Top Items:

Tagg, you're it for GOP Senate hopes — Tagg Romney is considering a run in the special Senate election now that Scott Brown has opted out, the Truth Squad has learned. — Calls for Romney, 42, to join in the short campaign to replace Secretary of State John F. Kerry have increased since …

Car park skeleton is Richard III — The skeleton is ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ the remains of Richard III — A skeleton found beneath a Leicester car park has been confirmed as that of English king Richard III. — Experts from the University of Leicester said DNA from the bones matched that of descendants of the monarch's family.
The Week, The Mahablog, Ricochet Conversations Feed and The Glittering Eye

Super Bowl City Leads on Energy Efficient Forefront — New Orleans' Mercedes-Benz Superdome features more than 26,000 LED lights on the building's exterior. The system uses only 10 kilowatts of electricity, equivalent to powering a small home. Photo courtesy of SMG.

Jindal: 2016 presidential aspirants need ‘head examined’ — “Anybody on the Republican side even thinking or talking about running for president in 2016, I've said, needs to get their head examined,” Jindal told “Fox and Friends.” “And the reason I say that is, we've lost two presidential elections …

Mass Shooter Confesses He Learned to Hate White People in College — Killer Nkosi Thandiwe learned all about hating whitey in college. — Nkosi Thandiwe shot dead 26-year-old Brittany Watts and and injured two other women in the parking deck of the Proscenium building on July 15, 2011.
Pat Dollard and Weasel Zippers

Chuck Hagel's Defenseless Performance — Nothing could have harmed the nominee for secretary of defense more than his own confirmation answers. — It shouldn't have been surprising that the Senate hearings to confirm Chuck Hagel as the next secretary of defense ended up shedding light …
Hot Air, Israel Matzav, Weekly Standard and Right Turn

Obama, Gore, stop whining about right-wing media — Editor's note: Howard Kurtz is the host of CNN's “Reliable Sources” and is Newsweek's Washington bureau chief. He is also a contributor to the website Daily Download. — (CNN) — I never realized that the conservative media were so eye-poppingly powerful.

The Other GOP Plan To Blow Up The Electoral Vote — GOP efforts to rig the Electoral College in favor of GOP presidential candidates may be close to dead, but a group of Republicans are hard at work at another plot to blow up the system: switch to the popular vote.
Lawyers, Guns & Money and Prairie Weather

Senate to Move on Gun Control — Senate Democratic leaders expect to introduce a gun bill that includes most of the proposals backed by President Barack Obama, with the notable exception of a ban on military-style, semiautomatic weapons, a top aide to Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada said.
Talking Points Memo, CBS News,, Taylor Marsh and Prairie Weather

Donald Trump to sue Bill Maher after bet feud — 'I don't think he was joking. He said it with venom,' Trump said of Maher. Reuters — Close — Donald Trump said Monday that he's suing liberal comic Bill Maher for $5 million for charity because Maher did not follow through on a public bet he made on “The Tonight Show.”

Paul Krugman Destroys GOP's Talking Points On Government Jobs — On Sunday, economist Paul Krugman hit back against GOP claims that public sector employment has increased under Obama, and that such jobs consist mainly of wasteful bureaucrats and somehow count less economically than private sector ones.
Balloon Juice

Obama must face the rise of the robots — Technology will leave a large chunk of the US labour force in the lurch — Early in his first term Barack Obama joked that he would “keep an eye on the robots in case they try anything”. He should have known resistance is futile.
Quartz and Via Meadia

Friends of Fraud — Like many advocates of financial reform, I was a bit disappointed in the bill that finally emerged. Dodd-Frank gave regulators the power to rein in many financial excesses; but it was and is less clear that future regulators will use that power.
Mother Jones and Prairie Weather

Cleaning up the murky world of gun ownership … Cook County and Chicago are adopting a tag-team approach on gun ownership. Our goal is to increase coordination between the city and the county, step up enforcement and reduce the flow of guns on our streets.
Right Wing News

Cuccinelli comes a'courting — Bolling — Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling recently had an unexpected visitor to his cavernous corner office: Ken Cuccinelli, the attorney general. — “He sat right where you're sitting,” said Bolling, referring to the red-and-green striped settee into which I had just settled.
Taylor Marsh and Taegan Goddard's …

Newtown father: 'You'll have to take my guns from my cold dead hands' — A video of a father, Bill Stevens, whose daughter attended Sandy Hook Elementary school, scene of the mass shooting in December, is making its rounds today of his testimony against gun control at a Working Group Public Hearing …
The Gateway Pundit

ACA premium sticker shock could fuel foes — The federal health care law could nearly triple premiums for some young and healthy men, according to a forthcoming survey of insurers that singles out a group that might become a major public opinion battleground in the Obamacare wars.

Secretive House group close to immigration-reform agreement — A bipartisan group of House negotiators is even further along in drafting a comprehensive immigration overhaul than its counterpart in the Senate, but the path to passage in the lower chamber is lined with thorns.

Obama visit highlights Minneapolis' strides on violence — President Obama will visit the city Monday for his first trip outside the Beltway to tout his plan to overhaul the nation's gun laws. — MINNEAPOLIS — This city has managed to shed the moniker of “Murder-apolis,” …
Post Politics and

N.Y. poll: 65 percent back gun law — Most New Yorkers support a stringent new state law that tackles gun control, a poll out Monday showed. — According to a survey from Siena Research Institute, 65 percent of those polled back the measure, which was passed last month in the wake …

Will Wall Street spurn GOP in 2014? — Wall Street donors and bundlers plunged hundreds of millions of dollars into the GOP's effort to take back the White House and Senate this year — and now some are threatening to cut off the spigot ahead of 2014 in the face of disappointing results.