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Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated — Firm's 2002 filings identify him as CEO, though he said he left in 1999 — Nine SEC filings submitted by four different business entities after February 1999 describe Romney as Bain boss. — Government documents filed …
Politico, CNN, BuzzFeed, ABCNEWS, Mitt Romney for President …, US Politics, ThinkProgress, Weekly Standard, New York Times,, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Other McCain, Washington Post, Daily Kos, Pressthink, The Right Scoop, Hot Air, Wonkette, PERRspectives, The Moderate Voice,, News Desk, National Review, The New Republic, CANNONFIRE, Eclectablog, Business Insider, Outside the Beltway, Wizbang,, Weasel Zippers, PoliticusUSA, Washington Wire, Mediaite, The Caucus, The PJ Tatler, Power Line, Firedoglake, 2012 Decoded, The Daily Dish, Washington Monthly, Booman Tribune, emptywheel, American Prospect, Liberty Street, Crooks and Liars, rubber hose, Balloon Juice, The Maddow Blog, Towleroad News #gay, Taylor Marsh, Dependable Renegade, The Raw Story, The Reality-Based Community, The Hinterland Gazette, Economist's View and The Mahablog, more at Mediagazer »

Docs prove Romney didn't manage Bain funds — New evidence for when Romney really left Bain Capital. — FORTUNE — Mitt Romney did not manage Bain Capital's investments after leaving to run the Salt Lake City Olympic Games, according to confidential firm documents obtained by Fortune.

Sorry, Mitt Romney, You Can't Be Chairman, CEO, And President Of A Company And Not Be Responsible For What It Does... Today's bombshell report by the Boston Globe that Mitt Romney may have remained in charge of Bain Capital for three years after he claimed to have left has the potential to destroy Romney's credibility.
Politico, Hullabaloo, and Questions and Observations Romney ‘would be guilty of a federal felony’ by claiming 1999 departure — Earlier this month, stated that if Mitt Romney had not left Bain Capital in 1999, he “would be guilty of a federal felony by certifying on federal financial disclosure forms …
Booman Tribune, ABCNEWS, The Daily Dish and Eclectablog, more at Mediagazer »

Mitt Romney and his departure from Bain — Why does it matter when Mitt Romney left Bain Capital? — Millions of dollars of attack ads by the Obama campaign are hanging in the balance. If Romney left Bain in February 1999, when he departed to run the Olympics, then a number of business deals …
BuzzFeed, Guardian, Balloon Juice and The Daily Dish

EXCLUSIVE: Romney Invested Millions in Chinese Firm That Profited on US Outsourcing — The GOP candidate decries China poaching US jobs. But at Bain he held a large stake in a Chinese company that did just that. — Last month, Mitt Romney's campaign got into a dustup with the Washington Post …

Obama Campaign: Romney A Liar, Potential Criminal — Cutter turns the rhetorical volume way up. — Image by Eric Kayne / Getty Images — Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter suggested that Mitt Romney may be a criminal on a conference call with reporters this morning …
Politico, Daily Kos,, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Business Insider, Washington Post, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, RedState, Mediaite and The PJ Tatler

Romney camp: Globe story ‘inaccurate’
CNN, Guardian, Daily Kos,, Business Insider, US Politics, The Daily Dish and Balloon Juice, more at Mediagazer »

Romney's Bain Story Is Falling Apart
New York Magazine, BuzzFeed, Little Green Footballs, Dependable Renegade, Wake up America and Washington Post

Globe admits credit ‘mistake’ in Bain story
Wonkette, News Desk and ThinkProgress

TPMDC — Reid: Romney 'Couldn't Be Confirmed As Dog Catcher' By The Senate
CNN, Politico, Business Insider, The Democratic Daily, New York Magazine and National Review

Waxman charges Romney with secrecy, questions motives
Weasel Zippers ‘Little new’ in Globe story
The PJ Tatler, Politicker, The Caucus and National Review

Reid: Senate wouldn't confirm Romney for dogcatcher

The Bain Shadow Years Loom Larger
BuzzFeed,, Politicker, Daily Kos and Sister Toldjah

Obama reflects on his biggest mistake as president — (CBS News) President Obama's biggest mistake during his first term, he told CBS News in an exclusive interview, has been putting policy over storytelling. — Mr. Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama sat down Thursday with “CBS This Morning” …
CNN,, Mediaite, New York Magazine, Jammie Wearing Fools and Business Insider

