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SECRET VIDEO: On Israel, Romney Trashes Two-State Solution — At a private fundraiser, the GOP candidate calls Middle East peace “almost unthinkable” and says he would “kick the ball down the field.” — At the private fundraiser held May 17 where Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney candidly spoke …
The Huffington Post, Taking Note, New York Times, New York Magazine, Mediaite, The Atlantic Online, Washington Post, Little Green Footballs, Liberal Values, Business Insider, Daniel W. Drezner, The Spectacle Blog, Wonkette,, PERRspectives, The Daily Dish, The Daily Beast, Mother Jones, Hot Air, The Jawa Report, The Maddow Blog,, Mondoweiss, Washington Wire, Wizbang, The Lede, The Moderate Voice and The Hinterland Gazette

A Note on Romney's Arrogant and Stupid Remarks — So we have in 2012 two presidential candidates who—when they thought they were speaking privately to their fellow 1 percenters—have shown contempt for fellow Americans. — Here's Barack Obama, on April 6, 2008, in San Francisco:

WATCH: Full Secret Video of Private Romney Fundraiser — Mitt Romney wanted the full tape. Here it is. — On Monday and Tuesday Mother Jones published exclusive video that captured Mitt Romney speaking to donors at a May 17 fundraiser, which was held at the home of private equity mogul Mark Leder.
Los Angeles Times, Washington Wire, The Hill, Reuters, Tales from the Trail, BBC, Washington Post, Gawker, Real Clear Politics, Mediaite, Red Alert Politics, New York Magazine, Mashable!, Business Insider, VentureBeat, ABCNEWS, Mother Jones,, The Raw Story, CNN, Wonkette, Slate, Examiner, Outside the Beltway and BuzzFeed, more at Mediagazer »

Thurston Howell Romney — In 1980, about 30 percent of Americans received some form of government benefits. Today, as Nicholas Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute has pointed out, about 49 percent do. — In 1960, government transfers to individuals totaled $24 billion.
Weekly Standard, Ballot Box, CNN, First Read, The Daily Caller, Politico, Mother Jones, Examiner, The PJ Tatler, Gothamist, Wonkette, TBogg, Via Meadia, Business Insider,, Guardian, The Daily Beast,, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Mario Piperni dot Com, National Review, Daily Kos and Washington Post

Sen. Brown denounces Romney comments — Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) came out in opposition to Mitt Romney's controversial remarks on the “47 percent.” — Brown, who has been distancing himself from elements of the Republican Party, joins GOP Senate candidate in Connecticut Linda McMahon in coming out against the statements.
CNN, Linda McMahon for Senate 2012, Business Insider, GOP 12, Mediaite, Guardian and The Maddow Blog

A Golden Opportunity for Mitt Romney — RUSH: I tell you, I really hope that Mother Jones pulls down that Romney video pretty fast. Well, what he said about the Palestinians not wanting peace, that's got the media as riled up as anything. The Palestinians are sacred to some people …
Washington Post, Washington Monthly, The Gateway Pundit and CNN

Romney Defends Leaked Comments, Hits Obama For 1998 “Redistribution” Line — On Fox News Tuesday, the Republican presidential nominee hit the president for a recently uncovered clip in which he says he “actually likes redistribution.” Romney also defended his comments about 47% of Americans who he says will vote for Obama.
Washington Post, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, New York Magazine and Business Insider

Romney Has Support Among Lowest Income Voters — Obama also gets support among those with highest incomes — PRINCETON, NJ — Although President Barack Obama has a substantial voting edge over Republican Mitt Romney among low-income Americans, Romney still gets about a third of the vote among …
Politico, New York Magazine and The Hinterland Gazette

Gallup poll: Obama's convention bump gone, lead down to 1 point — President Obama's small bounce in the polls following the Democratic National Convention has all but vanished in Tuesday's Gallup daily tracking poll. — Obama takes 47 percent support among registered voters over Romney's 46, according to the poll.
CNN, Politico, The Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers and Ricochet Conversations Feed

Eastwood: If they were ‘dumb enough to ask me...’ — (CNN) - Clint Eastwood isn't taking much time to reflect on his unique endorsement of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney at last month's Republican National Convention, after all he says if they're “dumb enough” to ask him, they'll take what they get.
Politico,, The Hill and ABCNEWS

The Right Is Wrong to Pin Obama's Edge on Welfare State — A lot of conservatives are puzzled that polls show the presidential election is even close, let alone that most show Barack Obama ahead. So convinced are they that Obama has failed that they think he ought to be out of the running.
Weekly Standard, Hit & Run, National Review, Power Line, The Daily Beast, Spectator and The Daily Caller

Conservatives Agree: Romney's Wrong
Economix, The Daily Caller, The New Republic, Mediaite, Plunderbund, Power Line, Hit & Run and Ricochet Conversations Feed

