Top Items:

Quote of the Day: Mitt Romney Told Olympians They Didn't Get There Alone — Our political Quote of the Day gives us one more strand in the heaping-plate-of-spaghetti-of- hyocrisy called American partisan politics, where the accuracy of an assertion is not what matters.
No More Mister Nice Blog, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Riehl World View

Mitt Romney Olympic Archive Still Off-Limits — More than a decade has passed since Mitt Romney presided over the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, but the archival records from those games that were donated to the University of Utah to provide an unprecedented level of transparency …
PERRspectives, The Hill, The Daily Caller, Washington Post, Mediaite, Hot Air, CNN, Daily Kos and The Hinterland Gazette

Albright recalls Romney thanks for ‘keeping my mouth shut’ on Olympics uniforms — Madeleine Albright's circa 2008 book, “Memo to the President Elect,” offers this nugget about her own experience seeing the 2002 Olympics uniforms were made in Burma, which she says she brought to Mitt Romney's attention at the time.
The Hinterland Gazette

Romney to Olympians: 'You didn't get here solely on your own' — Mitt Romney has criticized President Obama for his “you didn't build that line,” when it came to businesses. The president was making an “it takes a village” argument, which the Romney campaign and conservatives have roundly panned.
Michelle Malkin, New York Magazine, JustOneMinute, Hot Air, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and The Maddow Blog

Romney To Olympians: 'You Didn't Get Here Solely On Your Own'

Mitt's First Foreign Stumble? — It's treacherous for a US presidential candidate to travel overseas — lots of opportunities for mis-chosen words and getting drawn into other countries' domestic politics. With Mitt Romney about to leave on his big trip abroad he may already have had his first big foreign stumble.
The Hill and The Reality-Based Community

Carr caught in US political crossfire
Taylor Marsh, FP Passport, Politico and

Weasel Zippers and The Gateway Pundit

Poll: Romney preferred over Obama to handle the economy — WASHINGTON - Despite concerted Democratic attacks on his business record, Republican challenger Mitt Romney scores a significant advantage over President Obama when it comes to managing the economy, reducing the federal budget deficit …

The Hill Poll: Majority of voters blame president for bad economy — Two-thirds of likely voters say the weak economy is Washington's fault, and more blame President Obama than anybody else, according to a new poll for The Hill. — It found that 66 percent believe paltry job growth …
Ballot Box, The Hill, Weasel Zippers, NO QUARTER, Indecision Forever, Hot Air, Wake up America, Conservatives4Palin, Power Line, The PJ Tatler, Washington Examiner, Michelle Malkin, Scared Monkeys, Vodkapundit, The Daily Dish, Questions and Observations, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Seeing the Forest, Outside the Beltway, The Gateway Pundit and UrbanGrounds

Colorado theater shooting suspect James Holmes appears dazed in court — CENTENNIAL, Colo.—James Holmes, the suspect in the Colorado theater massacre, appeared in a Colorado courtroom on Monday, three days after one of the deadliest shooting sprees in modern American history.
The Other McCain, The Hinterland Gazette and CANNONFIRE

Online Ammunition Sales Highlighted by Aurora Shootings
Wall Street Journal, Politico, News Desk, Crooks and Liars, Wired, The Demos Blog, The Maddow Blog, Gawker and Hullabaloo

EXCLUSIVE: Massacre suspect James Holmes' gun-range application drew red flag
The Huffington Post, Taylor Marsh and

John DiStaso's Granite Status: Romney-backer's NH business received government-assisted loans; Kevin Smith to air new TV spot this week — MONDAY, JULY 23 UPDATE: MONDAY, JULY 23, UPDATE: SMITH'S NEW ADS, CLINTON FOR MAGGIE. Republican candidate for governor Kevin Smith will release …
ThinkProgress, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and The Caucus

Penn State sanctions: $60M, bowl ban — The NCAA has hit Penn State with a $60 million sanction, a four-year football postseason ban and a vacation of all wins dating to 1998, the organization said Monday morning. — The career record of former head football coach Joe Paterno will reflect …

N.C.A.A. Gives Penn State $60 Million Fine and Bowl Ban
ESPN, Taking Note, Balloon Juice, Connecting.the.Dots, JustOneMinute and American Power

Mike Huckabee “Incensed” By Criticism Of Chick-Fil-A — Also trying to make August 1 “Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day.” — Image by Rogelio V. Solis / AP — Former Arkansas governor and current Fox News host Mike Huckabee is “incensed” by attacks on fast-food company Chick-Fil-A after its founder …
Wonkette, Indecision Forever, NOM Blog and The PJ Tatler

Report Details $21-$32 Trillion in Untaxed Global Wealth Parked Offshore — New study estimates $20-30 trillions in tax shelters (photo: bright strangely) — The Tax Justice Network, an organization I frankly had never heard of until this weekend, came out with a study over the weekend alleging …
Hullabaloo and emptywheel

World's elite loots at least $21 trillion and stashes it in tax-avoiding hideaways
Discussion:, The Raw Story, The Reaction and CANNONFIRE

The Politics of Anything Goes — Barack Obama first captured the national spotlight with a speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention in Boston in which he called for an end to the politics of division. The audience roared back its applause at the end of almost every line: … Americans, Obama declared, are
Business Insider, Prairie Weather and The Daily Dish

False Equivalency Watch
The Maddow Blog, Booman Tribune and Mother Jones

Iowa 2016 presidential preference poll — Hillary Clinton continues to have a dominant lead in Iowa Democrats' preferences for their 2016 presidential nominee almost three years before actual candidates will begin chowing down on cobs of corn. The straw poll on the Republican side is much closer …
Washington Wire, Politico and Outside the Beltway

Contempt motion withdrawn for sexual-assault victim Savannah Dietrich who tweeted attackers' names — Defense attorneys for two boys who pleaded guilty to assaulting a 17-year-old Savannah Dietrich have withdrawn their motion that she be held in contempt for tweeting the names of her attackers in defiance of a court order.
The Volokh Conspiracy, Gawker and

Tripp Palin Gay Slur: Bristol's Son Calls Aunt Willow A ‘Faggot’ On Reality Show … FOLLOW: — Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin, Video, Tripp Palin Faggot, Tripp Palin Gay Slur, Tripp Palin Homophobic Slur, Anti-Gay Slurs, Bristol Palin Life's a Tripp, Tripp Palin, Gay Voices News

President Obama Praises Self for Ending War in Iraq on Bloodiest Day of the Year in That Country — Is it bad timing or irrelevant? — President Obama's campaign today released a video praising the president for ending the war in Iraq. It turns out that today has proven to be the deadliest day of the year in that country.
New York Times, Weasel Zippers, American Power, Washington Examiner and Vodkapundit

Energy-efficient CFL bulbs cause skin damage, say researchers — New research funded by the National Science Foundation has scientists warning consumers about the potentially harmful effects energy-saving CFL light bulbs can have on skin. — The warning comes based on a study conducted …
AEIdeas and Vodkapundit

Scott Brown gets in on the Big Lie — Look, ma, I can lie about Obama's quote, too! — Obama's now infamous “didn't build that” speech is similar to Elizabeth Warren's viral remarks about how the rich didn't get rich on their own. So it's not surprising that Senator Scott Brown …
Washington Monthly, The Maddow Blog, Little Green Footballs and Daily Kos

TPMMuckraker — Justice Department Investigates Pennsylvania Voter ID Law — The Justice Department's Civil Rights Division has launched a formal investigation into whether Pennsylvania's voter ID law discriminates against minorities, TPM has learned. — In a three-page letter sent …
ThinkProgress, Daily Kos and American Prospect