Top Items:
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Republicans not handling election results well — PPP's first post election national poll finds that Republicans are taking the results pretty hard...and also declining in numbers. — 49% of GOP voters nationally say they think that ACORN stole the election for President Obama.
Daily Kos, The Democratic Daily, Taylor Marsh, No More Mister Nice Blog, Daily Download,, Truthdig, DownWithTyranny!, Business Insider, Alan Colmes'Alan Colmes', Prairie Weather, Mother Jones, The National Memo, The Moderate Voice, Liberal Values, The Raw Story, Hullabaloo, American Prospect and The Hinterland Gazette
Nearly Half Of Republicans Believe Defunct Organization Stole The Election For Obama
Vox Verax, CANNONFIRE, and Daily Kos
Ed Kilgore / Washington Monthly:
That Pesky ACORN, and a Surge of Interest in Panetta-Burns
That Pesky ACORN, and a Surge of Interest in Panetta-Burns
Towleroad News #gay, and Eschaton
Fox News Puts Karl Rove on the Bench — The post-election soul searching going on inside the Republican Party is taking place inside Fox News as well. Fox News chief Roger Ailes, a canny marketer and protector of his network's brand, has been taking steps since November to reposition Fox …
Washington Post:
Fox News chief's failed attempt to enlist Petraeus as presidential candidate
Fox News chief's failed attempt to enlist Petraeus as presidential candidate
The Atlantic Online, Daniel W. Drezner, Strange Bedfellows and American Prospect
Steve Benen / The Maddow Blog:
When Roger Ailes tried to play kingmaker
When Roger Ailes tried to play kingmaker
Erik Wemple, Hullabaloo and Media Decoder, more at Mediagazer »
Obama to stress need to raise debt limit “without drama” — (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will renew his case for tax hikes on wealthy Americans to avert a year-end fiscal crunch and call for a smooth increase in the nation's borrowing limit in a speech to a business group on Wednesday, a White House official said.
Weasel Zippers, Weekly Standard, The Heritage Foundation and ABCNEWS
White House downplays Islamist push for power in Egypt
Hot Air and Jihad Watch
Stephanie Kirchgaessner / Financial Times:
Obama to lobby business on US debt limit
Democrats to Obamaland: Share your data — The hottest property to emerge from Barack Obama's lopsided victory over Mitt Romney is not the president's much lauded campaign team. Nor is it the shrewd turnout operation that catapulted him to victory. — It is something far more valuable that's …
Capital New York and New York Times
Top Pennsylvania GOP Lawmaker Proposes New Election Rigging Scheme
The Maddow Blog and Booman Tribune
Romy Varghese / Bloomberg:
Pennsylvania Step May Help Republicans Win Electoral Vote
Pennsylvania Step May Help Republicans Win Electoral Vote
Crooks and Liars and Suburban Guerrilla
Adelson to Keep Betting on the GOP — LAS VEGAS—After spending more than $100 million mostly on losing Republican election campaigns this year, casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson said he planned to stay in the game and double down on his political donations.
The Hill, Taegan Goddard's … and New York Magazine
Sheldon Adelson: 'I'm Basically a Social Liberal' — In a three-hour interview with The Wall Street Journal, casino mogul Sheldon Adelson excoriated President Barack Obama, Democrats and unions, as one would expect of a top donor to conservatives and Republican causes in the 2012 election.
Post Politics
Hillary Clinton Wins High Popularity, Majority Support for a 2016 Bid — Carried by a new high in personal popularity and broad approval of her work as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton closes out her diplomatic career with majority support as a candidate for president in 2016.
