Top Items:

Two women from the Dominican Republic told The Daily Caller that Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez paid them for sex earlier this year. — In interviews, the two women said they met Menendez around Easter at Casa de Campo, an expensive 7,000 acre resort in the Dominican Republic.

Oct. 31: Obama's Electoral College ‘Firewall’ Holding in Polls — On Oct. 11, this blog posed the question of whether President Obama's “firewall” in battleground states was all that it was cracked up to be. — At that point, Mr. Obama still technically held the lead in the FiveThirtyEight forecast …

Exclusive: Classified cable warned consulate couldn't withstand ‘coordinated attack’ — The U.S. Mission in Benghazi convened an “emergency meeting” less than a month before the assault that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, because Al Qaeda had training camps …
Michelle Malkin, The Hill, The Moderate Voice, The Heritage Foundation, emptywheel, The Daily Caller, Walid Shoebat, Pundit & Pundette, Examiner, The Gateway Pundit, Scared Monkeys, The Right Scoop, Riehl World News, Hot Air, The PJ Tatler, Ricochet Conversations Feed, Weasel Zippers, Atlas Shrugs, Nice Deb, Jihad Watch, National Review Online and American Spectator

Libya storyline still crumbling
Pat Dollard, The Gateway Pundit and Scared Monkeys

What was Obama told at the September 10, 2012, NSC meeting on ‘9/11 threats’?
AEIdeas, blogs, Ricochet Conversations Feed and CNSNews

Sifting the Numbers for a Winner — A crucial element: the mix of Democrats and Republicans who show up this election. — It comes down to numbers. And in the final days of this presidential race, from polling data to early voting, they favor Mitt Romney. — He maintains a small but persistent polling edge.
GOP 12, Politico, Washington Monthly, The PJ Tatler, AEIdeas, Outside the Beltway, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, The Hill, EBL and Hot Air

Civil rights icons pump Obama in Forsyth — Lowery: Don't think whites going to heaven — UPDATED TO INCLUDE MAYOR'S COMMENTS: 5 p.m. — Two icons of the civil rights movement visited Forsyth on Saturday to campaign for the reelection of Barack Obama.
The Daily Caller, his vorpal sword, Georgia Tipsheet, The Hinterland Gazette, Pat Dollard, Weasel Zippers and GayPatriot

Obama's inauguration reverend: All whites are going to hell
Riehl World News and EBL

NBC/WSJ/Marist polls: Obama leads in Iowa, running neck and neck in N.H, Wis. — Less than a week before Election Day, President Barack Obama holds a statistically significant lead over Republican nominee Mitt Romney in the battleground of Iowa, while the two candidates are locked in tight races …
Talking Points Memo, Marist Poll, Hot Air, New York Times,, GOP 12, theGrio, Marquette Law School Poll, Election 2012 and JSOnline

Romney ad pins Obama to Chavez and Castro — (CNN) - A television ad from Mitt Romney's campaign airing in Miami pegs President Barack Obama to Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, notorious dictators widely reviled among Cuban Americans. — The ad spotlights endorsements from Chavez …
Weasel Zippers

Andrew Sullivan: 'If You Voted For Obama in 2008 and Don't in 2012, You Never Really Voted For Him' — As hard as it might be to believe, the Daily Beast's Andrew Sullivan has become a bigger cheerleader for President Obama than virtually anyone else in the media including the shills on MSNBC.
Weasel Zippers

The Choice In Front Of Us
Mediaite, New York Magazine and Washington Monthly

The Case for Obama: Why He Is a Great President. Yes, Great.
The Atlantic Online, Prairie Weather, Mother Jones and Shakesville

It's Global Warming, Stupid — Yes, yes, it's unsophisticated to blame any given storm on climate change. Men and women in white lab coats tell us—and they're right—that many factors contribute to each severe weather episode. Climate deniers exploit scientific complexity to avoid any discussion at all.
ProPublica, The Raw Story,, GigaOM and, more at Mediagazer »

Status Update on Gallup Election Polling Following Superstorm Sandy — Here's an update on Gallup's thinking when we suspended our national daily tracking of the presidential election campaign as of Monday, Oct. 29. Basically, we reached the conclusion that Superstorm Sandy had compromised …
GOP 12, Business Insider, Politico and The Greenroom

NEWS FLASH — BREAKING: THREE BUSH-APPOINTED JUDGES GIVE THUMBS UP TO VOTER DISENFRANCHISEMENT IN OHIO | Late last week, a federal district court ordered Ohio to stop disenfranchising voters who are directed to vote at the wrong polling place due to poll worker error.

