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David Cameron hits back at Mitt Romney over London 2012 doubts — Prime minister says Olympics have brought the UK together to put on a ‘friendly Games’ for international visitors — The prime minister has hit back at comments from the US presidential candidate Mitt Romney querying Britain's readiness …
Romney's Remarks on Olympics Cause Stir in London — LONDON — Mitt Romney's carefully choreographed trip to London caused a diplomatic stir when he called the British Olympic preparations “disconcerting” and questioned whether Londoners would turn out to support the Games.
Telegraph, New York Times, Shakesville, New York Magazine and Balloon Juice
Commentary: if Mitt Romney doesn't like us, we shouldn't care — Mitt Romney is perhaps the only politician who could start a trip that was supposed to be a charm offensive by being utterly devoid of charm and mildly offensive. — Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney …
‘D’ Is for Diplomacy — LONDON — Mitt Romney has only been on British soil for 24 hours, but he and his campaign are quickly finding out that every word matters. — Even before he touched down, a quote by an unnamed Romney adviser in London's Daily Telegraph newspaper was already creating a stir.
Romney steps onto the world stage — *** London Calling: On his first full day of business and meetings on his overseas trip, Mitt Romney has already met with former British PM Tony Blair, current Labour Party leader Ed Miliband, British Foreign Secretary William Hague, and Deputy PM Nick Clegg.
Taegan Goddard's …, Althouse, The Political Carnival, Telegraph and The Impolitic
“Anglo-Saxon” quote overshadows start of Romney tour — (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney began a foreign tour on Wednesday forced to disavow a report that an adviser had accused President Barack Obama of not understanding the shared “Anglo-Saxon heritage” of Britain and the United States.
The Moderate Voice, American Prospect, The Daily Dish and Weekly Standard
Olympics: David Cameron rejects Mitt Romney's suggestion Britain is not ready — David Cameron has rejected suggestions from Mitt Romney, the US presidential candidate, that Britain is not prepared to run and celebrate the Olympic Games. — The Prime Minister said he would tell …
Guardian, Talking Points Memo and Indecision Forever
Mitt Romney questions whether Britain is ready for Olympic Games — Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee, has questioned Britain's preparedness to host the London 2012 Olympics and asked whether the country is genuinely willing to “celebrate” the Games. — Mitt Romney
CNN, BuzzFeed, Mediaite, ABCNEWS, Taking Note, The PJ Tatler, The Atlantic Cities, Daily Kos, Business Insider, Politico and Guardian
Cameron reaffirms support for same-sex marriage on eve of Romney meeting
ThinkProgress, ABCNEWS and Towleroad News #gay
Mitt Romney questions London's readiness for Olympic Games
Washington Monthly and Hullabaloo
Made in China: Olympic Pin Shaped Like Mitt Romney's Face
BuzzFeed, Mediaite, iWatch News Latest Stories and Washington Post
TPM2012 — Anger Games: Cameron, British Press Pounce On Romney's Olympics Critiques
Romney Muted on Policy Criticism
Washington Wire and The Agonist
Emanuel goes after Chick-fil-A for boss' anti-gay views — The anti-gay views openly espoused by the president of a fast food chain specializing in chicken sandwiches have run afoul of Mayor Rahm Emanuel and a local alderman, who are determined to block Chick-fil-A from expanding in Chicago.
Rahm welcomes help from Farrakahn, ignores anti-Semitic remarks — Mayor Rahm Emanuel during City Council meeting Wednesday, July 26, 2012. John H. White~Sun-Times — Ignoring Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan's history of anti-Semitic remarks, Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday welcomed …
Menino shouldn't block Chick-fil-A because of president's views
ThinkProgress, Maggie's Farm, Datechguy's Blog, Taylor Marsh, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Ed Driscoll, Althouse and Good As You
Rahm Emanuel's dangerous free speech attack
Weasel Zippers, Weekly Standard, ABCNEWS and JOSHUAPUNDIT
Boston mayor Thomas M. Menino's letter to the president of Chick-fil-A on gay marriage
Gizmodo, Mediaite, Hot Air, Swampland, Pundit & Pundette, Politico and Boing Boing
U.S. Business Owners Now Among Least Approving of Obama — Professional workers are the most approving — WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. business owners' approval of President Barack Obama fell in the second quarter of 2012 to 35%, essentially tying farmers and fishers for the lowest approval among major occupational groups.
