Top Items:
Obama Campaign Shifts Attack Strategy After Debate — They've been attacking “severely conservative” Mitt for months. Now they're calling Romney a flip-flopper. — Image by Kevin Lamarque / Reuters — DENVER — President Barack Obama and his aides rapidly reversed …
CNN, The Moderate Voice,, Hot Air, Marbury, Riehl World News, The Daily Caller, p m carpenter's commentary, Hullabaloo and Vodkapundit
Romney's Successful Debate Plan: Lying — Political reporters and pundits lean heavily on the horse race method of coverage, which has badly hurt Mitt Romney for most of the campaign. Last night it helped him. Romney was forceful and articulate and dodged his association with almost all the most unpopular aspects of his platform.
How Obama's debate strategy bombed — DENVER - A stunned Obama campaign acknowledged Thursday that President Barack Obama delivered a lackluster and even ineffectual performance in his leadoff debate against Mitt Romney, mistakenly opting for a cautious approach to handling his opponent …
Reuters, CNN, The Huffington Post, New York Times, Washington Examiner, NBC Latino and Firedoglake
At Last Night's Debate: Romney Told 27 Myths In 38 Minutes — Pundits from both sides of the aisle have lauded Mitt Romney's strong debate performance, praising his preparedness and ability to challenge President Obama's policies and accomplishments. But Romney only accomplished this goal by repeatedly misleading viewers.
Top Romney Adviser: States Will Have To Cover People With Pre-Existing Conditions Under President Romney — After the first presidential debate at the University of Denver in Colorado on Wednesday night, one of Mitt Romney's top advisers acknowledged that, as a result Romney's plan to repeal Obamacare …
David Corn / Mother Jones:
Why Obama Didn't Mention the 47 Percent Video — After the first presidential debate in Denver—which an on-the-attack Mitt Romney seemed to exploit better than a noncombative President Barack Obama—at least one question loomed: Why had the president not once referred to the 47 percent video …
The First Debate: Mitt Romney's Five Biggest Lies — The truth behind that $5 trillion tax cut, pre-existing conditions and more — Mitt Romney turned in a polished performance in last night's presidential debate - and revealed himself to be an accomplished and unapologetic liar.
Discussion:, Mother Jones, Prairie Weather, Hullabaloo, Wonkblog and PoliticusUSA
The feisty Obama returns in Denver
The feisty Obama returns in Denver
CNN, Wake up America, Washington Wire and New York Magazine
Paul Krugman:
Romney's Sick Joke
Romney's Sick Joke
Princeton Election Consortium, Daily Kos, The Inverse Square Blog, Firedoglake, TBogg and Lawyers, Guns & Money
That was fast: Romney debate remarks in new Obama ad
That was fast: Romney debate remarks in new Obama ad
Discussion: Truth …, Politico and GOP 12
Amie Parnes / The Hill:
Obama campaign: Adjustments will be made in strategy following dismal debate
Obama campaign: Adjustments will be made in strategy following dismal debate
Ballot Box, Politico, The Hill and Weasel Zippers
Mstech / Priorities USA Action:
RESEARCH MEMO: Results Of Dial Group Session In Aurora, CO.
RESEARCH MEMO: Results Of Dial Group Session In Aurora, CO.
Politico, Smartypants and Weekly Standard
Sahil Kapur / Talking Points Memo:
How Much Would Mitt Romney's Tax Cuts Cost? (VIDEO)
How Much Would Mitt Romney's Tax Cuts Cost? (VIDEO)
The New Republic, Wonkblog and
Benjy Sarlin / Talking Points Memo:
Obama Camp's Post-Debate Plan: Expose ‘Serial Evader’ Romney
Obama Camp's Post-Debate Plan: Expose ‘Serial Evader’ Romney
Washington Monthly
Nate Silver / FiveThirtyEight:
Polls Show a Strong Debate for Romney
Polls Show a Strong Debate for Romney
Swampland, The Monkey Cage, First Read, The New Republic, Guardian, Reuters, Mr. Media Training, The Daily Dish, Wonkblog, CBS News, AMERICAblog, CNN, Washington Post, The Hinterland Gazette, The Fix, The Daily Beast, Conservatives4Palin, The Agonist, Taegan Goddard's …, No More Mister Nice Blog and Jammie Wearing Fools, more at Mediagazer »
PBS Statement Regarding October 3 Presidential Debate — We are very disappointed that PBS became a political target in the Presidential debate last night. Governor Romney does not understand the value the American people place on public broadcasting and the outstanding return on investment the system delivers to our nation.
Ann Romney to Fill in for Robin Roberts on ‘Good Morning America’ (Exclusive) — With the presidential election only weeks away, ABC News also is in discussions with first lady Michelle Obama about co-hosting “GMA.” — Ann Romney, wife of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney …
CNN, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Politico, Daily Mail, The Hill, Election 2012, Mediaite, TVNewser, Wonkette and New York Magazine
Networks, AP cancel exit polls in 19 states — Breaking from two decades of tradition, this year's election exit poll is set to include surveys of voters in 31 states, not all 50 as it has for the past five presidential elections, according to multiple people involved in the planning.