International observers say states out of line — The group hosting international election observers said Thursday that state officials in Iowa and Texas are needlessly blocking access to the decades-old process the United States already has agreed to, an official said Thursday.

Obama's campaign goes empty and strident — “It is a great advantage to a president, and a major source of safety to the country, for him to know he is not a great man.” — Energetic in body but indolent in mind, Barack Obama in his frenetic campaigning for a second term is promising …
Power Line, Washington Wire, Wall Street Journal and Hot Air

WaPo-ABC tracking poll: High marks for President Obama on Hurricane Sandy response — President Obama gets sky-high marks for his response to Hurricane Sandy, which cut a brutal path along the country's East Coast on Monday, according to the latest release of the Washington Post-ABC News tracking poll.

3 Stupid Responses to Hurricane Sandy - and Every Other Disaster You Can Think Of
Hit & Run and Outside the Beltway

Show Me Your Model — It might be easy to believe we're approaching Peak Trutherism, what with good old-fashioned birthers now being supplemented by BLS truthers and poll truthers. But just you wait—should Barack Obama win this election, we'll see an explosion of election trutherism that will be truly unprecedented in scope.
The Atlantic Online, Mother Jones and The Raw Story

Is Sandy a ‘Cassandra’? How Cities Should Prepare for Future Natural Disasters — Extreme storms of recent history have made local governments take notice both of their preparedness and the likelihood that climate change is making such disastrous events more and more common.
Power Line

What I'm Hearing About The Sex Scandal — I've heard the story, but I don't want to say what it is because, well, I have no idea if it's true. — But in the interests of sparing you 1 heart attacks and 2 overly optimistic guesses: What it's about, rumors say, is a Senator.
Hot Air and The Greenroom

National Polls, State Polls, and Democrat Turnout — NRO is back this morning! Hurrah! — Also this morning, I'm scheduled to appear on Chuck Todd's “Daily Rundown” on MSNBC around 9:40 or so.
Power Line

Obama widens lead in Nevada — President Barack Obama has expanded his lead over Mitt Romney in Nevada, according to a new poll that shows the incumbent edging his GOP challenger 50 percent to 46 percent and headed toward victory Tuesday unless Romney halts the Democrat's momentum in the state that could settle the White House race.
Ballot Box and Election 2012

D.C. paparazzi fear a Mitt Romney win — People may have differing opinions on President Barack Obama's handling of such things as the economy, health care and foreign policy, but on one issue, the consensus is clear: He's ushered in an unparalleled wave of celebrity visits to D.C. …

U.S. yanks support for Syrian opposition group, warns of extremist takeover of uprising — ZAGREB, Croatia — The Obama administration on Wednesday renounced the proclaimed leaders of the Syrian political opposition and said any group seeking to oust President Bashar al-Assad must reject attempts …
The Jawa Report, Israel Matzav, and Weasel Zippers

Arab tweeps should stop gloating over Sandy disaster: Saudi Grand Mufti — The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, home to Islam's holliest sites, has condemned the gloating by radical “tweeps” in the Arab world over the Sandy storm disaster, which left more than 100 people dead in the U.S. East Coast, as “illegitimate”
Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugs

Obama's Powell ad: Stay the course — After announcing radio buys yesterday featuring Colin Powell's endorsement, the Obama campaign rolls out a TV spot featuring clips of the former secretary of state's endorsement on CBS News — the script: … It's sort of an interesting note to end on …
The Hinterland Gazette

New ADP Count Slashes Job Creation for September — Revisions to the way payroll data firm ADP counts private sector job creation have resulted in a sharp drop in the September employment count. — ADP's new calculations put the monthly job creation at just 88,200, down from the 162,000 …
The PJ Tatler, EBL, Riehl World News, The Lonely Conservative and The Greenroom