Top Items:

Foreign Policy Hands Voice Disbelief At Romney Cairo Statement — “Bungle... utter disaster...not ready for prime time... not presidential... Lehman moment.” And that's just the Republicans. — Image by Jim Young / Reuters — Mitt Romney's sharply-worded attack on President Obama …
Weekly Standard, The Moderate Voice, BuzzFeed, Salon, Little Green Footballs, The Hill, New York Magazine, The Week, Mediaite, The Page, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Daily Beast, Taylor Marsh, FP Passport, Taegan Goddard's …, The PJ Tatler, US Politics, The New Civil Rights Movement and CNN

Deadly Embassy Assault May Have Been Planned, U.S. Suspects — WASHINGTON —The Obama administration suspects that the fiery attack in Libya that killed the American ambassador and three other diplomats may have been planned rather than a spontaneous mob getting out of control, American officials said Wednesday.

White House disavows Cairo apology — The White House is disavowing a statement from its own Cairo embassy that apologized for anti-Muslim activity in the United States. — “The statement by Embassy Cairo was not cleared by Washington and does not reflect the views of the United States government …
CNN, The Atlantic Online, Twitchy, BREITBART.COM, Washington Examiner, NBC Politics,, No More Mister Nice Blog, Gawker, Weasel Zippers, American Spectator, Balloon Juice, Hit & Run, Talking Points Memo, Hot Air, National Review, Wizbang, The Daily Beast, Belmont Club, The Daily Caller, The PJ Tatler, Scared Monkeys, Associated Press and First Read

U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in Benghazi attack — (Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other embassy staff were killed in a rocket attack on their car, a Libyan official said, as they were rushed from a consular building stormed by militants denouncing a U.S.-made film insulting the Prophet Mohammad.
New York Post, Telegraph, The Huffington Post, Commentary Magazine, The Gateway Pundit,, Mother Jones, National Review, The Hinterland Gazette, Scared Monkeys, Gawker, Atlas Shrugs, AEIdeas, The Week, Conservatives4Palin, Pat Dollard, Taylor Marsh and Israel Matzav, more at Mediagazer »
FIRST ON CNN: Romney camp tries to manage fallout from Libya response — De Pere, Wisconsin (CNN) - Facing criticism for its aggressive and politically-charged response to Tuesday's violent attacks on the American embassies in Egypt and Libya, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign …
American Prospect, Outside the Beltway and Taylor Marsh

When You Learn They're Not Ready — Some moments show you when a candidate is ready or not to become President of the United States. I suspect last night will become one of those moments for Mitt Romney. The verdict will not be positive. — As I noted last night …
Washington Post, ThinkProgress, The Maddow Blog and Daily Kos
Daniel Foster / National Review:
Romney's Awkward Spot — The sanctity of ambassadors and other diplomats is in the proverbial article one, section one of international law, and your ability to do it is as good a proxy as there is for whether you are a real country or a barbarian rabble. The murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens …
Battleground Watch and Betsy's Page

First Thoughts: Over the top — Romney issues over-the-top attack on embassy attacks... And his statement looks worse and worse as new information comes out, including the death of the U.S. ambassador to Libya... Romney camp stands by its attack saying embassy statement came after the u nrest began …
Jerusalem Post, The Week, Reuters, FP Passport,, The Hinterland Gazette and The American Conservative

Romney Defends Premature Libya Criticism — Families are in mourning, and the diplomatic corps is dealing with the tragedy of four Americans being killed in the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. But with 55 days until the election, everything becomes grist for the political mill …
BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed, JustOneMinute, BBC, Brendan Nyhan, The Maddow Blog and AEIdeas
William A. Jacobson / Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion:
Dead Ambassador dragged through streets, MSM furious at Romney criticism of Obama — If there ever were a doubt, no matter how small, that the mainstream media is deeply in bed with the Obama campaign, the reaction to the killing of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and several other Americans should put such doubt to rest.
Power Line and Althouse

