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Romney book: Britain is a tiny island that makes stuff nobody wants — Mitt Romney has already gotten in a spot of trouble in London for suggesting that Britain may not be quite ready to host the Olympic Games. Romney has walked back his comments, but it's not the first time the candidate …
Mitt Romney's Olympics blunder stuns No 10 and hands gift to Obama — US presidential hopeful backtracks on warning of ‘disconcerting’ signs for Games after light-hearted rebuke by David Cameron — Mitt Romney handed Barack Obama a priceless gift for the US presidential election campaign …
BuzzFeed, New York Magazine, Mediaite, Lawyers, Guns & Money and Washington Examiner
Commentary: if Mitt Romney doesn't like us, we shouldn't care — Mitt Romney is perhaps the only politician who could start a trip that was supposed to be a charm offensive by being utterly devoid of charm and mildly offensive. — Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney …
Oh, Mitt: those Romney gaffes in full — Boobs, blunders, clangers - whatever you call them, Romney likes to drop them. And he's really outdone himself in London — From criticising the biggest sporting event Britain has held in over 40 years, to “looking out of the backside of 10 Downing Street” …
BBC, Firedoglake, News Desk, ThinkProgress, TBogg, Mediaite, USA Today and Indecision Forever
David Cameron hits back at Mitt Romney over London 2012 doubts — Prime minister says Olympics have brought the UK together to put on a ‘friendly Games’ for international visitors — The prime minister has hit back at comments from the US presidential candidate Mitt Romney querying Britain's readiness …
Sky News, No More Mister Nice Blog, Riehl World View, Washington Examiner, Washington Monthly and Balloon Juice
“Anglo-Saxon” quote overshadows start of Romney tour — (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney began a foreign tour on Wednesday forced to disavow a report that an adviser had accused President Barack Obama of not understanding the shared “Anglo-Saxon heritage” of Britain and the United States.
American Prospect, Swampland, The Daily Dish, The Moderate Voice and Weekly Standard
A good point. … Mitt Romney's charm offensive. … Good morning and welcome to our Thursday live blog politics coverage. Mitt Romney has told London it is not ready to host the Olympics. The statement has drawn catty rebukes from the highest levels, i.e. Prime Minister David Cameron.
Telegraph, The Hinterland Gazette, Indecision Forever, Daily Kos and Conservatives4Palin
Mr Leader? Did Mitt Romney forget Ed Miliband's name? — Mitt Romney follows gaffe over Britain's readiness to hold Olympic games by appearing to forget name of Labour leader — NOTE: WE DO NOT STORE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) BUT YOUR IP ADDRESS WILL BE LOGGED TO PREVENT ABUSE OF THIS FEATURE.
Ballot Box, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, USA Today, The Hill, News Desk, Newsy, Taylor Marsh and Business Insider
Romney's Not-So-Secret Meeting With MI6 — LONDON-Mitt Romney met privately with the head of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service — also known as the MI6 — Thursday to discuss the civil unrest in Syria. — “I appreciated the insights and perspectives of the leaders of the government …
The Hinterland Gazette and The Raw Story
Mitt Romney Issued Comically Bizarre Cartoon-Mitt-Romney Olympic Pins
The Huffington Post
Made in China: Olympic Pin Shaped Like Mitt Romney's Face
Truthdig, Daily Kos, Mediaite, iWatch News Latest Stories and Washington Post
Romney's Remarks on Olympics Cause Stir in London
CNN, Boston Globe, Telegraph, The Mahablog, New York Times, New York Magazine, Daniel W. Drezner, Shakesville and Balloon Juice
Boris Johnson hails ‘Olympomania’ for torch at Hyde Park
ThinkProgress, Little Green Footballs, Mediaite, The Political Carnival and Washington Post
TPM2012 — Mitt Romney is off to a spectacularly bad start in London …
Olympics Committee: No Games footage in campaign ads
Discussion: blogs, ABCNEWS, Mediaite and GOP 12
Romney faces backlash over Olympics comments
Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Mitt Romney questions whether Britain is ready for Olympic Games
Mediaite, ABCNEWS, The Atlantic Cities, Taking Note, The PJ Tatler, Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo, Politico and Guardian
Mitt Romney salutes U.S.-British relationship, steers around Olympics controversy
The New Republic and The Hill
Romney steps onto the world stage
Althouse, The Political Carnival, Taegan Goddard's …, Telegraph and The Impolitic
Rahm Emanuel's dangerous free speech attack — Chicago blocks a business from expanding because its president opposes same-sex marriage — Should government officials be able to block businesses from opening or expanding due to disagreement with the political views of the business' executives?
Emanuel goes after Chick-fil-A for boss' anti-gay views — The anti-gay views openly espoused by the president of a fast food chain specializing in chicken sandwiches have run afoul of Mayor Rahm Emanuel and a local alderman, who are determined to block Chick-fil-A from expanding in Chicago.
Legal eagles cry fowl over politicians' plans to block Chick-fil-A
Riehl World View
Chicago Chick-fil-A owner wants to talk with Emanuel
Politico, GLAAD, Gawker and Towleroad News #gay
It's not OK to ignore this pro-Romney ad — There are two really effective campaign ads blanketing the airwaves. One from each campaign. But only one of them is perhaps the most dangerous in its potential impact against its target. And Democrats better beware.
Wake up America, Wizbang, Betsy's Page, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Althouse and American Prospect
It's a Weekday, So It's Time for Another Misleading Edit of an Obama Quote … - Republican-Sponsored Voter ID Laws Could Actually Disenfranchise a Lot of Republicans - Weigel: Another Misleading Edit of an Obama Quote - Did Darwin Have Smoldering Hepatitis? Should We Dig Him Up To Find Out?
RedState, Hit & Run, Washington Monthly, Balloon Juice and Washington Examiner
Context be damned: Obama's ‘It worked’ quote should work for Republicans
The New Republic and Balloon Juice
Karl Rove: He's Back, Big Time — On the evening of June 29, Amedeo Scognamiglio, a jewelry designer on the Isle of Capri, met friends for drinks at the elegant Grand Hotel Quisisana. Around midnight, Scognamiglio says, “I noticed some familiar American faces.” He took to Twitter.
Washington Monthly and Truthdig
Romney's taxes: Why do they matter? — Mitt Romney is a rich man. Like everyone, rich or poor, he has done everything legally available to him to minimize the tax bite. There are very few people standing in line waiting for the opportunity to overpay their taxes.
GOP 12, The Caucus, Daily Kos, The Moderate Voice, ThinkProgress and Taylor Marsh
Romney: ‘Looking Forward to the Bust of Winston Churchill Being in the Oval Office Again’ — At an event in London, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said, “I'm looking forward to the bust of Winston Churchill being in the Oval Office again.”
Washington Free Beacon
‘Plans’ don't include sale to gay couple — It's bad enough that the Catholic Church discriminates against gay people. But it's poor form — and possibly illegal — to document the bigotry and then mistakenly email it to the victims. — This embarrassing etiquette lapse occurred …
ThinkProgress and Advocate
U.S. Business Owners Now Among Least Approving of Obama — Professional workers are the most approving — WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. business owners' approval of President Barack Obama fell in the second quarter of 2012 to 35%, essentially tying farmers and fishers for the lowest approval among major occupational groups.