Top Items:

After Brutal Polling Day, Romney Team Reassures That They'll Win — Mitt Romney's top staff offered reporters an endless number of reasons they're going to beat President Obama on a conference call Wednesday. Not included on their list of Romney advantages: a clear lead in the polls.
American Power and Institute for Policy …

Oct. 30: What State Polls Suggest About the National Popular Vote — Mitt Romney and President Obama remain roughly tied in national polls, while state polls are suggestive of a lead for Mr. Obama in the Electoral College. Most people take this to mean that there is a fairly good chance …

Romney's Window In Ohio Is Closing
Outside the Beltway and Talking Points Memo

Obama leads Romney in Wisconsin in new Marquette poll
Marquette Law School Poll,, and Outside the Beltway

Poll: Obama up 5 points in Ohio, holds narrower leads in Virginia, Florida
Politico, The Hill, The Hill, Reuters, Prairie Weather and New York Times

Why Exactly Is Chris Christie Subverting Mitt Romney? — Chris Christie is love-bombing President Obama — the man he labeled clueless just last week — and Maureen Dowd is asking why: … Here are three theories about Christie: — 1) The first, most benign theory: Christie, in my experience …

President Obama And Chris Christie Tour Storm Damage
ABCNEWS, The Democratic Daily and Mediaite

Chris Christie aide denies rift with Mitt Romney
The Daily Caller, The Atlantic Online, CNN and The Hill

Opinion: Here comes the landslide — Voters have figured out that President Obama has no message, no agenda and not even much of an explanation for what he has done over the past four years. His campaign is based entirely on persuading people that Mitt Romney is a uniquely bad man …
The Gateway Pundit, Liberal Values, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Balloon Juice, Daily Kos, Taylor Marsh and The Hinterland Gazette

Through the Looking Glass — I know, I know: everybody knows Dick Morris is a lying, spin-mad hack, so why would I pay any attention to what he's saying? Here's why: everybody does not know (or more likely, care) that Morris is full of it, which is why he has a column in a respectable publication …

Storm Response Earns Obama Praise Amid the Election's Deadlock Drama — President Barack Obama, accompanied by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, second from left, and others, speaks about superstorm Sandy during a visit to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Headquarters in Washington, Oct. 31, 2012.
ABCNEWS, Texas on the Potomac, New York Magazine and Ballot Box

Joe Biden: “Are You Indian?” Man: “American!” — Awkward exchange on the campaign trail in Florida. — Image by The Oshkosh Northwestern, Joe Sienkiewicz / AP — Vice President Joe Biden had an awkward exchange at a stop at a restaurant in Sarasota, Fla. today.
The Atlantic Wire, BuzzFeed, Michelle Malkin and The PJ Tatler

Biden already thinking about 2016
Politico, Red Alert Politics, Taegan Goddard's … and The Maddow Blog

The Making Of Romney's Storm Relief Event — A scramble to depoliticize a political campaign, and $5,000 in supplies from Wal-Mart. “Just grab something.” — Image by Brian Snyder / Reuters — DAYTON, Ohio — The last-minute decision by Romney high command Monday to suspend politics …
Mother Jones, AMERICAblog,, PoliticusUSA, Addicting Info, The Hinterland Gazette, Mediaite, ABCNEWS, emptywheel, The Political Carnival, New York Magazine, Washington Monthly, Firedoglake, Little Green Footballs, The Mahablog, The Moderate Voice, The Maddow Blog, CNN, The Stranger … and Daily Kos

Romney Campaign Staged Donations At Storm Relief Event
Hullabaloo, AMERICAblog and Salon

Lowery: all whites are going to hell — The man who delivered the benediction at President Barack Obama's 2009 inauguration said that he believes, as he once did in his “militant” youth, that all whites are hell-bound. — The Rev. Joseph Lowery, a patriarch of the civil rights movement …
The Daily Caller and GayPatriot

Civil rights icons pump Obama in Forsyth
Weasel Zippers and Washington Examiner

Dear Little Girl: Sorry We Made You Cry About ‘Bronco Bamma’ And Mitt Romney … Oh my goodness, do we feel bad now: — “A 4-year-old Fort Collins girl expressed her frustration over the seemingly never-ending presidential campaign,” Denver's 9News reports.
Boston Globe, AMERICAblog, Los Angeles Times, Poynter, Mashable!, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Influence Alley and The Latest Word

Little Girl Cries Over ‘Bronco Bamma’
BizzyBlog and blogs

Gay Rights Group Files Complaint Over Tuesday's Text Messages — “It's unacceptable to launch these types of despicable attacks from dark corners,” a Human Rights Campaign spokesman said about the Federal Communications Commission complaint filing. — Via: @cyrsucker

GoDaddy suspends GOP ad firm's websites for anti-Obama texts
Balloon Juice, The Atlantic Online, The Political Carnival, Mother Jones, and BuzzFeed

Exclusive: Classified cable warned consulate couldn't withstand ‘coordinated attack’ — The U.S. Mission in Benghazi convened an “emergency meeting” less than a month before the assault that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, because Al Qaeda had training camps …
The Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, The Jawa Report, The Right Scoop and Atlas Shrugs

The Case for Obama: Why He Is a Great President. Yes, Great. — I decided to support Barack Obama pretty early in the Democratic primary, around spring of 2007. But unlike so many of his supporters, I never experienced a kind of emotional response to his candidacy.
The Daily Dish and Mother Jones

Emails show Obama admin used DOE loan money to help Harry Reid's 2010 campaign … President Obama claims that political considerations did not influence the Energy Department's green energy loan program, but newly-released internal emails show that his administration subsidized Nevada companies …
Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, The Lonely Conservative and Jammie Wearing Fools

IRS Tax Form for Obamacare Individual Mandate — Our projected IRS form assists 140 million Americans in their obligation to disclose personal identifying health information and calculate the IRS tax penalty. — As a service to the public, Americans for Tax Reform has released …
Hit & Run and Washington Examiner

Facebook admits error in censoring anti-Obama message — Larry Ward will concede that he “poked the bear.” As president of the D.C.-based Political Media Inc., Ward administers the Facebook page of a group called Special Operations Speaks (SOS), an anti-Obama group consisting of “veterans …
Power Line, Bookworm Room, The Jawa Report and Patterico's Pontifications

In Deadlocked Race, Neither Side Has Ground Game Advantage — Early Voting Also Tied — OVERVIEW — Just as the presidential race is deadlocked in the campaign's final days, the candidates are also running about even when it comes to the ground game. Voters nationally …
Power Line and Hot Air

The tea party gets a news site — Tea Party conservatives are getting their very own news site. — The Tea Party News Network, self-described as “the only trusted news source and the antidote to mainstream media bias,” is already live but will announce its launch tomorrow morning, with plans to start live video on election day.

INTERACTIVE: Make Mitt Romney's tax plan add up! — The two parties may not agree on much, but they do agree on this: It's time to reform the tax code. — The last time the tax code got a deep clean was 1986. Since then, it has been clogged up with deductions, credits and loopholes …
The Atlantic Online and Economix

Outrage In The Powerless Zone: A Dispatch From Downtown Manhattan — Mayor Bloomberg said last night that we've come to “the end of the downside” of Hurricane Sandy—hey, if you can spare $150 and a cab ride, you can join him at the very first Brooklyn Nets game tomorrow.

The Case Against Romney: At Heart, He's a Delusional One-Percenter — Every election is a choice between imperfect alternatives. I will examine both choices in turn, but the first one, Mitt Romney, has rendered the normal analytic tools useless. The different iterations of his career differ so wildly …
No More Mister Nice Blog and Washington Monthly