Top Items:

Sen. Scott Brown staffers caught on video chanting Indian war whoops, making tomahawk chops — Rally video surfaces after campaigns release ads about Warren's heritage — Staffers for Sen. Scott Brown chanted Indian “war whoops” and made “tomahawk chops” during a rally for the Republican senator this week in Boston.
Althouse, Firedoglake, Politico, BuzzFeed, Ballot Box, Crooks and Liars, Little Green Footballs, Feministing, Gothamist, Hit & Run, ABCNEWS, Mediaite, Rumproast, The Daily Caller, Wonkette, The Raw Story, The Mahablog, The Fix, Towleroad News #gay, AEIdeas, Boston Globe, Angry Black Lady Chronicles, Daily Kos, Jammie Wearing Fools, Taylor Marsh and Business Insider
Michael Levenson / Boston Globe:
Dems: GOP staffers mocked Warren with chants, ‘chops’
Dems: GOP staffers mocked Warren with chants, ‘chops’
New York Magazine, Balloon Juice and The Fix

Racial Politics: Scott Brown Staffers Mock Warren With ‘Tomahawk Chop’ And ‘War Whoop’
Mediaite and Election 2012
Washington Post:
Washington Post polls: Obama lead in Ohio, edge in Fla. hamper Romney path to victory — President Obama has grabbed a significant lead over former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney in Ohio and holds a slender edge in Florida, according to two new polls by The Washington Post.
Pew Research Center …, The Fix, emptywheel, Little Green Footballs, GOP 12, Outside the Beltway, Battleground Watch, Althouse, Hot Air, Washington Wire, Naked Politics, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Business Insider, The Hinterland Gazette, Taylor Marsh, Politico, Election 2012 and National Review
Alexander Burns / Politico:
Romney's problem: Ohio, Ohio, Ohio — Of all the hurdles in Mitt Romney's path, there is none as daunting - or as alarming to other members of his party - as the state of Ohio. — This morning's Washington Post poll found Obama leading Romney by 8 points in the Buckeye State.
Washington Post, First Read, American Prospect, CNN, Outside the Beltway, The New Republic and The Other McCain

Romney Campaign Challenges The Polls — Adviser says internal polling says the race is much tighter than the public polls suggests. “We are, by any stretch, within the margin of error in Ohio,” says Beeson. — Image by Brian Snyder / Reuters — DAYTON, Ohio — Amid a flurry …
The Fix, Election 2012 and CANNONFIRE
Peter Kirsanow / National Review:
Why Isn't Romney Up by Ten Points?
Why Isn't Romney Up by Ten Points?
Washington Monthly, CANNONFIRE, Vodkapundit and The Talking Dog

President Obama's 2012 address to U.N. General Assembly (Full text) — Video: President Obama addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York Tuesday, urging leaders to condemn the violence over an anti-Muslim film in the Middle East that led to the death of U.S. ambassador to Libya.
CNN, Wall Street Journal, Hit & Run, The Week, The Heritage Foundation, Hot Air, New York Times, Newsy, This Just In and Radio Iowa
New York Times:
Obama's Speech to the United Nations General Assembly — Text — Following is a text of President Obama's speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, as released by the White House: — Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, fellow delegates, ladies and gentleman …
ABCNEWS, Weekly Standard, CBS New York, JOSHUAPUNDIT, The Agonist, The Daily Dish, Weasel Zippers and The Lede

The President continues to offer up apologies....When tolerance becomes a one way street it leads to cultural suicide... In his speech today to the United Nations, President Obama stated six times that the attacks across the Islamic world are attributed to a silly video.
BuzzFeed, Weasel Zippers, The Daily Caller and Daily Kos

In New York, defiant Ahmadinejad says Israel will be “eliminated”
Wake up America, Business Insider,, CBS News, Foreign Policy, Althouse, Newsy and Weekly Standard
Guy Taylor / Washington Times:
Muslim-led nations seek global ban on insults of Muhammad
Muslim-led nations seek global ban on insults of Muhammad
Pirate's Cove, Weasel Zippers, Hot Air and The Jawa Report
David Brooks / New York Times:
The Conservative Mind — When I joined the staff of National Review as a lowly associate in 1984, the magazine, and the conservative movement itself, was a fusion of two different mentalities. — On the one side, there were the economic conservatives. These were people that anybody …
RedState, Right Wing Nut House, driftglass, The Agonist, Taylor Marsh, Marbury and Prairie Weather
Ed Kilgore / Washington Monthly:
Brooks Misses the Boat — David Brooks' latest critique of the conservative movement (which reads an awful lot like the first draft of a post-election thumb-sucker on What Went Wrong) covers a lot of familiar ground for anyone familiar with intra-conservative debate over the years.
No More Mister Nice Blog

