Top Items:

Obama To Congress: Come To A Deal - Or Else — Following a meeting with congressional leaders at the White House on Friday, President Obama appeared before the press to urge all parties to take immediate action to reach a deal before a set of major tax increases and spending cuts kick in on Jan. 1.
The Moderate Voice, PERRspectives, Balloon Juice and CANNONFIRE

Fiscal Cliff Deal Not Reached, Leaders Agree To Continue Talks … REACT: — FOLLOW: — Harry Reid , John Boehner, Barack Obama , Barack Obama , Video, 2012 Fiscal Cliff, Harry Reid Fiscal Cliff, US Fiscal Cliff, Boehner Fiscal Cliff, Fiscal Cliff, Fiscal Cliff 2012, Fiscal Cliff Deal …
Addicting Info, The New Republic and The Daily Caller

Dude, where's Nancy Pelosi's car? Minority leader appears lost in parking lot — The suspense! Usually, lawmakers exit a closed door meeting and head straight for the TV cameras. House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi were uncharacteristically quiet leaving …
Associated Press and Right Wing News

‘Come together’ breaks Washington apart
The National Memo and Hullabaloo

French Court Says 75% Tax Rate on Rich Is Unconstitutional — President Francois Hollande's 75 percent millionaire-tax is unconstitutional because it fails to guarantee taxpayer equality, France's top court ruled today. — The tax, one of Hollande's campaign promises …
BBC and National Review

ASPCA Pays $9.3 Million in Landmark Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Settlement — Feld Entertainment RICO Lawsuit Will Continue against the Humane Society of the United States, the lawyers, and other remaining defendants — Feld Entertainment, Inc., the producer of Ringling Bros …
American Spectator and Overlawyered

Why not let taxes rise on the middle class? — Barring a last-minute breakthrough, taxes will go up for every American taxpayer on Jan. 1 — and that's a development conservatives should welcome. — Don't get me wrong, it would be better not to raise taxes on anyone …
Unqualified Offerings, National Review, The Lonely Conservative and Hot Air

Leading proponent of filibuster reform claims he has 51 votes — Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.), a leading proponent of filibuster reform, said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) has the 51 votes he needs to change Senate rules with the “nuclear option.” — The maneuver would be controversial …
Talking Points Memo, Booman Tribune, Post Politics and Wonkblog

Should People Be Forced to Buy Liability Insurance for their Guns? — The latest gun-control idea is forcing owners to buy liability insurance. That may help a few victims, but it won't stop crime, writes Megan McArdle. — Novel gun control ideas continue to percolate through the commentariat.
Hot Air, Wonkblog, The Reality-Based Community, National Review, Prairie Weather and Instapundit

The Liberal God Delusion — Our government has been hijacked by a party obsessed with a higher power. But I'm not talking about the GOP. I'm talking about the left and their worship of government. — As Washington staggers into a new year, one side of the political spectrum polarizes …
Washington Monthly

Woman Dies After a Gang Rape That Galvanized India — NEW DELHI — A young woman who had been in critical condition since she was raped two weeks ago by a group of men who lured her onto a bus here died early Saturday, an official at the hospital in Singapore that was caring for her said.

California gun sales jump; gun injuries, deaths fall — Gun deaths and injuries have dropped sharply in California, even as the number of guns sold in the state has risen, according to new state data. — Dealers sold 600,000 guns in California last year, up from 350,000 in 2002 …
Outside the Beltway and Conservative …

GOP and Feinstein join to fulfill Obama's demand for renewed warrantless eavesdropping | Glenn Greenwald — The California Democrat's disgusting rhetoric recalls the worst of Dick Cheney while advancing Obama's agenda — To this day, many people identify mid-2008 as the time they realized …
Wired, JustOneMinute, Booman Tribune, Mother Jones, Hit & Run, Hullabaloo, Techdirt, The Verge, Firedoglake, The Atlantic Online and The Raw Story

FISA Warrantless Wiretapping Program Renewed By Senate
Electronic Frontier Foundation, ReadWrite, Boing Boing,, The Daily Caller, The Hill and PostPartisan

Senate to Intel Agencies: We Don't Need to Know How Often You Spy on Americans
Cato Institute, The Maddow Blog, Techdirt and The Hill

There's Only One Way To Fix The Deficit — And Actually It's Totally Painless — People who insist that the US has a gigantic “spending problem” are ignorant of what really drives the deficit and the national debt, as Henry Blodget easily demonstrated in a series of charts.
Washington Monthly and Paul Krugman