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EXCLUSIVE - Romney on Debates: Obama Will 'Say Things That Aren't True' — With the first presidential debate less than three weeks away, Mitt Romney is spending lots of time getting ready behind closed doors. In his first comments on that debate prep, he told me that Sen. Rob Portman …

Full Transcript: George Stephanopoulos and Mitt Romney — The following is a full transcript of my interview with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. — GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Governor, thank you for doing this. — MITT ROMNEY: Thank you, George. — STEPHANOPOULOS: Boy …
New York Magazine, Crooks and Liars, Business Insider, Washington Post, Mother Jones, US Politics, FP Passport, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Caucus, PoliticusUSA, Daily Kos, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Wonkette, The New Civil Rights Movement, The Daily Beast, The New Republic, Dave Winer, The Maddow Blog, National Review, blogs, First Read, Washington Wire, emptywheel, The Right Scoop and The Daily Dish

Bryan Fischer: Today's GOP Will Be ‘Dead’ If Romney Loses — A Barack Obama win in November will lead to a meltdown within the Republican Party, said Bryan Fischer, an influential official at the American Family Association. And he isn't too optimistic about Mitt Romney's chances.

Romney team sharpens attack on Obama's foreign policy — Advisers to Mitt Romney on Thursday defended his sharp criticism of President Obama and said that the deadly protests sweeping the Middle East would not have happened if the Republican nominee were president.
ABCNEWS, Talking Points Memo, Swampland, Taylor Marsh,, Mother Jones, Balloon Juice, The Hill, AEIdeas, Outside the Beltway, American Prospect, The Raw Story, The Maddow Blog, No More Mister Nice Blog, New York Times, Election 2012, Wonkette, The Hinterland Gazette, The Fix, New York Magazine and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Romney owes an apology — To a certain extent, no one should be surprised by Mitt Romney's decision to seize on — actually, make that exploit — the attack on U.S. diplomatic outposts in Egypt and Libya as ammunition in the presidential campaign. — After all, the Republican presidential nominee wrote …

Poll: Obama Holds Narrow Edge Over Romney
Reuters, USA Today, Washington Post, Taking Note, Prairie Weather, BBC, Examiner, WMUR, The Hill, CNN, First Read, Election 2012 and National Review

Mitt Romney Condemns Anti-Muslim Film, Echoing White House Position
PoliticusUSA, The Maddow Blog and New York Magazine

Mitt Romney And The Art Of The Double-Down (The Note)
Discussion: and Election 2012

A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World — If you can't keep track of all the Muslim protests erupting across the globe, you're not alone. The uproar over a 14-minute anti-Islam YouTube video has sparked furious protests from Somalia to Egypt to Sudan to Tunisia to Libya to Bangladesh to Indonesia to Pakistan.
BBC, Independent Journal Review, emptywheel, The Daily Caller and Via Meadia

'Obama's Middle East Policy Is in Ruins' — US embassies in the Muslim world were on high alert Friday following days of violent protests against an anti-Islam film. Germany, too, closed several embassies in fear of attacks. Some German commentators argue that the violence shows that Obama's Middle East policies have failed.
American Power, UrbanGrounds, Atlas Shrugs and Shot in the Dark

The Muslim Protests: Two Myths Down, Three to Go — Here is the narrative that pretty much everyone was buying into 36 hours ago: Crude anti-Islam film made by Israeli-American and funded by Jews leads to Muslim protests that boil over, causing four American deaths in Libya.
Mother Jones, Hit & Run, Unqualified Offerings, The Arabist, The Daily Dish and Towleroad News #gay

Carney: Global Protests Directed At Offensive Video, Not U.S. Policy Or The Obama Administration
The Jawa Report, Jihad Watch, and Atlas Shrugs

Shariah vs. the Constitution
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, American Spectator, CNSNews and Jihad Watch

Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination — Exclusive: America ‘was warned of embassy attack but did nothing’ — NOTE: WE DO NOT STORE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) BUT YOUR IP ADDRESS WILL BE LOGGED TO PREVENT ABUSE OF THIS FEATURE. PLEASE READ OUR LEGAL TERMS & POLICIES
The Daily Caller, Hit & Run, Wizbang,, Scared Monkeys, The Heritage Foundation, Independent Journal Review, Pundit & Pundette, protein wisdom, BuzzFeed, The Moderate Voice, National Review, Datechguy's Blog,, Telegraph, The Agonist, Jammie Wearing Fools, Weasel Zippers, The PJ Tatler, NO QUARTER, American Glob, Conservatives4Palin, Power Line, The Jawa Report, Atlas Shrugs, Althouse, The Right Scoop, Hot Air, The Gateway Pundit and Belmont Club

