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Radford business owner declines request from Joe Biden's entourage to stop in store — The owner of Crumb and Get It says he doesn't agree with the Obama administration's policies. — Vice President Joe Biden visits Danville, Floyd, Wytheville — Republicans seize on Biden's ‘put you back in chains’ comment

Mission Impossible: Managing Joe Biden — BLACKSBURG, Va. — The most emotionally powerful minute of Joe Biden's two-day swing through rural Virginia almost didn't happen. — After the vice president paid a solemn visit Wednesday to the memorial honoring the victims of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting …
Guardian, Mediaite, National Review, Weekly Standard, Poynter and Hot Air

Ryan pick presents new challenges for Biden — Video: A remark Joe Biden made at a rally on Tuesday has gotten a lot of attention. The vice president told a diverse crowd, including many African Americans, that Mitt Romney would “put you all back in chains” by unshackling Wall Street.
Washington Wire, ABCNEWS, WBAY-TV, Politico, The Fix, Ballot Box, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog and USA Today

President Obama: No Apologies, No Scolding for Joe Biden's Remark
Politico, The Fix, Scared Monkeys, Mediaite, Reuters, USA Today, The Hill, New York Magazine, CNN, ABCNEWS, Weasel Zippers,, Washington Post and Hot Air

Fmr. Va. Gov. Douglas Wilder to Biden: ‘Slavery is nothing to joke about’
The Hinterland Gazette,, Weekly Standard, The PJ Tatler and Power Line

The ugly presidential campaign
The Mahablog, Balloon Juice, Daily Kos, Outside the Beltway and Politico

Give 'em hell, Mitt! — On Medicare, the Romney campaign is borrowing the strategic logic of a long-ago military legend. — Taking command of the French 9th army in 1914 as it retreated before the Germans, Marshal Ferdinand Foch uttered his immortals words: “Hard pressed on my right.

ANALYSIS: Paul Ryan's First Week — ANALYSIS:If Mitt Romney's decision to announce his vice presidential pick earlier than most other presidential candidates in modern political history was supposed to turn the campaign away from the personal (his record at Bain, his refusal to release …

Cops: LGBT volunteer shoots conservative group's guard — (AP) WASHINGTON - A man suspected of shooting and wounding a security guard in the lobby of a Christian lobbying group had been volunteering at a community center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
Shakesville, UrbanGrounds, Power Line, The PJ Tatler, Truth Wins Out, The Jawa Report, Mediaite, Washington Post, Fox News and WJLA-TV

Marriage advocate pleads for civility
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Towleroad News #gay

Human Rights Campaign Maintains Family Research Council is a “Hate Group”
Good As You and blogs

TPMMuckraker — Brewer's Immigration Blast At Obama Looks Like A Dud — At first blush, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer seemed to be defying the federal government once again on Wednesday night. — The Republican governor signed an executive order saying Arizona had no plans to give government benefits …

Brewer bars IDs, benefits for DREAMers
The Political Carnival, Weasel Zippers and protein wisdom

Gov. Jan Brewer defies W.H. on immigration
ImmigrationProf Blog and New York Times

Arizona Governor Tries To Thwart Obama's Immigration Directive With Executive Order
KNXV and Associated Press

Artur Davis, who backed Obama in 2008, to speak at GOP convention — Former congressman Artur Davis, who officially seconded President Obama's nomination at the 2008 Democratic convention, said Wednesday that he will cap a remarkable political metamorphosis by addressing the Republican convention …
BuzzFeed, Outside the Beltway, AEIdeas, Hot Air,, Politico, The Fix and The Political Carnival

Ex-Obama pal decodes Joe Biden's racial-speak for other Americans
protein wisdom and RedState

Is Today the Day? — Perhaps further fueling speculation …
The Daily Caller, National Review, Hot Air, BLACKFIVE and neo-neocon

Ecuador Grants Asylum to Assange, Defying Britain — CARACAS, Venezuela — Ecuador said on Thursday that it had decided to grant political asylum to Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. Mr. Assange has been holed up for two months in the Ecuadorean embassy in London …
Guardian, Media Decoder, News Desk, New York Magazine,, Gawker and BBC, more at Mediagazer »

No Criminal Case Is Likely in Loss at MF Global — A criminal investigation into the collapse of the brokerage firm MF Global and the disappearance of about $1 billion in customer money is now heading into its final stage without charges expected against any top executives.
Hot Air, emptywheel, The Awl, Brad DeLong and Jammie Wearing Fools

Americans Continue to Give Obama Low Marks on the Economy — Low rating on the economy may be more problematic than even lower deficit rating — PRINCETON, NJ — Three months before the election, President Barack Obama gets good marks from Americans for his handling of terrorism …
The Moderate Voice, USA Today, Business Insider, Questions and Observations and The Hinterland Gazette

Red & Black student staffers walk out — The student editorial staff of the University of Georgia's The Red & Black newspaper walked out Wednesday evening after a non-student was named editorial director with final say on all editorial content. — The Red & Black's student editor-in-chief …
Red & Dead, Poynter, Instapundit and Inside Higher Ed

Paul Ryan's Youth Appeal — WHY MILLENNIALS LOVE RYAN — Boomers don't want to give up their sweet deal, but the rest of us in the screwed generation have reason to embrace Paul Ryan's ‘radical’ plans, writes Kirsten Powers. — Khalil Hamra / AP Photo — OBAMA, STAY OUT OF SYRIA!
Weekly Standard and

Look Who the Press Is Blaming for the Ugly Campaign — Media Bias: What a surprise. Mitt Romney finally throws a counterpunch to a series of outrageous Obama campaign lies, and the press accuses Romney of going negative. The media's pro-Obama bias is a wonder to behold.

What to Do With Political Lies — Fact-checkers are no longer enough: If lies are going to be repeated, the truth needs to be, too. — Shutterstock — My former Washington Post colleague Alec MacGillis has a thought-provoking piece in The New Republic today about “The Welfare Card …
New York Times, Washington Monthly, Guardian, Daily Kos and Washington Post, more at Mediagazer »