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Romney spokesperson cites Massachusetts health law — A Mitt Romney spokesperson offered an unusual counterattack Tuesday to an ad in which a laid-off steelworker blames the presumptive GOP nominee for his family losing health care: If that family had lived in Massachusetts …
The Moderate Voice, New York Magazine, Business Insider, Mediaite, Booman Tribune, Mother Jones, Washington Post, The Huffington Post, The Daily Caller, Althouse, CNN, Riehl World View, The Maddow Blog, Indecision Forever, The Raw Story, Washington Examiner, Daily Kos, RedState, Wonkette, The Hinterland Gazette, Hullabaloo, The Other McCain, The Impolitic, Taylor Marsh, Crooks and Liars, American Spectator,, The Daily Beast and Rush Limbaugh

Team Obama denies knowing story of man in its TV ad, call — When President Obama's aides said they weren't familiar with former Missouri steelworker Joe Soptic's life story, all they had to do was check their own campaign archives. — Soptic, laid off from Bain Capital-owned GST Steel …
BREITBART.COM, ABCNEWS, Hot Air, Mediaite, National Review, Washington Free Beacon, Michelle Malkin, CNN, The Hill and Washington Examiner

The Moment All the Doubts About Romney Resurfaced on the Right — Priorities USA was damaging itself and Barack Obama over its mind numbingly insane ad painting Mitt Romney as a killer. — Then the Romney campaign decided to sabotage itself with a mind numbingly bit of spin that may mark the day the Romney campaign died.

Busted: Team Obama Caught in Blatant Lie About ‘Cancer’ Ad — Step one - The Obama campaign claims no knowledge of Joe Soptic's story while refusing to denounce a shockingly offensive and false political ad produced by their former colleague's pro-Obama SuperPAC: … Step two - The coordinated lie goes down in flames:
Power Line, Moe Lane, Business Insider, Politico, National Review and ABCNEWS

Obama: Mitt Romney wants to take women back to policies of the '50s — President Obama on Wednesday accused Republicans of wanting to take the nation “back to policies more suited to the 1950s than the 21st century” during a campaign stop aimed at securing support from women.
CNN, Politico, JOSHUAPUNDIT and The Reaction

Obama's lead over Romney grows despite voters' pessimism — (Reuters) - Americans are increasingly pessimistic about the future but voters do not seem to be holding it against Democratic President Barack Obama, who slightly expanded his lead over Republican rival Mitt Romney this month, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll says.
Ballot Box, Business Insider, theGrio and The Moderate Voice

VP Shortlister Rob Portman Comes Out Swinging in Colorado
Washington Post and ABCNEWS

Obama campaign: Don't blame us for ad blaming Romney for cancer death
Politico, CNN, The Page and Michelle Malkin

TPM2012 — Team Romney Scares Conservatives By Touting ‘Romneycare’
Talking Points Memo and The Maddow Blog

Wisconsin, Virginia, Colorado White House Races Close, Quinnipiac University/New York Times/CBS …
CNN, Washington Post, Hotline On Call, Business Insider, Guardian, GOP 12, Firedoglake, First Read, USA Today and Public Policy Polling

Ad linking Romney to death of the wife of a laid off steelworker not accurate
CNN, Eclectablog, New York Magazine, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Swampland, BuzzFeed,, Wizbang, blogs, National Review, The Other McCain, New York Times, Washington Post, Political Watch, Wake up America, Washington Free Beacon, The PJ Tatler, Villainous Company, RedState, The Daily Dish,, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Patterico's Pontifications, CBS News, Ballot Box, Outside the Beltway, Mediaite, Hot Air, Politico, Washington Examiner and Capital New York

Economists to Romney campaign: That's not what our research says — On Tuesday, the Romney campaign responded to the fire it's taking from economic analysts by unleashing some artillery of their own. They released a paper by four decorated economists associated with the campaign …
The Political Carnival and Taking Note

The Romney campaign says stimulus doesn't work. Here are the studies they left out.
Ricochet Conversations Feed and AEIdeas

Report: Rep. Steve King mulling bill to repeal everything Obama has signed — Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), an outspoken critic of just about everything President Obama supports, is considering introducing a bill that would repeal everything Obama has signed into law.
Washington Monthly, The Raw Story and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

King plans immigration order lawsuit
ThinkProgress, Examiner and The PJ Tatler

Why the Reaction Is Different When the Terrorist Is White — Atrocities like the attack on the Sikh congregation in Wisconsin introduce terrifying dissonance into America's post-9/11 mindset. — Members of the Sikh congregation mourn their dead. / Reuters
Balloon Juice, No More Mister Nice Blog, Washington's Blog, The Awl, Booman Tribune, The Daily Dish, Daily Kos and Mother Jones