Bloody Hand Prints at Consulate Reveal Americans Were Dragged From Building Before Their Death
The PJ Tatler, Guardian, Daily Mail, Power Line and Jammie Wearing Fools

Bloody hand prints, stolen documents and shocking security failings: Harrowing pictures inside …
Questions and Observations, The Jawa Report, Betsy's Page, Michelle Malkin and The PJ Tatler

University of Texas classes canceled — All other activities will resume at 5 p.m. Friday — AUSTIN (KXAN) - Classes at the University of Texas are canceled for Friday following a bomb threat from a caller claiming to be with al-Qaida who said he placed bombs all over campus.
Campus alerts, This Just In, BBC, Hot Air, The Raw Story, Independent Journal Review, Newsy, The Stranger …, and Jihad Watch

Threat made to Valparaiso University campus
Discussion:, The Gateway Pundit and Independent Journal Review

Bomb threats clear Texas, N. Dakota State campuses
KXAN-TV, National Review, The PJ Tatler, The Jawa Report and Atlas Shrugs

THOUSAND — Campaign sources say they had expected between 2,000 and 4,000 volunteers to dial into the video conference from around the country, but ended up with 6,000 . Most of them were “team leaders” in the Obama organization, tasked with organizing volunteers and building the organization, an official said.
Mediaite and

China commentary slams Romney's “foolish” China-bashing — (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's attacks on China and promise to name the country a currency manipulator if elected are foolish and hypocritical, China's official Xinhua news agency said on Friday.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Xinhua News Agency, The Moderate Voice, Politico, Hot Air and The Hinterland Gazette

Stephanie Cutter Uses Communist Propaganda Outlet to Hit Romney (Updated: DNC Too)
Pat Dollard, Hot Air, FP Passport and Ed Driscoll

Samuel's prez ad: Wake the f@#k up! — They picked the perfect actor for a political ad loaded with f-bombs. — Samuel L. Jackson will film a provocative spot supporting President Obama's re-election bid as early as tomorrow — telling voters to “Wake the f—k up, Vote for Obama.”
Michelle Malkin, blogs, Jammie Wearing Fools, Althouse, The Impolitic and The Hinterland Gazette

Film maker behind anti-Muslim video ‘could be sent back to jail’ — The man behind the anti-Islamic film that sparked violent unrest in the Middle East could be sent back to jail for violating his probation by distributing the movie. — Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, has convictions …
Atlas Shrugs and Jihad Watch

Kansas Goes Birther: State Board Considers Removing Obama From Ballot — Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, an informal advisor to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, said on Thursday he and his fellow members of a state board were considering removing President Barack Obama from the Kansas ballot this November.

Kansas panel delays ballot decision on Obama
New York Times, Valley Fever, Talking Points Memo, Outside the Beltway, Daily Kos and The Raw Story

Jennifer Granholm, DNC Firebrand, ‘Cute’ on '78 ‘Dating Game’ — Here's Jennifer Granholm like you've never seen her. The former Michigan governor and current liberal talkshow host, who gave the single most-fiery speech at the Democratic convention, was a contestant on “The Dating Game” in 1978.
Detroit Free Press and Hotline On Call

US-commanded MFO in Sinai under attack — dead reported in compound — Israel media - Channel 2 - just reported that the US-commanded Multi-National Force Observors headquarters in the Sinai is under assault. Salafists laid seige to the building this afternoon and some 50 armed men stormed it.
protein wisdom and The Jawa Report

Black flag of Islam flies over U.S. embassy in Tunisia as America is targeted by angry mobs across the globe in day of chaos — 10,000 Muslims stage a noisy protest in Bangladeshi capital Dhaka, burning and trampling American flags while chanting anti-US slogans
Weasel Zippers, Riehl World News and Jammie Wearing Fools

Sept. 13: After Convention Bounce, Holding Obama's Polls to a Higher Standard — On Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Eastern time, there was a deluge of comments in my Twitter feed when NBC News and Marist University released poll results showing President Obama with clear leads in three swing states.
The New Republic, Washington Monthly and A plain blog about politics

Group At Conservative Conference Urge Women To ‘Go Home And Put Some Clothes On’ — WASHINGTON, DC — Literature being handed out at the Values Voter Summit on Friday attacks women for being “immodest” and extolled them to “go home and put some clothes on!”