Top Items:

“Morning Joe” Mocks Romney For Something That Didn't Happen — A misleading subtitle leads to a viral clip making fun of Romney. A frustrated Scarborough defends the clip on Twitter, says he will “take note” of all those who note the mistake. — On Wednesday, MSNBC's Morning Joe kicked off …
Battleground Watch, Riehl World News and driftglass

ANOTHER MSNBC SCANDAL? BLAZE READERS AT CAMPAIGN EVENT CLAIM NETWORK MISLED IN VIDEO OF RALLY CHANT (WITH AUDIO COMPARISON) — On Wednesday, MSNBC aired a clip of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney leading what looks like a failed “Romney-Ryan” chant at a campaign stop in Ohio on Tuesday …
Discussion: blogs, and The Lonely Conservative

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally … This breaking story comes straight from The Blaze. — A clip from a recent Romney/Ryan rally has recently been played over and over at MSNBC highlighting what appears to be an embarrassing moment on the campaign trail for Governor Romney.
Discussion: blogs and The PJ Tatler

Todd Akin Suggests Employers Should Be Able To Pay Women Less — Todd Akin appeared to endorse allowing employers to pay women less than men at a town hall on Thursday. — Gender discrimination in compensation has been illegal in the United States since the passage of the 1963 Equal Pay Act.
CBS News, Wonkette, Daily Kos and ThinkProgress

Akin consultant compares his fortitude to cult-leader David Koresh — • BY KEVIN McDERMOTT > > 314-340-8268 — UPDATE 1:48 p.m.: Akin spokesman Ryan Hite has responded with a one-line written statement: “It was a stupid comment to make.”
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Right Wing Watch, CNN, Political Capital and New York Magazine

GOP Senate Candidate Akin: ‘Free Enterprise’ Means Being Allowed To Deny Equal Pay To Women — Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) has struggled with a well-established woman problem in his Senate campaign, ever since he claimed women could not get pregnant from “legitimate rape.”
Talking Points Memo

Gallup Poll: Rural Whites Prefer Ahmadinejad to Obama — TEHRAN (FNA)- According to the results of a Gallup poll released Monday, the overwhelming majority of rural white Americans said they would rather vote for Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad than US President Barack Obama.
FP Passport, JIMROMENESKO.COM, BBC, Addicting Info, Jihad Watch, The Lede, Blazing Cat Fur, Weasel Zippers, ANIMAL, New York Magazine, Mediaite, The PJ Tatler, The Times of Israel, Guardian, The Lonely Conservative, ABCNEWS, Media Decoder, Gawker, Jammie Wearing Fools and Washington Examiner, more at Mediagazer »

Iranian news agency duped by Onion — No joke. Iran's semi-official government news agency on Friday picked up a bogus poll story by The Onion that said a majority of rural white Americans would rather go to a baseball game with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad than President Barack Obama.
Weekly Standard, The Gateway Pundit, Political Capital, The Back Channel and Outside the Beltway

Sept. 27: The Impact of the ‘47 Percent’ — After a secretly-recorded videotape was released on Sept. 17, showing Mitt Romney making unflattering comments about the “47 percent” of Americans whom he said had become dependent on government benefits, I suggested on Twitter that the political impact …

Whose Idea Was It to Nominate Romney, Anyway? — In what you might regard as an unhealthy sign for Mitt Romney's campaign prospects, conservatives have turned to debating the question of who is to blame for nominating this man in the first place. Arch-conservatives Erick Erickson …
Washington Monthly, Politico, American Prospect, Fox News, Booman Tribune, Prairie Weather and The Daily Caller

Top intelligence official backtracks on Libya story, says initial assessment premature
CNN, National Review and The PJ Tatler

Fox News poll: 79 percent say all Americans should pay income taxes
The Lonely Conservative, Politico, The Argo Journal, CNN, Examiner, AEIdeas, GOP 12 and Business Insider

Dearborn Muslims rally against the First Amendment — Led by a newspaper publisher, Muslim activists will call for putting limits on American free speech at a Dearborn rally this evening. You can't make this stuff up. — Nearly a decade after Dearborn's streets celebrated America …
Weasel Zippers

Meet Dean Chambers, The Virginia Republican Who Is ‘Unskewing’ The Polls — With Republicans up in arms over poll after poll showing President Obama ahead, conservatives have latched on to a new polling site that promises to “unskew” the data, correcting what the site believes are polling samples with too many darn Democrats.
Mother Jones, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Unqualified Offerings and Crooks and Liars

In the end, it's Mitt — It isn't the chair or the ho-hum convention. Or the leaked video. Or Stuart Stevens. Or the improving economy. Or media bias. Or distorted polls. Or the message. Or Mormonism. — It's Mitt. — With Republicans everywhere wondering what has happened …
Salon, Daily Kos, CNN, Washington Wire, The Stranger …, Mediaite, The Lonely Conservative, The Agonist, No More Mister Nice Blog, Poynter, National Review and Althouse

Just How Racist Is the ‘Obama Phone’ Video? — There was a video leading the Drudge Report on Thursday afternoon of a poor black woman with messed-up teeth saying she's voting for President Obama because he gave her a free phone, and perhaps you have some questions about it. Questions like: Is this video racist?