Madonna: Obama Is ‘A Black Muslim In The White House,’ Deserves Votes (VIDEO) … REACT: — FOLLOW: — Madonna, Video, Madonna MDNA Tour, Political Hollywood, Madonna Barack Obama, Madonna Obama, Madonna Obama Black Muslim, Madonna Obama Endorsement, Madonna Obama Muslim, Madonna Obama Tattoo, Mdna, Mdna Tour, Entertainment News
Angry Black Lady Chronicles and The Raw Story
Emily Goodin / The Hill:
Madonna strips for Obama, offers profanity-laced endorsement — Madonna offered a profanity-laced endorsement of President Obama at her concert Monday night, which involved the singer stripping down to her underwear to reveal the president's name written on her body.
Discussion: blogs
Caitlin McDevitt / Associated Press:
Madonna gives odd Obama endorsement
Madonna gives odd Obama endorsement
Mediaite, Towleroad News #gay and Weasel Zippers

The website where Mitt Romney's winning in a landslide — At UnSkewed Polls, “liberal media bias” is removed from every survey that shows Obama ahead. Guess who wins? — I present, the best new website on the political Internet. UnSkewed Polls finally removes the …
Business Insider, Examiner, Nice Deb and Lawyers, Guns & Money
Patrick Gavin / Politico:
Ralph Nader: Obama's a ‘war criminal’
Ralph Nader: Obama's a ‘war criminal’
Green Festival, Mediaite and Weasel Zippers
Alicia Cohn / The Hill:
Ryan criticizes refs for call in disputed Green Bay Packers game — GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan on Tuesday criticized the replacement referees who made a disputed call that caused the Green Bay Packers to lose the Monday Night Football game. — “You guys watch that Packer game last night?”

Union-buster Walker calls for return of union refs
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Associated Press and Booman Tribune
Kevin Robillard / Politico:
Bill Clinton: NFL refs blew the call!
Bill Clinton: NFL refs blew the call!
New York Magazine, JSOnline, The Atlantic Online, emptywheel and NBC 10 Philadelphia

Harry Reid: Mitt Romney is not the face of Mormonism — • Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he agrees with a fellow Mormon who wrote recently that Mitt Romney has “sullied” the LDS faith and that the GOP presidential candidate is “not the face of Mormonism.”
Mediaite, Weasel Zippers, Politico, USA Today, The Hinterland Gazette and The Raw Story
Jonathan Easley / The Hill:
GOP takes aim at ‘skewed’ polls — The Romney campaign and other Republicans say polls showing President Obama with a significant lead over their candidate are inaccurate. — They argue many mainstream polls skew in Obama's favor because of sample sizes that base 2012 turnout projections on 2008 …
Daily Kos and The Maddow Blog
Bill Glauber / JSOnline:
News and Opinion Blogs — Obama on the NFL replacement refs — By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel — It turns out President Barack Obama was a tad concerned about the NFL's replacement refs, even before the Green Bay Packers' stunning loss to Seattle.
Political Capital, Washington Examiner and First Read
Igor Volsky / ThinkProgress:
NEWS FLASH — RYAN: PREVENTING GAY PEOPLE FROM MARRYING IS A ‘UNIVERSAL HUMAN’ VALUE | Paul Ryan reiterated his opposition to marriage equality, during a town hall in Cincinnati, Ohio on Tuesday. “The things you talk about like traditional marriage and family and entrepreneurship.
The Raw Story
David Weigel / Slate:
Defining Wonkishness Down — I'm noticing a pattern in coverage of Paul Ryan. Yesterday's NYT and WaPo gripe-collecters on how conservatives wanted to “unleash” the candidate were a taster. The next wave of Ryan story is the “the wonk is loosed” piece. When you see just how the “wonkishness” is being defined, it's fairly amusing.

‘Every Person Is Afraid of the Drones’: The Strikes' Effect on Life in Pakistan — Interviews with the civilians terrorized daily by American foreign policy — Tribesmen sit with Sadaullah Khan, a man from Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal region, who says he lost both legs and one eye in a 2009 drone strike on his house.

Bill Clinton: ‘Red flag’ on Mitt Romney's plan — Mitt Romney's refusal to get into the specifics of his tax overhaul should raise a “red flag,” former president Bill Clinton said Tuesday, adding he doesn't think Romney can avoid a middle-class tax hike. — “We know what Governor Romney says …
Associated Press, CNN and Daily Kos

I'm from the economics profession, and I'm here to help. — EconoTrolls: An Illustrated Bestiary — In your journey through the Econ Blogosphere, you will be beset by a great many curious and interesting species of EconoTroll. At first you may be intimidated by their voluminous use of insider jargon …

Bacon, pork shortage ‘now unavoidable,’ industry group says — LA Times Columnist David Lazarus discusses details of the U.S. bacon shortage — Might want to get your fill of ham this year, because “a world shortage of pork and bacon next year is now unavoidable,” according to an industry trade group.
NBC 10 Philadelphia, FP Passport, The Daily Caller, Mashable!, Grub Street New York, Gawker and Gothamist