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Polls: Obama holds the edge in Florida, Ohio and Virginia — President Barack Obama has opened up a five-point lead in the Sunshine State and the “right track” number is now more than 40 percent. NBC's Chuck Todd reports. — After two political conventions and heading into the post-Labor Day sprint …
Politico, Talking Points Memo, Hot Air,, Daily Kos and Middle Earth Journal

Exclusive: Obama Up by 4 Points Among Likely Voters (58% of Americans Say He'd Take Romney in a Fight) — With fifty-four days to go, voter opinions are coming into focus, and Esquire and Yahoo! News have joined forces to examine how voters view the presidential candidates and how President Obama …
CNN, Politico, New York Magazine and The Daily Pulp

9/13: Obama Leads Romney by 7 Points in Ohio
The Fix, Battleground Watch and Hotline On Call

Obama up 7, Klobuchar 19 in Minnesota
Discussion: and The Political Carnival

Poll: Voters think Obama would beat Romney in a fistfight
Weasel Zippers, Ballot Box, CNN and Jammie Wearing Fools

White House clarifies Obama's statement that Egypt is not an ‘ally’ — President Barack Obama didn't intend to signal any change in the U.S.-Egypt relationship last night when he said Egypt is not an “ally,” the White House told The Cable today. — In an interview with Telemundo Wednesday night …
Discussion:, Hot Air,, Politico, Mediaite, ABCNEWS, New York Times, Doug Ross, CNN, PJ Media, Guardian, Outside the Beltway, Talking Points Memo, New York Magazine, Wizbang, National Review, The Atlantic Online, Power Line, Weekly Standard, Washington Examiner, Election 2012 and The PJ Tatler

Obama alone: This president does not need intel briefers — How long had it been since President Obama attended his daily intelligence meeting in the lead-up to the Sept. 11 attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Egypt and Libya? After all, our adversaries are known to use the anniversary of 9/11 to target the United States.
FOX5 Vegas - KVVU, Crooks and Liars, The Maddow Blog, Atlas Shrugs, The PJ Tatler and AEIdeas

Video: NBC chief foreign correspondent blasts Obama's “Egypt not an ally” statement
Outside the Beltway, National Review and The Daily Dish

Pentagon Denies Reports of No Live Ammo for Marines — A Marine spokesperson at the Pentagon denied reports that U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition in a statement to Fox News Thursday.

Enough Appeasement Already — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton just announced that she finds the anti-Muslim movie trailer that sparked violent and even murderous attacks on American embassies across the Middle East to be “disgusting and reprehensible” and that the United States government had nothing to do with it.
The Hill, Politico and Tablet Magazine

Turmoil Spreads to U.S. Embassy in Yemen
Reuters, New Yorker, New York Post,, Atlas Shrugs, First Read, IHT Rendezvous, The Caucus, ABCNEWS, Washington Post, This Just In, Tablet Magazine, Boing Boing, Close Read, The Stranger …, The Other McCain, BuzzMachine, Lawfare, The Lede, The Atlantic Online, Althouse, Right Wing News, Questions and Observations, The Heritage Foundation, Mashable!, Jihad Watch, JustOneMinute, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Via Meadia, NO QUARTER, Newsy, Firedoglake, Gothamist, Gawker, Jammie Wearing Fools and The PJ Tatler

Angry protests spread over anti-Islam film
CNN, Guardian, The Moderate Voice, The PJ Tatler and Newsy

Media and Obama out to lunch — Romney had it right
First Read and National Review

Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination — Exclusive: America ‘was warned of embassy attack but did nothing’ — NOTE: WE DO NOT STORE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) BUT YOUR IP ADDRESS WILL BE LOGGED TO PREVENT ABUSE OF THIS FEATURE. PLEASE READ OUR LEGAL TERMS & POLICIES

For immediate release — Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in August suggests that economic activity has continued to expand at a moderate pace in recent months. Growth in employment has been slow, and the unemployment rate remains elevated.
Bloomberg, New York Times, Washington Post, Slate, Los Angeles Times, Felix Salmon, Business Insider, Washington Monthly, Via Meadia, The Huffington Post, The Moderate Voice, The Week, Guardian, The Daily Beast, New York Magazine, Firedoglake, Daily Kos, Economist's View, Taylor Marsh, National Review, The Big Picture, Hullabaloo, The Demos Blog and The Maddow Blog

Republicans question whether Fed carrying water for Obama
Wall Street Journal, PoliticusUSA, The Maddow Blog and Mother Jones