Obama: AK-47s belong on battlefield, not streets — NEW ORLEANS - President Obama touched the sensitive issue of guns here on Wednesday, pivoting off last week's Colorado movie theater shootings to call for a “consensus around violence reduction” in the country.
Pirate's Cove, UrbanGrounds, BBC, Obsidian Wings, Hullabaloo and Indecision Forever
Why gun sales spike after mass shootings: It's not what you might think
The Latest Word and Clayton Cramer's Blog
Obama calls for measures against gun violence
Independent Journal Review and Vox Popoli
Romney's taxes: Why do they matter? — Mitt Romney is a rich man. Like everyone, rich or poor, he has done everything legally available to him to minimize the tax bite. There are very few people standing in line waiting for the opportunity to overpay their taxes.
The Moderate Voice, ThinkProgress, Daily Kos, The Caucus and Taylor Marsh
It's not OK to ignore this pro-Romney ad — There are two really effective campaign ads blanketing the airwaves. One from each campaign. But only one of them is perhaps the most dangerous in its potential impact against its target. And Democrats better beware.
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Wizbang, Betsy's Page, Althouse and American Prospect
It's a Weekday, So It's Time for Another Misleading Edit of an Obama Quote … - Republican-Sponsored Voter ID Laws Could Actually Disenfranchise a Lot of Republicans - Weigel: Another Misleading Edit of an Obama Quote - Did Darwin Have Smoldering Hepatitis? Should We Dig Him Up To Find Out?
Washington Monthly, Hit & Run, Balloon Juice and Washington Examiner
The Battle for Ballot Integrity in Pennsylvania — Pennsylvania is, for the moment, ground zero in the battle over voter fraud. In March, Pennsylvania's legislature enacted a law that requires identification for voting. The ACLU has sued to enjoin enforcement of the law …
protein wisdom, Wall Street Journal, BREITBART.COM, Booman Tribune and Washington Examiner
Agriculture committee heads double down on passing five-year farm bill — The heads of the House and Senate Agriculture Committee are doubling down on their push to pass a full five-year farm bill by Sept. 30 and are resisting efforts to pass a one-year extension.
Politico, ThinkProgress and Salon
Israel's Settlers Are Here to Stay — WHATEVER word you use to describe Israel's 1967 acquisition of Judea and Samaria — commonly referred to as the West Bank in these pages — will not change the historical facts. Arabs called for Israel's annihilation in 1967, and Israel legitimately seized …
Guardian, Israpundit,, Tablet Magazine, The Times of Israel and Israel Matzav
House GOP typo fix has new mistake — Oops! — A new rule meant to fix a significant typo in a Republican regulation bill has in it a typo of its own. — The new mistake comes after Republican legislative staffers were left red-faced earlier this week when H.R. 4078 was posted on the House Rules Committee website.
Daily Kos, The Maddow Blog and Mediaite
Equestrian | Dressage: Ann Romney's Horse Prepares for Olympic Debut — LONDON — More than 10,000 athletes are descending on London this week for the Summer Olympics, including global names like Usain Bolt, Oscar Pistorius and Michael Phelps. But the one athlete that is seemingly under stricter guard …
Hotline On Call, News Desk and New York Magazine
Scalia: ‘We get clobbered by the press’ — Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says that the nation's highest court “gets clobbered by the press all the time,” driving him to the point of writing letters to the Washington Post that, for the sake of upholding tradition, he does not send.
Outside the Beltway