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Feinstein: Someone at White House is behind recent intel leaks — Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Monday that someone at the White House was responsible for the recent leaks of classified information. — “I think the White House …
The PJ Tatler

Democratic Sen. Feinstein suggests some leaked info came from the White House — House and Senate Intelligence Committees. (L to R) Reps. C.A. Ruppersberger, and Mike Rogers; Sens. Saxby Chambliss and Dianne Feinstein. — WASHINGTON - The Democratic leader of the Senate Intelligence Committee …
Politico, Politicker, USA Today, Hot Air, Betsy's Page and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

White House threatens to veto GOP drilling bill
Ballot Box and Politicker

First Female U.S. Astronaut, Sally Ride, Comes Out In Obituary — “I hope it makes it easier for kids growing up gay that they know that another one of their heroes was like them,” Sally Ride's sister, Bear Ride, said. — Astronaut Sally Ride, mission specialist on STS-7 …

Sally Ride | 1951-2012: Sally Ride, Trailblazing Astronaut, Dies at 61 — Sally Ride, the first American woman to fly in space, died on Monday at her home in San Diego. She was 61. — The cause was pancreatic cancer, her company, Sally Ride Science, announced on its Web site.
New York Magazine, News Desk, International Business Times, The Daily Dish, The Talking Dog, The Agonist, TechCrunch, The Verge and USA Today

Sally Ride dies at 61; first American woman in space

Obama attacks on taxes and Bain hit Romney ratings — (Reuters) - Sustained attacks by President Barack Obama's campaign on Republican rival Mitt Romney's business history and refusal to release more tax records appear to be working, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Tuesday.

Obama Fights Back Against 'You Didn't Build That' Attacks — Ten days after Mitt Romney turned President Obama's remarks about public investment in infrastructure into an attack on the president's support for American free enterprise system, Team Obama is finally pushing back.
Discussion:, ABCNEWS and The PJ Tatler

How super PACs are saving Mitt Romney
GOP 12, Politico, Naked Politics, The Hill and The Hinterland Gazette

Poll: Romney preferred over Obama to handle the economy
Firedoglake, American Prospect, GOP 12, Politico, Ballot Box, Business Insider, New York Magazine, The Gateway Pundit, The PJ Tatler, Independent Journal Review, The Camp Of The Saints, The Other McCain, National Review, Washington Examiner, Taegan Goddard's …, Power Line, 2012 Decoded, Marbury, Daily Kos, Real Clear Politics, Scared Monkeys, Washington Post, Weasel Zippers, Outside the Beltway, No More Mister Nice Blog, Texas on the Potomac, Hot Air and Wall Street Journal

President Criticizes Romney Over Foreign Policy
The Caucus and The Hill

The Divine Miss M — What I find most fascinating about Michele Bachmann — and there are many, many more where she came from — is that she presents herself as a godly woman, humbly devoted to her Christian faith. I'd like to meet that god, and I'd like to understand that Christianity.
Mario Piperni dot Com and Towleroad News #gay

Newt defends Bachmann on Huma Abedin allegations — Newt Gingrich, appearing with Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen on POLITICO Live's Driving the Day this morning, defended Rep. Michele Bachmann for asking questions about the Muslim Brotherhood - and declined to hit his former presidential rival …
Washington Post and Mediaite

If the first six months don't count... Mitt Romney sat down with CNBC's Larry Kudlow, and made a curious observation. He said voters who want a strong economy should vote for him, but Americans “ought to give, whichever president is going to be elected, at least six months or a year to get those policies in place.”
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Washington Monthly

Scared Monkeys,*, ThinkProgress and Daily Kos

“The Context Is Worse Than the Quote”
Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

John DiStaso's Granite Status: Romney-backer's NH business received government-assisted loans; Kevin Smith to air new TV spot this week — MONDAY, JULY 23 UPDATE: MONDAY, JULY 23, UPDATE: SMITH'S NEW ADS, CLINTON FOR MAGGIE. Republican candidate for governor Kevin Smith will release …

George and Laura Bush Drop by Romney HQ — Mitt Romney's campaign staff in Boston got an unexpected pep talk this morning when former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura stopped by. — In Boston visiting a charter school, the Bushes were introduced by Ann Romney and greeted …
USA Today

GOP Senator Blasts Obama For Talking ‘Incessantly’ About The Middle Class — President Obama's plan to allow the Bush tax cuts for incomes above $250,000 to expire at the end of the year has revived the Republican talking point that he is waging “class warfare” against the wealthy …

G.O.P. Senators Face Risks Over Proposal on Tax Cuts

McConnell promises busy Senate if GOP retakes upper chamber
Influence Alley

Governor Romney: “The Context Is Worse Than The Quote” — Location — “This is an ideology which says hey, we're all the same here, we ought to take from all and give to one another and that achievement, individual initiative and risk-taking and success are not to be rewarded as they have in the past.
Doug Ross, Pirate's Cove, Daily Kos, The Gateway Pundit and The Lonely Conservative

Obama and Romney Don't Heed New Call for Gun Laws — President Obama and his challenger, Mitt Romney, echoed each other in embracing the role of national grief counselor in the wake of the deadly rampage in Colorado last week, offering stirring words of condolence and comfort.
The Huffington Post, New York Magazine, The Confluence, USA Today, Prairie Weather and Pirate's Cove

OK, Let's Debate Gun Control!
CNN, Associated Press, NY Daily News, Hot Air, ABCNEWS and Althouse

TPMMuckraker — Ahead Of Voter ID Trial, Pennsylvania Admits There's No In-Person Voter Fraud — As the Justice Department investigates Pennsylvania's voter ID law on the federal level, a coalition of civil rights groups is gearing up for a state trial starting Wednesday examining whether …
Firedoglake, Talking Points Memo, Balloon Juice, The Maddow Blog, Politico, Daily Kos and ThinkProgress

A Closer Look at Middle-Class Decline — No one can accuse the presidential campaign of ignoring the American economy or the plight of the middle class. Yet the scale and the complexity of the problem are typically lost amid the charged back-and-forth between President Obama and Mitt Romney.
Washington Monthly, The Glittering Eye and

Penn State hit with unprecedented penalties for Sandusky scandal — (Reuters) - The governing body of U.S. college sports fined Penn State University $60 million and voided its football victories for the past 14 seasons in an unprecedented rebuke for the school's failure to stop coach Jerry Sandusky's sexual abuse of children.
Crooks and Liars and Suburban Guerrilla

Legislator pulled gun during road incident — Shea charged with having a loaded pistol — A Spokane Valley legislator pulled a gun during a confrontation with another motorist last November in what police reports describe as a road rage incident. He was cited for two violations of state firearms law.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Jesus' General, Joe. My. God. and Firedoglake

Mindy Meyer's ‘State Senate Campaign’ Website Explodes On Twitter, Is Truly Awful — On Monday afternoon, the Twitter-verse came alive after a campaign website by Republican state senate candidate in New York's 21st district went viral. Her site, complete with sparkly letters that let visitors know …
Tablet Magazine, New York Magazine, Politico, Politicker and Wonkette

Hasty and Ruinous 1972 Pick Colors Today's Hunt for a No. 2 — WASHINGTON — Scott Lilly was a young member of Senator George McGovern's presidential campaign staff in the summer of 1972, and he remembers the satisfaction he felt when Mr. McGovern chose Mr. Lilly's home-state senator …
The Caucus, ABCNEWS and