Politico, The Caucus, Say Anything, The BRAD BLOG, TVNewser, Outside the Beltway, AEIdeas, The Hill and Taylor Marsh
Byron Tau / Politico:
Sununu calls Obama lazy, disengaged and incompetent — Former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu lit into President Obama's Wednesday debate performance, calling him “lazy” and “disengaged.” — “What people saw last night, I think, was a president that revealed his incompetence …
Angry Black Lady Chronicles, The Inverse Square Blog and Daily Kos
Romney Surrogate: Obama Is ‘Lazy And Detached’ (VIDEO)
Towleroad News #gay and The Raw Story
Daniel Strauss / The Hill:
Romney surrogate Sununu calls Obama ‘lazy and detached’
Romney surrogate Sununu calls Obama ‘lazy and detached’
The Atlantic Online and Ballot Box
Fact-checking the Denver presidential debate — President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney traded barbs Wednesday night on taxes, jobs, health care and the economy — and often stretched the facts. — “Mr. President,” Romney said, “you're entitled as the president …
The Week, NPR, The Public Editor's Journal, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Truth …, ABCNEWS and CBS News
Brooks Jackson /
Dubious Denver Debate Declarations
Dubious Denver Debate Declarations
CNN, AMERICAblog, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Business Insider, Denver Post, Guardian, Goblinbooks, The Immoral Minority, The Daily Beast and ABCNEWS
Debate Ratings: Fox News Tops Cable News For First Debate, As More People Tune In Than 2008 — More than 58 million people watched the first Presidential debate last night between President Obama and Mitt Romney, up substantially from the first debate in the 2008 election cycle, which had 52.4 million viewers.
Hot Air, Poynter, Wonkblog, Daily Mail, FishbowlDC, The Gateway Pundit, Rush Limbaugh, The Rightnewz, Hit & Run, Outside the Beltway and National Review
AARP's Statement on the Denver Presidential Debate — Below is the statement AARP released on this evening's Presidential debate: — Denver, CO—Earlier this evening the Presidential candidates discussed AARP, Social Security and Medicare during the first Presidential debate of the 2012 general election.
Fox News, Washington Examiner, Weasel Zippers, The Right Scoop and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
California Gas Stations Shut as Oil Refiners Ration Supplies — Gasoline station owners in the Los Angeles area including Costco Wholesale Corp. (COST) are beginning to shut pumps as the state's oil refiners started rationing supplies and spot prices surged to a record.
GayPatriot and Say Anything
VIDEO: NM GOP Trains Poll Workers to Suppress Votes … VIDEO: GOP Caught Training Poll Challengers in Illegal Voter Suppression Tactics … ALBUQUERQUE - Undercover video recorded by ProgressNow New Mexico shows the Republican Party training poll challengers in illegal tactics …
Little Green Footballs, PoliticusUSA and The Raw Story
Daniel Halper / Weekly Standard:
Biden: ‘Yes, We Do’ Want to Raise Taxes By a Trillion Dollars — Vice President Joe Biden, speaking earlier today in Iowa said, “Yes, we do” want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars: — “On top of the trillions of dollars of spending that we have already cut, we're gonna ask - yes …
The Lonely Conservative and Riehl World News
Peter Nicholas / Wall Street Journal:
Obama Sets Monthly Fundraising Record — WASHINGTON—The Obama campaign set a new monthly fundraising record for the 2012 election cycle, taking in more than $150 million in September as supporters rallied behind the president in the final phase of the election, according to people familiar with the totals.
Politico and Election 2012
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
We're Trying To Figure This Out — Getting a massive amount of coverage this morning is the CNN snap poll of the debate, which showed Romney winning the exchanged overwhelmingly. — But the internals of the poll look really strange. If you look at the breakdown of the sample …
Mediaite and Mother Jones
Kevin Baker / Harper's:
The Man Who Would Be Ex-President — Maybe he really is a secret Muslim terrorist from Kenya. — I mean, think about it. He runs for president as a populist, soaking up all the liberal energy for change in the country. Once in power, he surrounds himself with failed conservative advisers, and squanders most of his mandate.
Weasel Zippers and Washington Examiner
Would a Republican Candidate Lie About Taxes? — The United States faces a gigantic economic choice next year, and last night's debate centered largely around what Mitt Romney would do about it. Romney's plan is to lock the Bush tax cuts into place, reduce the long-term deficit entirely …
Washington Monthly, The Daily Beast and A plain blog about politics
Charles M. Blow / Campaign Stops:
Cool Hand Barry — Well, that was odd. — President Obama's stylistic strategy during Wednesday night's debate seemed to be to try to stay right above the rancor, to appear dignified, presidential. The problem with that approach is that the line between dignified and presidential and anodyne and weak is the width of a cat's hair.
The PJ Tatler, Riehl World News and Vodkapundit
LeVar Burton OUTRAGED Over Mitt Romney's PBS Attack — He's Destroying Our Children — LEVAR BURTON OUTRAGED — Over Romney PBS Attack — He's Destroying Our Kids! — EXCLUSIVE — Former “Reading Rainbow” host LeVar Burton is PISSED after Mitt Romney threatened to cut PBS funding last night …
Hit & Run, AMERICAblog, BuzzFeed and The Raw Story
Press Critics Pile On Jim Lehrer's Debate Performance — Jim Lehrer, the executive editor of PBS' “NewsHour,” moderated his 12th presidential debate on Wednesday, sitting on the sidelines as Mitt Romney and President Obama dominated the program and steamrolled the veteran newsman whenever he attempted to interject.
The Democratic Daily and Balloon Juice