Wisconsin shooting suspect urged white supremacist action
Crooks and Liars and

Alleged Wisconsin Gunman Wade Michael Page's Ex-Girlfriend Arrested
The Jawa Report, JSOnline, The Hinterland Gazette, The Other McCain, New York Magazine and Newsy

GAME OVER: WIKIPEDIA LOCKS DOWN POTENTIAL VP PAGES IN RESPONSE TO COLBERT MISCHIEF-MAKING — The act of observing something can sometimes change the thing being observed. Case in point: my observation on Monday that we might be able to get useful clues as to the identity …
Mediaite, Politico, his vorpal sword, The Hill, USA Today, New York Magazine and ABCNEWS, more at Mediagazer »

Romney Chased By Jewish Wedding Party On Harrowing Drive Through New Jersey — Reporters are taken for an exciting ride — including 90+ MPH speeds and an Orthodox Jewish wedding. This bride is pissed. — Image by Charles Dharapak / AP — Mitt Romney's motorcade took a harrowing drive through New Jersey this afternoon.
Politicker and Indecision Forever

Expect Romney to Surprise With Running Mate Pick — Every month at the Hotline, we publish our veepstakes rankings, the list of the most likely running mates to serve on Republican Mitt Romney's presidential ticket. It's preceded by a vigorous staff-wide debate on the merits of the numerous contenders.
The Atlantic Online, Hot Air, The Hill, 2012 Decoded, GOP 12 and AEIdeas

Obama's welfare debacle — Mitt Romney is hammering President Obama on welfare reform, and for good reason. The 1996 welfare reform legislation was overwhelmingly popular, was a great bipartisan achievement, stands as a policy success and comports with Americans' deepest values about personal responsibility and the work ethic.

Jewish gal shows up IOC with a gold salute to Munich 11 — It wasn't a gloved-fist salute from the medal stand, but Jewish-American gymnast Aly Raisman made quite a statement yesterday by winning a gold medal and invoking the memory of the Israeli athletes killed 40 years ago in Munich.
JOSHUAPUNDIT, Swampland, Taylor Marsh and Althouse

Mitt Romney Started Bain Capital With Money From Families Tied To Death Squads … FOLLOW: — Elections 2012, Mitt Romney, Elections 2012, Video, Arena Party, El Salvador, Mitt Romney Bain Capital, Roberto D'Aubuisson, Bain Capital, Death Squads, Mitt Romney 2012, Mitt Romney Bain Investors …
Daily Kos, Balloon Juice, Wonkette, Politico and Jammie Wearing Fools

Over 100 Million Now Receiving Federal Welfare — A new chart set to be released later today by the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee details a startling statistic: “Over 100 Million People in U.S. Now Receiving Some Form Of Federal Welfare.” — “The federal government …
The Gateway Pundit and The Lonely Conservative

Let's Have a Maximum Income — Rich people across the Western world are anxiously watching France, where president Francois Hollande is vowing to raise the top tax rate—on earnings over $1.2 million a year—to 75 percent. Tres bien, Mr. Hollande. The problem with this otherwise fine idea …
New York Times, Business Insider, Vodkapundit, Via Meadia, and The Lonely Conservative

Incentive to Slow Climate Change Drives Output of Harmful Gases — RANJIT NAGAR, India — When the United Nations wanted to help slow climate change, it established what seemed a sensible system. — Industrial gases were rated based on their power to warm the atmosphere.
Mother Jones and Althouse

The GOP's Kamikaze Candidate — I spent most of July in the upper Midwest and was reminded that not everyone in America passes the summer fixated on politics. They go to the beach, catch fish, grill burgers, eat ice cream, try to stay cool, see The Dark Knight Rises without recognizing …
TBogg and Booman Tribune

One night in Rob Portman's haunted hotel — LEBANON, Ohio—The sun is setting on this small town in southwest Ohio, and when darkness reigns, strange things happen at the Golden Lamb Inn. Or so I'm told. — The Inn, owned by the family of Ohio Sen. Rob Portman for the better part of the last century …
Crooks and Liars, FishbowlDC and Mediaite

How Romney's Pick of a Running Mate Could Sway the Outcome — We haven't had that much to say about Mitt Romney's choice of a vice-presidential nominee — mostly because it just isn't something that lends itself to rigorous analysis. — But let's focus on the part of the problem where our tools …
Swampland, Outside the Beltway and Booman Tribune

Harry Belafonte on Capitalism, Media Moguls and His Disappointment With Jay-Z and Beyonce (Q&A) — At the Locarno Film Festival to pick up the Golden Leopard Honor Award, the singer and actor also talks about his fears of a Fourth Reich and why Mitt Romney shouldn't be president.
theGrio, Associated Press, Mediaite and The Hinterland Gazette