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EXCLUSIVE: Justice Department memo reveals legal case for drone strikes on Americans — Tribesmen examine the rubble of a building in southeastern Yemen where American teenagerAbdulrahmen al-Awlaki and six suspected al-Qaida militants were killed in a U.S. drone strike on Oct. 14, 2011.
Crooks and Liars, ACLU, Firedoglake, emptywheel, Washington Post, The Plum Line,, The Week, Patterico's Pontifications, This ain't Hell …, Outside the Beltway, Politico, Taylor Marsh, First Read, Hot Air, Booman Tribune, TalkLeft,, Pirate's Cove, Hit & Run, Let's Try Democracy, Mediaite,, The Lonely Conservative, The Daily Caller, The Right Scoop, NewsBusters, The Raw Story, Suburban Guerrilla and

Memo Cites Legal Basis for Killing U.S. Citizens in Al Qaeda — WASHINGTON — Obama administration lawyers have asserted that it would be lawful to kill a United States citizen if “an informed, high-level official” of the government decided that the target was a ranking figure in Al Qaeda who posed …
The Atlantic Online, and Senator Wyden's Press Feed

Your government can kill you if... A Justice Department …
Prairie Weather and Hullabaloo

DOJ white paper lays legal basis for drones targeting US citizens
Hit & Run

Ron Paul · 1,118,166 like this — As a veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend's violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and sad event. My condolences and prayers go out to Mr. Kyle's family. Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars have endless unintended consequences.
Speakeasy, The PJ Tatler, Pat Dollard, CNN, Poor Richard's News, Hullabaloo, BuzzFeed, Weasel Zippers, Washington Examiner, and National Review

EXCLUSIVE: RAND PAUL RESPONDS TO RON: ‘CHRIS KYLE WAS A HERO’ — In the aftermath of Ron Paul's despicable tweet today slamming US Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, murdered on Saturday while helping a fellow soldier learn to cope with post traumatic stress syndrome, Paul's son, Senator Rand Paul …

The Menendez Dilemma — Prostitution is both legal and widespread in the Dominican Republic, where as many as 100,000 women are part of the industry in a nation that has become a major sex-tourism hotspot of the Caribbean. So it would not be a crime for Sen. Robert Menendez to have availed himself …
The Daily Caller, CNN, Fausta's Blog, The Hill and Naked Politics

The Other McCain

Svitlana Buchyk: Mystery Woman in Menendez HookerGate Scandal
The Daily Caller and The Lonely Conservative

Cantor 4.0 seeks to rebrand House GOP — House Republicans haven't settled on an agenda yet, but Majority Leader Eric Cantor is ready to rebrand the party. — The Virginia Republican is a metaphor for a GOP conference that is trying to modernize on the fly after a disappointing 2012 election …
Discussion:, CNN, The Maddow Blog,, Daily Kos, Mother Jones and Wall Street Journal

Michelle Obama's posterior again the subject of a public rant — They're at it again. — The latest public rant against Michelle Obama's effort to promote low-calorie school lunches was recently caught on tape in Alabama — the usual protest against the federal government meddling in local business.
Taylor Marsh, Althouse, NewsBusters, Jammie Wearing Fools and The Hinterland Gazette

Hillary Clinton Debuts New Website — Hillary Clinton appears to have a new website. So far, has a picture of the former secretary of state and a form for contacting her.
Politico, Taylor Marsh, The PJ Tatler and The Hinterland Gazette

The GOP's ObamaCare Flippers — How the law's perverse incentives—and the health lobby—captured Arizona's Governor. — As D-Day looms for ObamaCare, one big question is how many states will sign up for its Medicaid expansion. The recent and spectacular flip-flop of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer …
Washington Monthly, Politico and

A revolution in the works? Column — But if there's an upside to the increasing unhappiness that most Americans feel toward the political class, it's that maybe it means people are paying closer attention. — Americans are out of sorts, and increasingly they're unhappy with the government.
Hit & Run, This ain't Hell …, The Other McCain, Lawyers, Guns & Money and Ed Driscoll