With QE3, We All Win — Poor and Rich Alike
The Atlantic Online, New York Times, The Daily Beast and The Daily Dish

Washington Post, Hit & Run, Zombie, Power Line, The Daily Dish and The Crawdad Hole

Federal Reserve launches QE3
CNN, Guardian, Outside the Beltway, Blog, Newsy, Michelle Malkin and Real Time Economics

Mitt Romney tones down embassy critique in Va. — FAIRFAX, Va. — Mitt Romney didn't repeat his strong criticism of President Barack Obama over the response to protests at the U.S. embassies in Egypt and Libya at a campaign rally here Thursday. — He did note the death of four Americans …
FP Passport, CNN, The Hinterland Gazette and Little Green Footballs

Benjamin Netanyahu vs. Barack Obama
CNN, Haaretz, The Moderate Voice, The Hinterland Gazette, Taylor Marsh, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and National Review

The American Media Beclowned Themselves Yesterday
Weekly Standard, Mediaite, FP Passport, The Caucus, Associated Press, FishbowlDC, The Daily Beast, Hot Air, Politico, Slate, The Week, blogs, GOP 12, The American Conservative, The Daily Dish, Illinois Review, Wizbang, First Read, No More Mister Nice Blog, Washington Monthly, AEIdeas and The Daily Caller

Feds ID California man's role in anti-Islam film — Associated Press/Hani Mohammed - A Yemeni protestor, left, holds a white flag with Islamic inscription in Arabic that reads, “No God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet,” in front of the U.S. embassy during ...more
Washington Monthly, The Hinterland Gazette, Weasel Zippers, The Gateway Pundit, and Riehl World News

Opposing view: Why Sam Bacile deserves arrest
Discussion:, protein wisdom, Jihad Watch, Overlawyered, Weasel Zippers, Michael J. Totten's blog and Outside the Beltway

Ryan gets hero's welcome from House GOP upon return to DC — Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan got a hero's welcome from his colleagues on Thursday as he returned to the Capitol for the first time since being named by Mitt Romney to the GOP ticket.
CNN, Politico, Ballot Box and The Hill

Top Romney adviser: ‘Apology’ statement fit our narrative, so we ran with it — In a post that's generating some attention today, Josh Marshall pointed out that last night's New York Times story detailing the Romney camp's step-by-step thinking on the Embassy attacks was replaced with another version that was missing key reporting.

Limbaugh: Al-Qaida “gave up Osama” — He says the terrorist group wanted to “mak[e] Obama look good” so he would remain in the White House — Polite and serious pundits were shocked when Mitt Romney suggested, and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus outright declared, that President Obama …

Whoa!... Democrat Kirstin Powers UNLOADS on Obama and Media After Mideast Embassy Attacks (Video) — Whoa! Democrat Kirstin Powers blasted this week's media jihad against Mitt Romney today on America Live with Megyn Kelly. Powers also slammed the Obama Administration for their weak response …
Riehl World News

Three Ron Paul-Supporting Electors May Not Support Republican Ticket … REACT: — FOLLOW: — Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Paul Ryan, Ron Paul, Video, Electoral College, Electors, Mitt Romney 2012, Paul Ryan 2012, Politics News — At least three Republican electors say they may not support …
Hit & Run, A plain blog about politics, Firedoglake and Politico

Romney's Team Turns On The Press — A frustrating week in Boston. “The polls are close, and so the media starts cheering on their guy,” says one adviser. — DULLES, Va. — As Mitt Romney finishes his second week of dismal news coverage — with slipping polls and a combustible international crisis driving …
Washington Post, Daily Kos, shouting loudly, Booman Tribune, The Maddow Blog and emptywheel, more at Mediagazer »

Todd Akin: Obama Doesn't Like America — The pariah Senate candidate strikes again, this time commenting on the tragedy in Libya. — Zeke Miller — an hour ago — 34 responses
The Hinterland Gazette

Terrifying: Increases in Real Per Capita Federal Spending Over The Past 35 Years — The above chart put together by my frequent collaborator Veronique de Rugy is, simply put, terrifying. — It shows the growth in inflation-adjusted federal outlays per capita.
small dead animals

Google's Flawed ‘Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon’ Search [Updated] — When we read about a new Google Search tool that lets you calculate any actor's “Bacon number” — the number of degrees he or she is removed from a Kevin Bacon movie — we immediately started trying it out using names from the political world …
The Verge and The Next Web