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Ron Paul · 1,118,166 like this — As a veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend's violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and sad event. My condolences and prayers go out to Mr. Kyle's family. Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars have endless unintended consequences.
CNN, Pat Dollard, Poor Richard's News, Weasel Zippers, Washington Examiner and National Review

EXCLUSIVE: RAND PAUL RESPONDS TO RON: ‘CHRIS KYLE WAS A HERO’ — In the aftermath of Ron Paul's despicable tweet today slamming US Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, murdered on Saturday while helping a fellow soldier learn to cope with post traumatic stress syndrome, Paul's son, Senator Rand Paul …
Weasel Zippers, Blog, The Right Scoop, Poor Richard's News and The Jawa Report

Rand Paul Praises Chris Kyle After Ron Paul's Controversial Tweet
Discussion: Blog, The Hinterland Gazette and Pat Dollard

Why Ron Paul's Twitter Is Getting A Little More Interesting
Fox News, Mediaite, NO QUARTER USA NET and Conservative Intelligence …

EXCLUSIVE: Justice Department memo reveals legal case for drone strikes on Americans — Tribesmen examine the rubble of a building in southeastern Yemen where American teenagerAbdulrahmen al-Awlaki and six suspected al-Qaida militants were killed in a U.S. drone strike on Oct. 14, 2011.

STRANGE STEWARDESS: PHOTO EMERGES OF MYSTERY MELGEN-MENENDEZ WOMAN — Breitbart News has uncovered a photograph of a Russian woman exiting what looks like wealthy Democratic Party donor Dr. Salomon Melgen's plane. — The original source of the scandal surrounding Melgen and New Jersey Democratic …
American Spectator and The Other McCain

Svitlana Buchyk: Mystery Woman in Menendez HookerGate Scandal
The Lonely Conservative, The Daily Caller and Naked Politics

Woman denies being a prostitute, meeting Menendez
FITSNews, The Hill, Politico and The Other McCain

Robert Menendez denies prostitute ‘smears’
Discussion: and BREITBART.COM

Bunker gunman dead, hostage safe — Midland City, Alabama (CNN) — A 5-year-old child abducted from an Alabama school bus six days ago is safe and his kidnapper is dead, according to a law enforcement official. — The child appeared to be OK emerging from the ordeal Monday afternoon, the official said.
The Reaction and Real-Time News from Montgomery

Reconstructed face of Richard III — The reconstruction was revealed earlier for the first time — A facial reconstruction based on the skull of Richard III has revealed how the English king may have looked. — A skeleton found under a car park in Leicester has been confirmed as that of the king.
Truthdig, AMERICAN DIGEST and New York Times

DNA confirms bones belong to Richard III
Sphinx, History Matters, The Volokh Conspiracy, Mother Jones and Balloon Juice

Cops Say Road Rage Incident Was Prompted By Suspect's “Impeach Obama” Bumper Sticker — Paul Guaschino was driving Friday when a fellow motorist spotted an “Impeach Obama” bumper sticker on the 62-year-old Connecticut resident's vehicle. — According to cops, the other driver apparently …
Weasel Zippers, Hullabaloo and The Gateway Pundit

Barack Obama Comes to Minneapolis — President Obama passed through Minneapolis today to push his gun control agenda. He met with local law enforcement officers, and delivered a photo-op speech in front of a backdrop of uniformed law enforcement personnel. The speech, while brief, was marked by Obama's trademark incoherence.
Minneapolis Star Tribune

Cruz 0-for-11 in Senate and proud of it — Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas has been on the losing side of every vote the Senate has taken in his young career — the only senator who can claim that distinction, boosting his anti-establishment credentials and earning him rave reviews from grass-roots conservatives.
National Review, Trail Blazers Blog and The PJ Tatler

Deb Fischer The Only Female Senator Not Cosponsoring VAWA (UPDATE)
ThinkProgress, Daily Kos and The Raw Story

Janet Napolitano: A woman to watch for 2016 — So, what happens if Hillary Clinton doesn't run in 2016? — It is hard to imagine the presidential field without a woman contender, and here's one to keep your eye on: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.
Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Sister Toldjah, The Lonely Conservative and Post Politics

Obama pushes immigration reform with CEOs, labor leaders
Associated Press and Politico

Insight: Electric cars head toward another dead end — (Reuters) - Are electric cars running out of juice again? — Recent moves by Japan's two largest automakers suggest that the electric car, after more than 100 years of development and several brief revivals, still is not ready for prime time - and may never be.
Right Wing News, The Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, Poor Richard's News and

Mickelson was right on taxes — Citizens are right to complain about high taxes. It hurts job creators and the little guy. — Pro golfer Phil Mickelson has gotten a lot of flak for his recent comments about threatening to make “drastic changes” in his life due to state and federal tax increases.
The Lonely Conservative and The PJ Tatler

Kasich's Obamacare flip burns conservatives — Conservative groups wanted to stop the march of Obamacare expansion at ground zero: the states. — But one of their best hopes just caved. — John Kasich, the fiercely conservative governor of Ohio, announced Monday that he's …
The Week, Washington Examiner, Talking Points Memo, Washington Monthly, The National Memo, Poor Richard's News and CNN

Paul Ryan's new path to power — Paul Ryan feels pinched by competing paths to power. — His friends tell us the most obvious route — a run for the White House in 2016 — holds less appeal to him with each passing day. “He has no interest in the sheer grind of campaigning,” said a conservative who recently spent time with Ryan.

McCain: Don't filibuster Hagel — Sen. John McCain appears to have cleared the way Monday for Chuck Hagel to be the next secretary of defense. — The Arizona Republican, who has been a prominent voice in the debate over Hagel, said Monday he would oppose any attempt to filibuster the nomination …
Israel Matzav,, First Read, Hot Air and Weekly Standard

U.S. to Sue S&P Over Ratings — Justice Department Says Endorsements of Risky Mortgage Bonds Fueled Crisis — The Justice Department is expected to sue Standard & Poor's Ratings Services as soon as Tuesday, alleging the firm ignored its own standards to rate mortgage bonds that imploded …
Hot Air, Prairie Weather, DealBook, The Week and The Stranger …

Kitty Kelley to Write Book About the Women of the U.S. Senate — Oprah Winfrey and Frank Sinatra biographer Kitty Kelley has landed a book deal to write about the women of the U.S. Senate. Publication has been set for Spring 2016. — The book will look at the 113th Congress, but focus on the …

Cabinet ministers back Bill to allow same-sex marriage because they are Conservatives — Allowing same-sex couples to marry will strengthen, not weaken the institution — SIR - Today the Commons will vote on the Bill to allow same-sex marriage. — Civil partnerships for gay couples …
Guardian, Towleroad News #gay and New York Times