Top Items:

Postal Service to halt Saturday mail delivery — The U.S. Postal Service announced on Wednesday that it would discontinue mail delivery on Saturday but still continue to deliver packages six days per week, according to the Associated Press. — Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla), hailed the decision …
Politico, Balloon Juice, CNN, and Gawker

Postal Service to Cut Saturday Mail — ABC OTUS News - US Postal Service to End Saturday Mail Delivery (ABC News) — Apparently trying an end-run around an unaccommodating Congress, the financially struggling U.S. Postal Service says it will stop delivering mail on Saturdays but continue to disburse packages six days a week.

Postal Service to Cut Saturday Mail to Trim Costs — Empty crates site next to a U.S. Postal Service (USPS) mail box in New York, U.S., Nov. 15, 2012. The U.S. Postal Service will stop delivering mail on Saturdays but continue to deliver packages six days a week under a plan aimed at saving …
The Raw Story, Hit & Run and The BLT

USPS to announce Saturday service cuts in effort to slash costs — (CBS News) Get ready for some big changes in your mail service. After losing $16 billion last year, the postmaster general will make announce Wednesday that the Postal Service intends to halt Saturday delivery of first-class mail …
Washington Monthly, Poynter and Hot Air, more at Mediagazer »

With Brennan Pick, a Light on Drone Strikes' Hazards — SANA, Yemen — Late last August, a 40-year-old cleric named Salem Ahmed bin Ali Jaber stood up to deliver a speech denouncing Al Qaeda in a village mosque in far eastern Yemen. — It was a brave gesture by a father of seven …
Telegraph, BBC, Shakesville, Guardian, Washington Examiner, DAWN.COM, Hit & Run, IHT Rendezvous, The Hill and The PJ Tatler

Brennan nomination exposes criticism on targeted killings and secret Saudi base — President Obama's plan to install his counterterrorism adviser as director of the CIA has opened the administration to new scrutiny over the targeted-killing policies it has fought to keep hidden from the public …
Pew Research Center, Booman Tribune, The Atlantic Online, Guardian and AEIdeas

Memo gives U.S. broad powers to kill Al Qaeda targets
American Prospect and emptywheel

American drone deaths highlight controversy
The Gateway Pundit, Moe Lane, Mother Jones and NewsBusters blogs

Obama to nominate REI chief Sally Jewell for Interior Secretary — President Barack Obama on Wednesday will nominate Sally Jewell, president and CEO of the outdoor and recreational retailer REI, to replace outgoing Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, a White House official confirmed to POLITICO.
Federal Eye, Hot Air, and Post Politics

Obama to nominate REI chief executive Jewell for Interior secretary

Obama to nominate CEO of outdoor equipment giant REI to become interior secretary

Eric Cantor's empty happy talk — Republicans have happened upon a felicitous new strategy for reviving their party from its depressed state: They need only think happy thoughts. — At a retreat for Republican leaders last month, former House speaker Newt Gingrich told them to …
Washington Monthly, AEIdeas, Althouse, Wonkblog,, FIRST DRAFT and The Heritage Foundation

Republicans try a softer focus — on life issues
First Read and Post Politics

How Eric Cantor Is Trying to Soften the Republican Party
Discussion:, The Reaction, and The PJ Tatler

Karl Rove Is Not a Conservative — Karl Rove — “The Architect,” as President George W. Bush called him — crafted Bush's two presidential campaigns and served as a key player in Bush's White House. — Now, with an assist from The New York Times, Rove is presenting himself as a conservative leader.
Hot Air, Cold Fury and The Right Scoop

How to beat Karl Rove at his own game
CNN, The Maddow Blog and

Rove Vs. the Tea Party
NewsBusters blogs, The Daily Caller, The Gateway Pundit and The Other McCain

CNN Host Destroys Supporter Of Boy Scouts Discrimination For Equating Pedophilia With Being Gay — CNN's Soledad O'Brien challenged the conservative opposition to keeping gays scouts and leaders out of the Boy Scouts on Wednesday morning, comparing the organization's ban to past restrictions on African Americans and women.
The Raw Story, Good As You and Daily Kos

Embattled Scott plans $100M campaign vs. Crist — Rick Scott is preparing to defend the Florida governorship with the most expensive reelection campaign in state history, drawing up plans for a battleship-sized political operation aimed at overcoming the Republican's deep personal unpopularity.
Washington Monthly and The Hinterland Gazette

Women's Unclean Breasts Cause Diarrhoea, Says Egypt Prime Minister Hisham Qandil — By VASUDEVAN SRIDHARAN: Subscribe to Vasudevan's RSS feed — Egypt's prime minister, Hisham Qandil - Reuters — The inability of women in rural Egypt to clean their breasts is causing a diarrhoea epidemic …
The Jawa Report, Weasel Zippers and This ain't Hell …

GOP senators call for delay in Hagel committee vote — Two senior GOP members of the Senate Armed Services Committee told The Cable Tuesday that they won't consent to a committee vote on Chuck Hagel's nomination to be secretary of defense until the former Nebraska senator discloses …
Post Politics

Poll Finds a Boost for Obama on Handling Immigration — Public approval of Barack Obama's handling of immigration has jumped to a career high in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, buttressed by majority support for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants and, much more broadly, endorsement of stricter border control.
The Maddow Blog and Mother Jones

Bob Menendez Spent Up to 87 Percent of Wealth Paying Back Donor — When Robert Menendez arrived in the U.S. Senate in 2006, he was a relative pauper in a chamber often called a millionaires' club. The New Jersey Democrat ranked 97th out of 100 senators in terms of his personal wealth …
The Fix

Ex-House members spend campaign money after they depart — WASHINGTON — Former House members are spending their leftover money to pay for everything from luxury cars to foundations that bear their names, a USA TODAY review of new campaign-finance reports shows.

Dick Morris out at Fox News — Fox News has decided not to renew its contract with political commentator and pollster Dick Morris, an industry official tells POLITICO's Mike Allen. — Morris, who was on contract with Fox News throughout the 2012 presidential campaign …
Guardian,, The Moderate Voice, Washington Times, Taylor Marsh and The Hinterland Gazette

NRA Endorsement Actually A Curse For Candidates, Poll Finds — Endorsements from the National Rifle Association might be doing political candidates more harm than good, according to a new poll from Public Policy Polling. — In a national survey, 39 percent of voters said that they are less likely …
Public Policy Polling