Poll: Cruz up on Dewhurst in Texas — The Republican pollster that signaled Dick Lugar's demise and Deb Fischer's late surge is now flagging an upset in the making in the Texas Senate race. — Tea party favorite Ted Cruz is leading Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst 47 percent to 38 percent in the GOP runoff …
24Ahead, Ballot Box, Trail Blazers Blog, The PJ Tatler, National Review, RedState and The Texas Tribune

Cruz leads in Texas runoff
Washington Examiner, Business Insider, National Review and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Obama's Absence The Talk Of NAACP Convention — “I don't think there's anyone around the president who's really, truly from the black community,” complains Chambliss. — A video of President Barack Obama is shown before Vice President Joe Biden addressed the NAACP annual convention, Thursday, July 12, 2012, in Houston.
The Hinterland Gazette and Moe Lane

How the Mormons Make Money — (Updated with magazine version. Removes an earlier reference to a Twitter account that is not Thomas S. Monson's official account.) — Late last March the Mormon Church completed an ambitious project: a megamall. Built for roughly $2 billion …
The Daily Dish

Bloomberg Businessweek's Mormon cover
Mediaite and National Review

Team USA To Be Decked Out in Uniforms Made in China — They are the pride of America — Team U.S.A. — and for the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in London, they'll be proudly wearing red, white and blue, from beret to blazer. — The classic American style — shown in an image above …
The Hill, ThinkProgress, Washington Wire, Politico, BBC, ABCNEWS, Weasel Zippers, Influence Alley, The PJ Tatler, The Hill, Wizbang, and Balloon Juice

D.C. officer investigated after comments about Michelle Obama alleged — A D.C. police officer who worked as a motorcycle escort for White House officials and other dignitaries was moved to administrative duty Wednesday after he allegedly was overheard making threatening comments toward Michelle Obama …
The Raw Story and DCist

Obama Holds Lead, Romney Trails on Most Issues — Record Negatives for Supreme Court Driven by GOP Discontent — OVERVIEW — Despite the stagnant economy and broad dissatisfaction with national conditions, Barack Obama holds a significant lead over Mitt Romney.
Firedoglake, Ballot Box and Business Insider

The world desperately wants to loan us money — The Financial Times reports that there was record demand for 10-year Treasurys this week. “The $21 [billion] sale of 10-year paper sold at a yield of 1.459 per cent, the lowest ever in an auction.” William O'Donnell, a strategist at RBS Securities …
Washington Monthly, Financial Times, Mother Jones, The Maddow Blog, Economist's View and Brad DeLong

How Congressional Republicans and Democrats Pay Women — What does $10,000 mean to you? Well, if you made something around the median in the U.S. last year, it could mean more than a fifth of your household income. — But what's $10,000 to you if you're a female Republican congressional staffer?
Daily Kos, DCist, Mediaite and A plain blog about politics

At Brock Fundraiser, Maine Gov. Paul LePage Doubles Down on “Gestapo” Comment (AUDIO) — Updated below: Maine Democratic Party chair questions LePage's fitness for office; Vermont Dem chair says Brock should condemn remarks. Update #2: Comment from Anti-Defamation League and union representing IRS workers.

Michael Tomasky on Mitt Romney the Race Baiter at the NAACP — With his incendiary speech to the NAACP, Mitt crossed an ugly line. No longer simply spineless and disingenuous, he's now become a race-mongering pyromaniac. Plus Mansfield Frazier on Romney's diversity problem.

Sanctions at the Genius Bar — IMAGINE if your ethnicity determined which products you were able to buy. Or if sales clerks required you to divulge your ancestry before swiping your credit card. — Some of us don't have to imagine. — Last month, Sahar Sabet, a 19-year-old Iranian-American woman …
BBC and The Daily Dish

An Age-Old Ruse — That's the way Mitt Romney, back in 1994, described putting one's assets in a so-called blind trust. But it's 2012, and the ruse looks pretty serviceable. — Never mind that Mitt Romney has an estimated net worth as high as $250 million, or that some of it has been invested …
Taegan Goddard's …

Sodomy “For the Sake of Islam” … Not only did the original “underwear bomber” Abdullah Hassan al-Asiri hide explosives in his rectum to assassinate Saudi Prince Muhammad bin Nayef—they met in 2009 after the 22-year-old holy warrior “feigned repentance for his jihadi views” …
Advocate, Raymond Ibrahim, Weasel Zippers and The Jawa Report