Top Items:

National Income and Product Accounts — Gross Domestic Product, 2nd quarter 2012 (advance estimate); — Revised Estimates: 2009 through First Quarter 2012 — Real gross domestic product — the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States …

Advance Estimate of GDP for the Second Quarter of 2012 and Annual Revision
ABCNEWS, Weasel Zippers and Washington Examiner

Sickly second-quarter GDP report puts U.S. economic recovery — and Obama's reelection — in jeopardy
Hot Air and Washington Free Beacon

U.S. Growth Slows in 2nd Quarter
Washington Wire, National Review, and Questions and Observations

U.S. Economy Slowed to a Tepid 1.5% Rate of Growth
CNBC, The PJ Tatler, News Desk, New York Magazine and Economix

Breaking: Q2 GDP 1.5%; Update: 2011Q4 revised upward 1.1 points to 4.1%?
Bloomberg, CNBC, Scared Monkeys and protein wisdom

Romneyshambles: 'Some Americans just shouldn't leave the country', says Carl Lewis — “Stay home if you don't know what to say,” says nine-times gold medal winning sprinter — NOTE: WE DO NOT STORE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) BUT YOUR IP ADDRESS WILL BE LOGGED TO PREVENT ABUSE OF THIS FEATURE.
The Moderate Voice, Politico, Guardian, Lean Forward, Mediaite, The Hinterland Gazette, American Power, Lawyers, Guns & Money and FP Passport

Mitt Romney gets cold reception from UK media after Olympic gaffe — ‘Romneyshambles’, ‘party-pooper’, ‘worse than Palin’ - British papers are unimpressed by Republican's charm offensive — In terms of winning British hearts and minds, Mitt Romney's attempt to burnish his credentials …

“Romney book: Britain is a tiny island that makes stuff nobody wants.”
National Review, The Reaction, Washington Post and American Prospect

Presidential election reaches halftime
American Prospect, Guardian and

Amazon's Founder Pledges $2.5 Million in Support of Same-Sex Marriage — Jeff Bezos, the billionaire founder of, and his wife, MacKenzie, have agreed to donate $2.5 million to help pass a same-sex marriage referendum in Washington State, instantly becoming among the largest financial backers …

Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos Make Historic Gift of $2.5 Million To Protect Freedom to Marry Law in Washington State — Andy Grow: 206-713-1792; — Washington United for Marriage (WUM), the statewide coalition working to defend the state's law protecting civil marriage …
Washington Wire and ABCNEWS

Radical imam OK but not Chick-fil-A — Given his stance on Chick-fil-A, would Mayor Tom Menino grant permits to a group that has counted among its leaders a man who has repeatedly called homosexuality a “crime that must be punished” by death? — Actually, he has done that . . . and more!
Datechguy's Blog, Wizbang and National Review

Mayor Bloomberg: Chick-fil-A Ban ‘Not Going to Happen’ in NYC
Advocate, The Huffington Post, Towleroad News #gay, Gothamist and New York Times

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Dark Knight’ shooting suspect James Holmes claims amnesia — The accused mass murderer keeps asking ‘Why am I here?’ a jail staffer reports. Holmes is also complaining about the food at the Aarapahoe County Detention Center. — Accused movie theater shooter James Holmes makes his first court appearance.
Taylor Marsh,, The Latest Word, The Daily Caller, Newsy and CANNONFIRE

Noonan: The Dark Night Rises — Everybody knows the culture is poisonous, and nobody expects that to change. — At a screening of “The Dark Knight Rises” the other day on Manhattan's East 86th Street, three cops were posted outside, two in a cruiser and one on a motorcycle.
Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog

WH's Carney Refuses To Name The Capital Of Israel — White House press secretary Jay Carney is asked by a reporter what is the capital of Israel. — Reporter: What city does this Administration consider to be the capital of Israel? Jerusalem or Tel Aviv?

Obama: Hey Romney, Europe and I go way back
Politico, and Conservatives4Palin

Congress nears year-end funding deal — There's already movement to avoid the fiscal cliff. — House and Senate leadership Thursday approached a deal to fund the government for six months — a move that would avert a Sept. 30 shutdown, and keep the federal government operating through March.

McConnell sticks to tactic of keeping spotlight off GOP
Bloomberg, Talking Points Memo and Booman Tribune

Money for Nothing — For years, allegedly serious people have been issuing dire warnings about the consequences of large budget deficits — deficits that are overwhelmingly the result of our ongoing economic crisis. In May 2009, Niall Ferguson of Harvard declared that the “tidal wave of debt issuance” …
Jared Bernstein

Four Little Words — Why the Obama campaign is suddenly so worried. — What's the difference between a calm and cool Barack Obama, and a rattled and worried Barack Obama? Four words, it turns out. — “You didn't build that” is swelling to such heights that it has the president somewhere unprecedented: on defense.
New York Magazine

How to Break NRA's Grip on Politics: Michael R. Bloomberg — By Michael R. Bloomberg 2012-07-26T22:40:00Z — It has been a week since the massacre in Aurora, Colorado. The two major U.S. presidential candidates spent the past week avoiding the subject of whether anything should be done to prevent such shootings from recurring.
Wall Street Journal, New York Magazine, No More Mister Nice Blog, CNN, Politico, Hot Air and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Incumbent's NRA split brings boost wins big fan
The Daily Caller

OH-bama — We wrap up the first round in our Big 10 series with Ohio-perhaps the quintessential and, arguably, most important swing state. The closeness of recent presidential elections certainly makes the Buckeye State a battleground, and with good reason.
Ballot Box

Pot Legalization Is Coming — At least some able-bodied Americans may soon be able to score a bag of weed legally without having to fake a knee injury. In November, voters in three states could approve ballot measures to legalize marijuana, and not just for medical purposes - for getting-high purposes.
Hit & Run, The Daily Dish, Boing Boing and The Reality-Based Community

Little Voter Discomfort with Romney's Mormon Religion — Only About Half Identify Obama as Christian — There has been little change in recent years in the public's views about Mormonism. Most adults say that Mormonism is very different from their own religious beliefs …
Univision News Tumblr, Joe. My. God., The Raw Story and Mediaite

ICE, Border Patrol unions claim illegal immigrants exploiting ‘dreamer’ policy — Union heads representing thousands of America's immigration agents slammed the Obama administration Thursday over a policy they claim is forcing officials to ignore the law and allowing illegal immigrants to exploit the system.

Oregon Man Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail — for Collecting Rainwater on His Property — ( - A rural Oregon man was sentenced Wednesday to 30 days in jail and over $1,500 in fines because he had three reservoirs on his property to collect and use rainwater.
protein wisdom, Moonbattery and Patterico's Pontifications

Strip Clubs in Tampa Are Ready to Cash In on G.O.P. Convention — TAMPA, Fla. — Over at the back door of the 2001 Odyssey, a limo-size tent with flaps — especially designed for discretion and camera-shy guests — is ready to go up. Déjà Vu is welcoming extra “talent” from around the country in its V.I.P. rooms.
The PJ Tatler and Hotline On Call