Romney struggles to steady campaign after secret videos
Examiner, blogs, The PJ Tatler, Hot Air and

The Sinister Message Behind Romney's “Gaffe”
No More Mister Nice Blog and Hullabaloo

Mitt Romney ‘47 percent’ recording may have been illegal
Politico, more at Mediagazer »

Mitt's Gettysburg Moment
Slate, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog and Washington Monthly

Romney sticks by his ‘47%’ remarks, hits back
Talking Points Memo, Politico and ABCNEWS

How the Romney video leaked: For Carters, it was personal
Election 2012, Pat Dollard and emptywheel

Conservatives Agree: Romney's Right
Mediaite, Hot Air, Talking Points Memo, Guardian, and The Daily Beast

Romney “47 Percent” Fundraiser Host: Hedge Fund Manager Who Likes Sex Parties
Washington Wire, Fortune, The Atlantic Online, The Visible Measures Blog,, The Daily Beast, Business Insider, First Read, Mediaite, CJR, Washington Post, Hit & Run, Post on Politics, TechCrunch, Brilliant at Breakfast, New York Magazine, Firedoglake, The Raw Story, Guardian, Election 2012, Gothamist, Politico, Economix and Wonkette, more at Mediagazer »

How Jimmy Carter's Grandson Helped Leak the Secret Romney Fund-raiser Video
Mashable!, Business Insider, Belmont Club, NY Daily News, ABCNEWS, neo-neocon,, The Raw Story, Washington Wire, First Read, Politico and Election 2012

Video: Republican Mitt Romney lambastes 2-state solution
Power Line, The Gateway Pundit,, UrbanGrounds, Rush Limbaugh and Atlas Shrugs

The Long Strange Leak Of Mitt Romney's 47% Video
Taylor Marsh, more at Mediagazer »

OMG, you guys, it's all over! … I can see why Democrats are so offended.

Romney's theory of the “taker class,” and why it matters
The Atlantic Online, Washington Wire, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Washington Examiner, Jack & Jill Politics, Guardian, The Daily Beast, THEROOT.COM, Telegraph, Democracy in America, Nice Deb, The Maddow Blog, Speakeasy, UrbanGrounds, Forbes, AEIdeas, Firedoglake, Talking Points Memo, Daily Kos and The Sundries Shack

How the Romney Campaign Scrambled to Respond to Secret Video
Washington Post, Washington Monthly, Daily Kos, New York Times and Business Insider

BREAKING: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Puts Voter ID Law In Jeopardy — Last month, a Pennsylvania trial judge upheld that state's Voter ID law, in an opinion that relied at least in part on Nineteenth Century precedent which claimed that vote suppressing laws may be permissible to protect against 'rogues …
Firedoglake and emptywheel

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Casts Doubt On Voter ID Law
Outside the Beltway

Cranston bans ‘father-daughter’ dances as violation of state law — CRANSTON, R.I. — In a move that has taken some parents by surprise, the school department has announced that it is banning traditional “father-daughter” and “mother-son” activities, saying they violate state law. — Supt.
Weasel Zippers and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Post Poll: Obama up 8 points over Romney in Virginia — President Obama continues to hold a clear lead over Mitt Romney in Virginia, a new Washington Post poll shows, buoyed by enthusiastic support rivaling what he marshaled in 2008 to snap the Democrats' four-decade losing streak in the state.
CNN, GOP 12, Politico, Outside the Beltway, Talking Points Memo, Business Insider, Daily Kos and Ballot Box

‘Innocence of Muslims’ doesn't meet free-speech test — U.S. 1st Amendment rights distinguish between speech that is simply offensive and speech deliberately tailored to put lives and property at immediate risk. — A scene from the 14-minute video trailer for the film “Innocence of Muslims …

FiveThirtyEight Forecast: G.O.P. Senate Hopes Slipping — Democrats are now favored to retain control of the Senate when the new Congress convenes in January, according to the FiveThirtyEight forecast, breaking a summer stalemate during which control of the chamber appeared about equally likely to go either way.
Washington Monthly and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Romney's Comment — There are many problems with it starting with the fact, as has already been pointed out in here, that he jumbled together three different groups (the almost half of the country that's going to support Obama no matter what; the roughly half of households that get government benefits …
American Prospect

EPA's four-gallon minimum mandate — The latest mandate handed down from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is so ridiculous, even I was shocked. The EPA has now mandated how much gasoline you must buy at certain gas stations. Say hello to the Obama Administration's four gallon minimum.
National Review

A Faded Piece of Papyrus Refers to Jesus' Wife — CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — A historian of early Christianity at Harvard Divinity School has identified a scrap of papyrus that she says was written in Coptic in the fourth century and contains a phrase never seen in any piece of Scripture: “Jesus said to them, ‘My wife ...’”
The Atlantic Online and CNN