Top Items:

Obama To Congress: Come To A Deal - Or Else — Following a meeting with congressional leaders at the White House on Friday, President Obama appeared before the press to urge all parties to take immediate action to reach a deal before a set of major tax increases and spending cuts kick in on Jan. 1.
PERRspectives and Balloon Juice

‘Come together’ breaks Washington apart — Twitter has been rather amused by Starbucks' plan to solve the fiscal cliff by scrawling “come together” on every peppermint mocha and salted caramel latte sold in the Beltway. — This will not bring people together. (EVA HAMBACH/AFP/Getty Images)
CANNONFIRE and Hullabaloo

Obama to Urge Vote in Senate if Parties Fail in Fiscal Talks — WASHINGTON — At the urging of President Obama, the Democratic and Republican leaders of the Senate set to work Friday night to assemble a last-minute tax deal that could pass both chambers of Congress and avert large tax increases …
The Hill, Taegan Goddard's …, Jared Bernstein, Outside the Beltway and Balloon Juice

Why they want to go over the cliff — Washington's Democratic and Republican power brokers have sent the message to the nation that going over the fiscal cliff is a worst-case scenario. But they're not acting that way, not at all. — Instead, many of them have calculated that it's better …
CNN, ABCNEWS, Washington Post, The Hill, Salon, AMERICAblog, Guardian, Politicker, Firedoglake, The Week, ABCNEWS, Business Insider, neo-neocon, Connecting.the.Dots, The Caucus and New York Times

Obama to Congress: It's time for a deal
The Lonely Conservative, Washington Examiner and Daily Kos

Optimism for ‘fiscal cliff’ agreement grows ahead of White House meeting
Politico and Booman Tribune

The logic of House GOP intransigence
Los Angeles Times, Wake up America, Booman Tribune and CNN

GOP and Feinstein join to fulfill Obama's demand for renewed warrantless eavesdropping | Glenn Greenwald — The California Democrat's disgusting rhetoric recalls the worst of Dick Cheney while advancing Obama's agenda — To this day, many people identify mid-2008 as the time they realized …
Mother Jones, Wired, Techdirt, JustOneMinute, Firedoglake, The Raw Story, The Verge, Hullabaloo, The Atlantic Online, Electronic Frontier Foundation and Hit & Run

FISA Warrantless Wiretapping Program Renewed By Senate
The Hill, PostPartisan,, Electronic Frontier Foundation and The Daily Caller

Senate to Intel Agencies: We Don't Need to Know How Often You Spy on Americans
Cato Institute, Techdirt and The Raw Story

Senate approves bill to reauthorize foreign surveillance programs
Hit & Run, The Lonely Conservative and The Maddow Blog

A Double Shot of Misunderstanding — One of the enduring fantasies of the pundit class - most dramatically demonstrated by the ludicrous Politico piece on What Insiders Know - is that all we need to fix our economic problems is to get the great and the good together and bypass those pesky elected officials.
Mother Jones, Balloon Juice, Politico, Business Insider and The Week

John Kerry, Vicki Kennedy, DSCC support Ed Markey for Senate — The Democratic establishment inside and outside Massachusetts is quickly lining up behind Rep. Ed Markey (D) in the likely special election for Sen. John Kerry's seat. — Kerry himself is supporting the longtime House member …
Boston Herald, Associated Press, The Fix, Daily Kos, The National Memo and The Maddow Blog

Woman Dies After a Gang Rape That Galvanized India — NEW DELHI — A young woman who had been in critical condition since she was raped two weeks ago by a group of men who lured her onto a bus here died early Saturday, an official at the hospital in Singapore that was caring for her said.

Exclusive: David Dewhurst campaign says aide stole at least $600,000 — Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst (front), receiving an endorsement during his U.S. Senate campaign from former rival Craig James, had hundreds of thousands of dollars stolen from his state political accounts by an aide, his campaign says.
The Other McCain, The Fix, Talking Points Memo, Politico, Ballot Box and Post Politics

Dude, where's Nancy Pelosi's car? Minority leader appears lost in parking lot — The suspense! Usually, lawmakers exit a closed door meeting and head straight for the TV cameras. House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi were uncharacteristically quiet leaving …
Associated Press and Right Wing News

Tea Party Leader: Romney Was ‘The Worst Candidate In History’ — Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips on Thursday disputed that President Obama claimed a mandate in November's election, arguing that his re-election victory came over “the worst candidate in history in Mitt Romney.”
Crooks and Liars

Oklahoma City-based Hobby Lobby to defy federal law requiring contraception coverage for employees, attorney says — Oklahoma City-based Hobby Lobby will defy a federal law that requires employee health care plans to provide insurance coverage for types of contraception that the firm's owners consider to be …
Angry Black Lady Chronicles, Gawker and ABCNEWS

Paintings Outrage Islamic Hard-Liners in Pakistan — Pakistan's leading arts college has pushed boundaries before in this conservative nation. But when a series of paintings depicting Muslim clerics in scenes with strong homosexual overtones sparked an uproar and threats of violence by Islamic extremists, it was too much.
Jihad Watch and Weasel Zippers

Grim milestone: Austin shooting apparently 500th homicide in Chicago — Gave Bates smiled through tears as she swiped her hand across her phone, flipping through pictures of her cousin playing around and striking goofy poses. — “He was a lot of fun, very good at imitating people,” Bates said of Nathaniel T. Jackson, 40.
Weasel Zippers and Shot in the Dark

3 Officers Wounded After Suspect Opens Fire At Gloucester Township Police Station — CLEMENTON, NJ (CBS) — Police and rescue crews responded to the Gloucester County Municipal Building on Chews Landing Road this morning after shots were fired inside the Gloucester Township police station.
Runnin' Scared, Gawker, The Raw Story and The Hinterland Gazette

Rage against rules — Instagram revolt — Instagram users outraged over new rules made good on their threat to dump the popular photo-sharing app. — The app, which Facebook acquired for $1 billion earlier this year, may have shed nearly a quarter of its daily active users in the wake of the debacle …
Techdirt, Business Insider, Wired, Talking Points Memo, Mashable!, AMERICAblog, Inside Facebook, The Verge, The Week, TechCrunch and NYT Bits, more at Mediagazer »

Obama Orders Pay Raise for Biden, Members of Congress, Federal Workers — President Barack Obama issued an executive order to end the pay freeze on federal employees, in effect giving some federal workers a raise. One federal worker now to receive a pay increase is Vice President Joe Biden.
Michelle Malkin, Weasel Zippers, The Gateway Pundit, Twitchy and The Lonely Conservative

Sheriff Arpaio sending armed posse to protect schools — PHOENIX — Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Thursday that he plans to deploy his armed volunteer posse to protect Valley schools from the kind of violence that happened in the Connecticut shooting tragedy.
AMERICAblog, Mediaite and The National Memo