Eight Senators Vote To Block Violence Against Women Act — Eight Senators on Monday voted not to consider the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, a bill that protects victims of domestic violence. The Senators who voted against moving to debate on the bill were: Sens. Ted Cruz …
The Huffington Post, Addicting Info, The Raw Story and Daily Kos

Cruz 0-for-11 in Senate and proud of it
Taking Note, National Review, Trail Blazers Blog and The PJ Tatler

Study: Global Warming Can Be Slowed By Working Less — A new analysis suggests that a more ‘European’ schedule would reduce the effects of climate change — Want to reduce the effects of global warming? Stop working so hard. Working fewer hours might help slow global warming …
NewsBusters,, Say Anything, Weasel Zippers and

Feds investigating finances of former Ald. Sandi Jackson: sources — Former Ald. Sandi Jackson in December. File I Scott Stewart~Sun-Times — A federal financial probe of the once-politically powerful Jesse and Sandi Jackson has evolved into two separate investigations …

Voter Waiting Time Disparities Draw Democrats' Scrutiny — WASHINGTON — With studies suggesting that long lines at the polls cost Democrats hundreds of thousands of votes in November, party leaders are beginning a push to make voting and voter registration easier, setting up a likely …
Washington Monthly, emptywheel, The Maddow Blog, Feeds, Hullabaloo and

Kerry Healey, Tagg Romney: We're not running for Senate — Tagg Romney and former Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey became the latest big-name Republicans to rule themselves out of the special Senate election today. — “I have been humbled by the outreach I received this weekend encouraging me to become …
Washington Post

Brown's bowing out clears path to future
Cold Fury and Daily Pundit

Cops Say Road Rage Incident Was Prompted By Suspect's “Impeach Obama” Bumper Sticker — Paul Guaschino was driving Friday when a fellow motorist spotted an “Impeach Obama” bumper sticker on the 62-year-old Connecticut resident's vehicle. — According to cops, the other driver apparently …
Weasel Zippers, Hullabaloo and The Gateway Pundit

North Korea video shows US city in flames after missile attack — YouTube video shows city ablaze in scenes reminiscent of 9/11, as South Korea claims nuclear test imminent in Pyongyang — It begins benignly enough, with an image of a sleeping young North Korean man …
Mediaite, WorldViews, The PJ Tatler and Gawker

Jon Favreau, President Obama's head speechwriter, is departing — Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau, who at times lit up social media as well as the president's addresses, is leaving. — President Obama and his head speechwriter, Jon Favreau, work in the Oval Office.
Weekly Standard

Pennsylvania Republicans To Introduce New Election-Rigging Plan … Last month, Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus called up “states that have been consistently blue that are fully controlled red” to rig future presidential elections by changing the way electoral votes are allocated.
American Prospect, Addicting Info and

McCain: Don't filibuster Hagel — Sen. John McCain appears to have cleared the way Monday for Chuck Hagel to be the next secretary of defense. — The Arizona Republican, who has been a prominent voice in the debate over Hagel, said Monday he would oppose any attempt to filibuster the nomination …
CNN, Right Turn, Israel Matzav,,, The Reaction,, Hot Air and Weekly Standard

Party Eyes ‘Red-State Model’ to Drive Republican Revival — TOPEKA, Kan.—Even if he doesn't enter the race himself, this state's Republican governor, Sam Brownback, is determined to play a starring role in the next presidential election. — How? By turning Kansas into what he calls Exhibit …
Washington Wire, No More Mister Nice Blog, Via Meadia and The Lonely Conservative

HHS begins purge of ‘excessively burdensome’ healthcare rules — The Obama administration is proposing to reform existing healthcare regulations and purge unnecessary ones, a move that it says would save $3.4 billion over five years. — The Department of Health and Human Services has rolled …

Jeb Bush says yes to CPAC — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) will speak for the first time at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), a regular stop for Republican presidential hopefuls. — The move is a sign that Bush is seeking a more public role within the GOP …