Top Items:

Southern Poverty Law Center website triggered FRC shooting … The Family Research Council shooter, who pleaded guilty today to a terrorism charge, picked his target off a “hate map” on the website of the ultra-liberal Southern Poverty Law Center which is upset with the conservative group's opposition to gay rights.
Power Line, Jammie Wearing Fools, his vorpal sword, Washington Free Beacon, NewsBusters and The PJ Tatler

Floyd Corkins pleads guilty to Family Research Council shooting — (AP/ABC7) - A man accused of shooting a security guard inside the downtown Washington headquarters of a conservative Christian lobbying group pleaded guilty Wednesday in connection with the shooting.
Bob Owens, Weasel Zippers, NewsBusters and Joe. My. God.

Family Research Council shooter pleads guilty to three felonies, including terrorism charge, in federal court
The Daily Caller and

Shooter at Pro-Life Office Pleads Guilty, Used Liberal Site to Target
The Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers

US Attorneys' office links shooting at FRC, high-capacity magazines
The PJ Tatler

Shooter planned to smear Chick-fil-A on victims
The Other McCain, Washington Examiner and Towleroad News #gay

SPLC Website Provided Shooter with His Targets
Washington Examiner, Hot Air, Twitchy, The Daily Caller, Nice Deb and Ed Driscoll

Hagel Tells Lawmakers He Can't Provide Details On Speaking Engagements, Foreign Funders — “He is basically telling Senators they have no right to know if he has been unduly influenced by foreign governments or foreign agents over the last five years. What is he hiding?” GOP aide says.
Israel Matzav, Washington Free Beacon, Hot Air, “The Lid”, Power Line, Weekly Standard and The Lonely Conservative

GOP senators call for delay in Hagel committee vote — Two senior GOP members of the Senate Armed Services Committee told The Cable Tuesday that they won't consent to a committee vote on Chuck Hagel's nomination to be secretary of defense until the former Nebraska senator discloses …

Strange Days in the Senate: Could Ted Cruz Do What He Is Asking of Hagel?
The Dish

Postal Service to Cut Saturday Mail — ABC OTUS News - US Postal Service to End Saturday Mail Delivery (ABC News) — Apparently trying an end-run around an unaccommodating Congress, the financially struggling U.S. Postal Service says it will stop delivering mail on Saturdays but continue to disburse packages six days a week.

Thanks To Congressional Incompetence, Saturday Mail Delivery Is History — The U.S. Postal Service announced on Wednesday that it will discontinue first class Saturday mail delivery, marking another milestone in the decline of the once-ubiquitous government service.
Fox News, The Atlantic Online and UrbanGrounds

The Post Office gets tough with Congress
Esquire, Wonkblog and Mother Jones

Postal Service to End Delivery of Letters on Saturdays
Federal Eye, CBS News, Dealbreaker, USA Today, Daily Kos, Via Meadia and Blog

FBI sources: Menendez investigation moved to Newark, NJ — Two FBI sources have told The Daily Caller that the bureau's inquiry into Democratic New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez is now based in New Jersey, not Miami. One added that pressure is mounting from the highest levels of the Justice Department to pursue the investigation.
The Other McCain, Fire Andrea Mitchell! and NewsBusters blogs

Bob Menendez Spent Up to 87 Percent of Wealth Paying Back Donor
The Fix, Washington Free Beacon, The PJ Tatler and Election Law Blog

Rubio to deliver GOP response to Obama's State of the Union — Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) will deliver the Republican response to President Obama's State of the Union address on February 12. — Rubio's response will be delivered in both English and Spanish, according to Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) office.

Hagel committee vote delayed — The Senate Armed Services Committee will not vote this week on whether to confirm Chuck Hagel as the next secretary of Defense amid unrelenting pressure from Republicans over his financial disclosures. — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky …
BuzzFeed, CNN and Pat Dollard

4th Annual TV News Trust Poll — PPP's annual poll on TV news finds that there's only one source more Americans trust than distrust: PBS. 52% of voters say they trust PBS to only 29% who don't trust it. The other seven outlets we polled on are all distrusted by a plurality of voters.
Truthdig, Taegan Goddard's …, Business Insider, Wonkette, Liberal Values,, The Dish, Outside the Beltway and