Go large, Mitt — In mid-September 2008, Lehman Brothers collapsed and the bottom fell out of the financial system. Barack Obama handled it coolly. John McCain did not. Obama won the presidency. (Given the country's condition, he would have won anyway. But this sealed it.)

Suspicious voter registration forms found in 10 Florida counties — A Republican Party volunteer standing next to a cardboard cutout of President Ronald Reagan solicits newly naturalized U.S. citizens to register to vote. (Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images / August 23, 2012)
AMERICAblog, Firedoglake, The BRAD BLOG, The Moderate Voice, The Maddow Blog and Prairie Weather

With ‘Dreams From My Real Father,’ Have Obama Haters Hit Rock Bottom? — A pseudo-documentary that slimes Ann Dunham, the president's late mother, is being mailed to swing-state voters. A look at the film and Dinesh D'Souza's book, Obama's America. — So this is what it's come to.
Addicting Info, The Maddow Blog and Right Wing Watch

US immigration chief: Same-sex ties are family ties — Same-sex couples will be considered “family relationships” in immigration proceedings, according to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, a move that could help stem the deportation of those in gay or lesbian binational relationships.
Reuters, Firedoglake and ImmigrationProf Blog

Top Five Worst Obamacare Taxes Coming in 2013 — Of the twenty new or higher taxes in Obamacare, below are the five worst that will be foisted upon Americans for the first time on January 1, 2013. — Of the twenty new or higher taxes in Obamacare, below are the five worst …
Hot Air

Maine Voices: Asking Dill to step aside assumes King is lying about his true intentions — In their recent columns, both Greg Kesich and Alan Caron laid the outcome of the U.S. Senate race at the feet of the Democrats by urging U.S. Senate candidate Cynthia Dill to step aside in order for Angus King to win.
Ballot Box, The Daily Caller and The Fix

Huckabee Suggests Obama Should Be Impeached Over Libya Incident — Fox News host and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) compared the administration's handling of the consulate attack in Libya to Watergate, during an appearance on the network Friday morning, and hinted that the president …
Crooks and Liars and The Gateway Pundit

Romney, Obama speak with Netanyahu — (CNN) - President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney spoke separately with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by telephone on Friday, the day after the Israeli leader publicly urged the international community to draw a …
Politico, The Hill, The Gateway Pundit,, Nice Deb and White House Dossier

Obama, Netanyahu Discuss Iran in Phone Call
Wall Street Journal and

Katie Couric Voted ‘The Worst Reporter in History of Man’ — ( - At the Media Research Center's 25th Anniversary Gala in Washington, D.C., on Thursday night, former CBS News anchor Katie Couric was voted “The Worst Reporter in the History of Man.” — Couric barely edged out fellow former CBS News anchor Dan Rather.
protein wisdom and The Lonely Conservative

Obama Cabinet Flunks Disclosure Test With 19 in 20 Ignoring Law — On his first full day in office, President Barack Obama ordered federal officials to “usher in a new era of open government” and “act promptly” to make information public. — As Obama nears the end of his term …
Hit & Run, Poynter, emptywheel, The Lonely Conservative, Riehl World News and Wake up America, more at Mediagazer »

The Million Wingnut March — There's been a steadily building discussion, albeit shrouded in some mystery, about the potential impact on Election Day (and to some extent, before it) of right-wing “volunteer poll watchers” who are promising to descend on minority neighborhoods to make sure …
ProPublica, Mother Jones, Democratic Strategist, The Demos Blog, Los Angeles Times and The Mahablog

Friend of U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan pleads guilty to campaign violations — In a stunning development just weeks before the November election, one of U.S. Rep Vern Buchanan's longtime friends and another man pleaded guilty Thursday to making illegal campaign contributions.
Ballot Box, DCCC, Hotline On Call, The Buzz Florida Politics Feed and Naked Politics

Romney's Plan to Win Virginia: Lyme Disease — On Thursday evening, Anahita Nemat, a conservative PR specialist living in Northern Virginia, tweeted out this photo, with the description: “Received my first mailer from @MittRomney & @PaulRyanVP today. It talks about Lyme Disease. Huh? I'm confused!
Weekly Standard, Washington Monthly and Election 2012

Obama and Romney are basically tied in Virginia — I've received plenty of emails from readers in Northern Virginia expressing skepticism about polls that have Obama leading Romney in Virginia by a significant wide margin. And with good reason; it is difficult to believe that Obama …
GOP 12 and The Argo Journal

Inside The Planning Of A James O'Keefe “Sting” — The conservative provocateur planned a sting of SEIU in 2010 — based off information from a source of John Fund's, with Foster Friess as a potential investor. It didn't end up working out. (Updated below) — Source:
Daily Kos

Explaining Today's Great Jobs News — Our guest blogger is Heather Boushey, a senior economist at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. — New data released this morning by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the private-sector added 450,000 more jobs as of March 2012 than previously thought.
The Lonely Conservative, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Corrente