Hill GOP leaves Romney out on limb on Libya — Republicans on Capitol Hill strongly condemned the attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Libya and Egypt that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. — But they're leaving GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney out on a limb …

His True Colors — As noted, we have two simultaneous crises washing over Washington tonight from the Middle East. First, the US-Israel blow up, which I discussed below. Next, riots which escalated into full-scale attacks on US embassies in Cairo and Benghazi, triggered by another stunt …
Daily Kos

Assault on U.S. consulate in Benghazi leaves 4 dead, including U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens — (CBS/AP) U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens was among four Americans killed in an attack by Muslim protesters on the U.S. consulate compound in Benghazi the previous evening, the U.S. government confirmed Wednesday.
The Hill, BREITBART.COM, Associated Press, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, CBS Los Angeles and The Gateway Pundit

Mitt's shameful Libya statement — This is what happens when one party spends four years convincing itself the president is something he isn't — That it's fundamentally dishonest hasn't stopped Mitt Romney from repeating his central critique of Barack Obama's foreign policy over and over …
The Daily Beast, Associated Press, The Maddow Blog and Balloon Juice

GOP leaders less critical than Mitt Romney in response to Libya attack — In this file photo. U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, speaks with reporters in April 2011. (Ben Curtis - AP) The death of Ambassador John Christopher Stevens and attacks on U.S. facilities in Libya …
The Atlantic Online, Washington Monthly and Hot Air
Julian Pecquet / The Hill:
Obama condemns attack as Romney criticizes US response
Obama condemns attack as Romney criticizes US response
ABCNEWS, The Hill and Pat Dollard