401Ks are a disaster: Column — Recent and near-retirees, the first major cohort of the 401(k) era, do not have nearly enough in retirement savings to even come close to maintaining their current lifestyles. — We need an across the board increase in Social Security retirement benefits of 20% or more.
Corrente, The Impolitic, The Stranger …, Booman Tribune, Eschaton and

Bill requires all Idaho kids to read ‘Atlas Shrugged’ — BOISE - Coeur d'Alene Sen. John Goedde, chairman of the Idaho Senate's Education Committee, introduced legislation Tuesday to require every Idaho high school student to read Ayn Rand's “Atlas Shrugged” and pass a test on it to graduate from high school.
Sky Dancing, Washington Monthly, Taegan Goddard's …, The Raw Story, The Week, Joe. My. God. and Wonkette

Obama to provide Congress with drone info — President Obama has reversed course and agreed to provide the congressional intelligence committees with classified Justice Department legal advice authorizing the use of drones to kill U.S. citizens abroad, two administration officials said Wednesday evening.

Progressive Caucus Introduces Legislation To Replace Spending Cuts With Revenues, Investments … The Congressional Progressive Caucus announced today that it is introducing legislation to cancel the automatic spending cuts — known as the “sequester” — that are scheduled to take place at the beginning of March.

The absurdity of the GOP position on spending, in one chart
Firedoglake, The White House, Washington Examiner, The Maddow Blog and Hullabaloo

Fox News drops Dick Morris: Hooray — No more Fox News contributor Dick Morris. His contract to spout republic-damaging nonsense on Fox airwaves has expired, and the network isn't renewing it. — Taken together with the news that Sarah Palin will no longer be contributing …
The Wrap, American Prospect, FishbowlDC and The Daily Caller

Fox News Ends the Dick Morris Era
Washington Monthly, Politico and Truthdig

Here's Rand Paul's Grand Vision For U.S. Foreign Policy — In a highly-anticipated speech at the Heritage Foundation Wednesday, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul laid out a vision for a “middle path” in U.S. foreign policy, calling for more “moderation” and “restraint” in the use of military force.
Washington Monthly and American Spectator

BRUCE WILLIS: DON'T INFRINGE ON SECOND AMENDMENT — You are here — Home » Hollywood » Bruce Willis: Don't infringe on Second Amendment — LOS ANGELES (AP) — Bruce Willis says he's against new gun control laws that could infringe on Second Amendment rights.
Reuters, Talking Points Memo, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, The Gateway Pundit and Poor Richard's News

CORE PRINCIPLES FOR IMMIGRATION REFORM — DIRECT AND STRAIGHFORWARD ROADMAP TO CITIZENSHIP … THE TIMELINE FOR THE ROADMAP TO CITIZENSHIP SHOULD BE REASONABLE AND FAIR. — Individuals who came to the U.S. as adults should be eligible to apply for a temporary immigration status immediately …
New York Times, The Raw Story, Colorlines and Post Politics

Michigan Republicans Introduce Bill Mandating Transvaginal Ultrasound Before An Abortion — Michigan Republicans have introduced a bill requiring all women to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound before obtaining an abortion, a move that rekindles last year's firestorm when other GOP-led states were considering similar measures.
Discussion: and The Raw Story

CHRIS ROCK: ‘THE PRESIDENT IS OUR BOSS’... OUR ‘DAD’ — Comedian Chris Rock showed up on Capitol Hill today to support President Barack Obama's gun control proposals. Here is what he said during the morning press conference: … Apparently the comedian has flip-flopped on his previous gun control position, i.e. “bullet control” ...
Twitchy, Sister Toldjah, The Lonely Conservative, The Gateway Pundit, Politico and The Truth About Guns

With Brennan Pick, a Light on Drone Strikes' Hazards — SANA, Yemen — Late last August, a 40-year-old cleric named Salem Ahmed bin Ali Jaber stood up to deliver a speech denouncing Al Qaeda in a village mosque in far eastern Yemen. — It was a brave gesture by a father of seven …
Politico, The Public Editor's Journal, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, FAIR, Telegraph, Hit & Run, ABCNEWS, Gawker, Mediaite, Pew Research Center, Hot Air, Shakesville, IHT Rendezvous, The Atlantic Online, BBC, Wired, Washington Examiner, Guardian, DAWN.COM, The PJ Tatler and The Hill