle Blog
Leigh Ann Caldwell / CBS News:
House charges Holder with contempt of Congress — PLAY CBS NEWS VIDEO — (CBS News) The House of Representatives voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress Thursday for failing to provide documents relating to the Fast and Furious gunwalking program.
The Hill and Scared Monkeys

Fast and Furious Contempt Citation for Holder
Washington Post and Outside the Beltway
Pete Yost / Associated Press:
AG emails: Get to the bottom of Fast and Furious
AG emails: Get to the bottom of Fast and Furious
Guardian, Politico and The Political Carnival
John Bresnahanand Tomer Ovadia / Politico:
Democrats plan mass walkout during contempt vote
Democrats plan mass walkout during contempt vote
The Hill, The Mischiefs of Faction and The Jawa Report
Ian Swanson / The Hill:
Pelosi to walk on Holder vote: What GOP is doing is ‘contemptible, even for them’
Pelosi to walk on Holder vote: What GOP is doing is ‘contemptible, even for them’
Politico and Little Green Footballs

DeMint: ‘Obamacare’ Still Unconstitutional — States Should Refuse To Implement It — Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) called on states to outright refuse to implement health care reform in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision upholding the law — which would amount to nullification by states.
United States Senator …, The New Republic, ThinkProgress, Washington Monthly and Fox News
Rand Paul:
Sen. Paul Statement on Obamacare Ruling
Sen. Paul Statement on Obamacare Ruling
The Atlantic Wire, Politico, Mediaite, Runnin' Scared, ThinkProgress and Indecision Forever
Curiousindependent / Media Matters for America:
Fox's Losing Battle To Declare Health Care Reform Unconstitutional
Fox's Losing Battle To Declare Health Care Reform Unconstitutional
Gawker, Media Matters for America and Crooks and Liars, more at Mediagazer »
Nicole Belle / Crooks and Liars:
Rand Paul: Just Because SCOTUS Says It's Constitutional, 'Doesn't Make It So'
Rand Paul: Just Because SCOTUS Says It's Constitutional, 'Doesn't Make It So'
Media Matters for America and Mediaite

People Who Say They're Moving To Canada Because Of ObamaCare — I'm sure they'll like the healthcare just fine there. — Dave Stopera — a half hour ago — 763 responses
Wonkette, The Mahablog, AllThingsD, Truth Wins Out, World Now and The Stranger …

Former GOP Spokesman: ‘Is Armed Rebellion Now Justified?’ — Lansing attorney does not like Supreme Court Obamacare ruling — The former spokesman for the Michigan Republican Party sent out an email that questioned whether armed rebellion was justified over the Supreme Court ruling upholding Obamacare.
Firedoglake, The Political Carnival, The Raw Story, Wonkette and Hullabaloo