How murder of U.S. ambassador to Libya plunges Obama's re-election campaign into crisis
The Atlantic Online, New York Times, and Belmont Club
The Lede:
Obscure Film Mocking Muslim Prophet Sparks Anti-U.S. Protests in Egypt and Libya
Obscure Film Mocking Muslim Prophet Sparks Anti-U.S. Protests in Egypt and Libya
AJE,, FP Passport, The Daily Beast, Riptide 2.0, National Review, New York Magazine, Mediaite, Mashable!, The Hinterland Gazette and Hot Air
The Mittani:
Discussion: • …, Wired, Weekly Standard, Talking Points Memo, BuzzFeed, Riehl World News and Boing Boing
Maggie Haberman / Politico:
Romney condemns ‘disgraceful’ Obama response on Mideast violence (Updated)
Romney condemns ‘disgraceful’ Obama response on Mideast violence (Updated)
James Fallows / The Atlantic Online:
Three Quick Points on the Libya Killings
Three Quick Points on the Libya Killings
The Mahablog, DCist and The Stranger …
Margaret Coker / Wall Street Journal:
U.S. Ambassador to Libya Is Killed
U.S. Ambassador to Libya Is Killed
Washington Wire, Guardian, Alan Colmes' Liberaland,, The Daily Beast and NO QUARTER
Max Fisher / The Atlantic Online:
The Movie So Offensive That Egyptians Just Stormed the U.S. Embassy Over It
The Movie So Offensive That Egyptians Just Stormed the U.S. Embassy Over It
The Moderate Voice, ABCNEWS, World News, Egypt Independent Liveblog, CBS News, FP Passport, National Review and Outside the Beltway
Jim Hoft / The Gateway Pundit:
After US Consulate Torched to the Ground and AMBASSADOR MURDERED... Barack Obama Delivers …
After US Consulate Torched to the Ground and AMBASSADOR MURDERED... Barack Obama Delivers …
protein wisdom, ABCNEWS, Fox News Insider, The Daily Caller and Riehl World News
Jennifer Epstein / Politico:
Obama: Libya attack ‘outrageous and shocking’
Obama: Libya attack ‘outrageous and shocking’
Hot Air and PoliticusUSA
Sam Dagher / Wall Street Journal:
U.S. Missions Stormed in Libya, Egypt
U.S. Missions Stormed in Libya, Egypt
Guardian, Talking Points Memo, Naharnet, CNN, Associated Press, Michelle Malkin, FP Passport, Weasel Zippers, New York Magazine, Religion Dispatches,, Mashable!, ABCNEWS, Mediaite, Hit & Run, The Daily Dish, Reuters, NPR, The Raw Story, Battleground Watch, The Daily Beast, Riptide 2.0, Business Insider, Power Line, Informed Comment, Foreign Policy and Nice Deb
Thomas Joscelyn / Weekly Standard:
Zawahiri's Brother at Cairo Embassy Assault
Zawahiri's Brother at Cairo Embassy Assault
Battleground Watch
Arelis R. Hernández / Orlando Sentinel:
Terry Jones: Florida pastor linked to bombing protests
Terry Jones: Florida pastor linked to bombing protests
Discussion: blogs, The Atlantic Online, Politico, Towleroad News #gay and The Right Scoop
Hillary Rodham Clinton / US Department of State:
Statement on the Death of American Personnel in Benghazi, Libya
Statement on the Death of American Personnel in Benghazi, Libya
The Atlantic Online, The Jawa Report, Guardian, DCist and The Hinterland Gazette
Rachel Weiner / Election 2012:
Romney calls Obama administration response to Libya attacks ‘disgraceful’
Romney calls Obama administration response to Libya attacks ‘disgraceful’
Spencer Ackerman / Wired:
Marines Head to Libya After Mob Kills Ambassador
Marines Head to Libya After Mob Kills Ambassador
Crooks and Liars
Josh Rogin / Foreign Policy:
Romney campaign links embassy attacks to Obama's failed Middle East policies
Romney campaign links embassy attacks to Obama's failed Middle East policies
The Caucus, ABCNEWS, The Daily Dish, The New Civil Rights Movement and National Review
Joshua Hersh / The Huffington Post:
Mitt Romney Criticizes Obama Administration Over Response To Libya, Egypt Attacks
Mitt Romney Criticizes Obama Administration Over Response To Libya, Egypt Attacks
CNN, Mediaite, The Belgravia Dispatch, Weasel Zippers and The PJ Tatler
Obama condemns killing of U.S. ambassador to Libya
Obama condemns killing of U.S. ambassador to Libya
This Just In, The Jawa Report, Wonkette, The PJ Tatler and National Review
David D. Kirkpatrick / New York Times:
Anger Over a Film Fuels Anti-American Attacks in Libya and Egypt
Anger Over a Film Fuels Anti-American Attacks in Libya and Egypt
Washington Post, Guardian, Associated Press, Atlas Shrugs, Weasel Zippers, The American Conservative, The Caucus and Power Line
Matt Welch / Hit & Run:
What's So Hard About Saying, “In the United States, we are not in the business of approving these messages”?
What's So Hard About Saying, “In the United States, we are not in the business of approving these messages”?
Wired, Outside the Beltway and The Maddow Blog
Kevin Robillard / Reuters:
Chris Stevens, the ‘quintessential diplomat’
Chris Stevens, the ‘quintessential diplomat’
Politico, ABCNEWS, FP Passport, PoliticusUSA, CNN and World News
Sam Baker / The Hill:
Number of uninsured falls by 1.4 million — The number of people without health insurance tumbled by 1.4 million in 2011, from 50 million to 48.6 million, the U.S. Census Bureau reported Wednesday. — The Census Bureau said 15.7 percent of Americans lacked health insurance in 2011 — down from 16.3 percent in 2010.

Gary Johnson on ballot in 47 states — The Libertarian Party reports that Gary Johnson will be on the ballot in at least 47 states, plus the District of Columbia. — The party is involved in litigation to get him on the ballot in the three remaining states, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Michigan …
Hit & Run, Outside the Beltway and Taylor Marsh
Jeffrey Goldberg / The Atlantic Online:
RNC Already Politicizing Anti-American Rioting — Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus (@Reince) tweeted out the following before news of the murder of the U.S. ambassador in Libya, but after the sustained attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities there and in Egypt: “Obama sympathizes with attackers in Egypt.
Outside the Beltway, The Agonist, Taylor Marsh and The Reaction