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Naked Protesters Occupy John Boehner's House Office — (Image Credit: Susan Walshe / AP Photo) — Some protesters dropped trou to launch a protest at House Speaker John Boehner's office in the Longworth House Office building in Washington. — U.S. Capitol Police public information …
The Stir By CafeMom, Advocate and The Hinterland Gazette

Nude Protesters Arrested After Storming Speaker Boehner's Office — Seven naked protesters swarmed the office of Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) on Tuesday for some 20 minutes of loud chanting against cuts to AIDS funding. — Among their chants: “Boehner, Boehner, don't be a dick, budget cuts will make us sick.”
Washington Monthly

Three Arrested After Naked AIDS Protesters Take Over John Boehner's Office
Liberal Values, The Political Carnival and Colorlines

Protesters strip down in Boehner's office
Mediaite, Political Capital, Guardian and

Students Told to Disavow ‘American-ness, maleness, whiteness, heterosexuality’ — A political science professor at Butler University asks students to disregard their “American-ness, maleness, whiteness, heterosexuality, middle-class status” when writing and speaking in the classroom …
Althouse, The Jawa Report, Instapundit, The Lonely Conservative, Weasel Zippers, The Gateway Pundit and

My Secretary of State — President Obama is assembling his new national security team, with Senator John Kerry possibly heading for the Pentagon and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice the perceived front-runner to become secretary of state. Kerry is an excellent choice for defense.
Hit & Run, The Daily Caller and Lawyers, Guns & Money

Make Up Turned Break Up — Are the Republican senators unreasonable?
National Review and Prairie Weather

McCain: ‘I would be hard-pressed’ to support Rice for secretary of State
Wall Street Journal, The Week and Reuters

Rice: We didn't intend to mislead on Benghazi
Scared Monkeys, Weasel Zippers, The Last Refuge, The Week, The Gateway Pundit, BuzzFeed, Dean's World, The Lonely Conservative, USA Today, Politico and

Cole: Join with Obama on quick deal — Republican Rep. Tom Cole urged colleagues in a private session Tuesday to vote to extend the Bush tax rates for all but the highest earners before the end of the year — and to battle over the rest later. — The Oklahoma Republican said in an interview …
The Hill, New York Times, The Fix, Taegan Goddard's … and Mediaite

Bill Bolling to exit Virginia governor race — Virginia Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling is expected to drop out of next year's gubernatorial race Wednesday morning, leaving Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli with a clear path to the GOP nomination next year, two Virginia Republicans tell POLITICO.

When Work Is Punished: The Tragedy Of America's Welfare State — Exactly two years ago, some of the more politically biased progressive media outlets (who are quite adept at creating and taking down their own strawmen arguments, if not quite as adept at using an abacus, let alone a calculator) …
Power Line, The Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers

Reasons to be encouraged about fiscal cliff's endgame — Now this is encouraging. I'm told that representatives of major unions and progressive groups met privately this morning with senior Obama administration officials at the White House — and were pleased with what they heard.

Letters: Redress is vital but not more press regulation — With the publication of the Leveson report on Thursday it is clear that the central issue will be whether the press should, for the first time, be subjected to statutory regulation or have the opportunity to put in place a new system of binding self-regulation.
BBC, Spectator and New York Times, more at Mediagazer »

A Struggling CNN Worldwide Is Said to Be Drawn to Jeffrey Zucker — In the days to come, when Time Warner appoints a new leader of CNN Worldwide for the first time in a decade, that person will face an identity crisis unlike any other in corporate America. — Though CNN over all is on track …
Los Angeles Times, New York Magazine, TVNewser, Mediaite, and Politico, more at Mediagazer »

CEOs Looking To ‘Fix The Debt’ By Cutting Social Security Sit On Huge Retirement Accounts — Several CEOs — under the guise of a campaign known as “Fix the Debt” — have recently called for cuts to Social Security and other entitlements. Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, for instance …
Prairie Weather and IPS: Latest Content

OHIO SENATE PUTS END TO ‘HEARTBEAT’ ABORTION BILL — You are here — Home » Julie Carr » Ohio Senate puts end to ‘heartbeat’ abortion bill — COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The leader of the Ohio Senate put a stop Tuesday to a bill that would have imposed the most stringent restriction on abortions in the nation.
The Political Carnival and The Raw Story

Obama quietly signs bill shielding airlines from carbon fees in Europe — President Obama has signed into law a bill that requires U.S. airlines be excluded from European carbon emissions fees. — Environmentalists had framed the bill as the first test of the president's commitment …
The Caucus and Hot Air

The President is bluffing — I think the President is bluffing on his veto threat. — Conventional wisdom: To achieve his desired fiscal policy outcome (big tax rate increases on the rich), the President is willing to risk tax increases on all income tax filers.
Business Insider and Hot Air

How much would you pay for 1 hour with Sandra Fluke? — EXCLUSIVE: Sandra Fluke, noted advocate for government-subsidized birth control, is auctioning off one hour of her time for an online “strategy session” at the site — According to the auction page …
The Daily Caller and Ricochet Conversations Feed

Who Will Be the Next Treasury Secretary? This Guy! — President Obama walks with White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew in March on the South Lawn of the White House — I was considering doing a post with chin-stroking speculation about who the next Treasury secretary will be, but instead let me just tell you.
Firedoglake and Robert Reich

KYL, HUTCHISON PROPOSE ACHIEVE ACT — ADDRESSES LEGAL STATUS OF UNDOCUMENTED YOUNG PEOPLE — HOME / PRESS OFFICE / PRESS RELEASES — WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senators Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) have introduced legislation they believe will provide a basis …
Washington Post, ABCNEWS, ABCNEWS, The Daily Caller and The Hill

Federal Student Lending Swells — The federal lending program designed to make college education available to everyone is creating a pile of debt so large it is fanning worries that it has become too easy to borrow too much. — U.S. student-loan debt rose by $42 billion, or 4.6% …
naked capitalism

Harry Reid puts his finger on the ‘nuclear option’ button — So here's today's update in the slow, inexorable march towards filibuster reform: Democrats took yet another step in the direction of changing the rules by a simple majority vote — i.e., exercising the dreaded “nuclear option.”
A plain blog about politics, Hot Air, The Daily Caller, Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo and Wonkblog

Alan Simpson hopes Grover Norquist drowns in bathtub — Former Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wy.), one of the co-chairmen of the president's debt commission, joked Tuesday that he would like to see anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist drown in a bathtub. — The comment was a play on Norquist's famous statement …

AP EXCLUSIVE: GRAPH SUGGESTS IRAN WORKING ON BOMB — You are here — Home » Vienna » AP Exclusive: Graph suggests Iran working on bomb … VIENNA (AP) — Iranian scientists have run computer simulations for a nuclear weapon that would produce more than triple the explosive force …
Guardian, Elder of Ziyon, Israel Matzav and Gawker

For Latino Groups, Grass-Roots Efforts Paid Off in Higher Number of Voters — MIAMI — On Election Day, President Obama got 71 percent of the Latino vote nationally because, in the end, Latinos preferred his message over Mitt Romney's. — But how Latinos got that message …

James Bond and the new sex appeal — In the new James Bond movie, “Skyfall,” Daniel Craig takes off his shirt and examines his wounds. There appear to be two of them — small holes on his skin from bullets fired at the beginning of the movie. He touches his wounds and winces.
The Week, Gawker, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Brad DeLong, The Daily Dish, Wonkette and Princess Sparkle Pony's …