Taegan Goddard's …, Ballot Box and The Hinterland Gazette
N.Y. poll: Clinton, not Cuomo, in '16 — New Yorkers like Gov. Andrew Cuomo, but for the 2016 presidential race, they've got a clear front-runner: Hillary Clinton. — Seventy-two percent of New Yorkers have a favorable opinion of Cuomo, according to a Siena College poll released Wednesday …
Jim Abrams / Associated Press:
Disability Treaty Downed By Republican Opposition … REACT: — FOLLOW: — John McCain, Video, Americans With Disabilities Act, Bob Dole, Disability Treaty, John Kerry, UN Disability Treaty, Impact, Disabled, Politics News — WASHINGTON — Led by Republican opposition …
Daniel W. Drezner,, Quartz, The Monkey Cage, Crooks and Liars and Foreign Policy
Brian Tashman / Right Wing Watch:
How Unhinged Rhetoric Sank a Disabilities Rights Treaty in the Senate
How Unhinged Rhetoric Sank a Disabilities Rights Treaty in the Senate
The Hill, Human Events, Balloon Juice, Overlawyered and Little Green Footballs
Senate Republicans Block Ratification Of U.N. Treaty On Rights For The Disabled, Citing Impact On Home-Schoolers
Rosalind S. Helderman / Washington Post:
Senate rejects treaty to protect disabled around the world
Senate rejects treaty to protect disabled around the world
New York Times, Taking Note, The Maddow Blog, Balloon Juice, skippy the bush kangaroo, Applesauce and Firedoglake
Russell Berman / The Hill:
Lack of rank-and-file House GOP backlash hints at softening on taxes — Republicans appeared Tuesday to be moving reluctantly toward a debt deal that would increase revenues, one day after Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) offered up $800 billion in tax collection in the fiscal-cliff negotiations.
Jesse Helfrich / The Hill:
Obama: I'm willing to horse-trade
Billy House /
Boehner Backlash Begins on Right Over Fiscal Cliff
Boehner Backlash Begins on Right Over Fiscal Cliff
Discussion:, The Hill, Daily Kos, The Plum Line and First Read
Ryan, Rubio plot GOP's path — Paul Ryan took an unmistakable shot Tuesday at Mitt Romney's assertion that 47 percent of Americans would never vote Republican because they are too dependent on government. — “Both parties tend to divide Americans into ‘our voters’ and ‘their voters,’” …
Discussion:, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Taegan Goddard's …, Roger Ailes, CNN and Washington Monthly
Jeff Zeleny / The Caucus:
Ryan and Rubio Say Republicans Must Work on Aiding Middle Class
Ryan and Rubio Say Republicans Must Work on Aiding Middle Class
The Maddow Blog and Connecting.the.Dots
In Tax Fight, Republicans Seeking Fallback Position — WASHINGTON — With President Obama insisting on higher tax rates for affluent Americans and winning public support for the idea, Congressional Republicans find themselves in an increasingly difficult political spot and are quietly beginning the difficult search for a way out.
New York Post, First Read, The Plum Line, Washington Examiner, Politico, Daily Kos, Taegan Goddard's …, The Fix,, Vox Verax and ABCNEWS
A Good Deal Will Raise Tax Rates, Fix Entitlements — Although it isn't yet time to panic about the fiscal cliff, negotiations so far aren't exactly going well. The Republicans are committing themselves to an unsustainable principle of no marginal tax-rate increases whatsoever.
Think Tanked
Mike Lillis / The Hill:
Hoyer: Entitlement benefit cuts on the table in talks with GOP on ‘fiscal cliff’
Hoyer: Entitlement benefit cuts on the table in talks with GOP on ‘fiscal cliff’
Hot Air, Daily Kos, Conservatives4Palin and The Daily Caller
Dick Armey, FreedomWorks president clashed over book deal — Dick Armey left the deep-pocketed tea party group he helped build over a clash with a top lieutenant who Armey and others in the organization believed was using the group's resources to pad his pockets, POLITICO has learned.
Discussion:, Roll Call, Althouse, Mediaite, New York Magazine, Daily Kos, Associated Press and Mother Jones
Anguished fotog: Critics are unfair to condemn me — Ki Suk Han, 58, of Queens frantically tries to climb to safety yesterday as a train bears down on him in Midtown. He was fatally struck seconds later. … I was on an assignment, waiting for a train at the 49th Street subway platform, when I suddenly heard people gasping.
Poynter, New York Magazine, Gawker, Daily Mail, JIMROMENESKO.COM and Gothamist, more at Mediagazer »
47% Of People Think The Deficit Would INCREASE If We Go Over The Fiscal Cliff — As the Fiscal Cliff fight rages on, both sides are using the media to position themselves as being serious and reasonable. — One big factor is that for all the hype about the issue, very few people really understand what The Fiscal Cliff actually is..
Applesauce, Calculated Risk, A plain blog about politics, American Prospect and Mother Jones
Now They Tell Us The Economy Stinks — Economy: Little noticed in President Obama's “fiscal cliff” plan is a demand for a huge new stimulus package. Wait! Wasn't he and everyone in the press telling us just before the election how the economy was gathering steam?
Hit & Run and Ed Driscoll