Top Items:

Congress to See Memo Backing Drone Attacks on Americans — WASHINGTON — The White House on Wednesday directed the Justice Department to release to the two Congressional Intelligence Committees classified documents discussing the legal justification for killing, by drone strikes and other means …

As Neocons Defend Obama, Allies Doubt Him on Drones as Never Before — The John Brennan confirmation hearings are the biggest showdown yet on extrajudicial killing and executive branch secrecy. — For once, the Obama Administration's drone policy is much in the news.

Obama will allow lawmakers to see secret memo on targeted killings
Hot Air and The Plum Line

The GOP, Fox political purge — Republicans and Fox News are moving to purge the controversial political creatures they created. — Both were damaged badly in 2012 by loud, partisan voices that stoked the base — but that scared the hell out of many voters.
The Boston Globe, CNN, Mock, Paper, Scissors, First Read and Truthdig

The GOP, Fox political purge — Ailes has aggressively, and shrewdly, toned things down post-election. Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly were among the first conservatives to call for a rethinking of the GOP's opposition to comprehensive immigration reform. And then Palin and Morris got the boot …
Hullabaloo, Little Green Footballs and Booman Tribune

New Rove Effort Has G.O.P. Aflame
American Prospect, Politico, The Maddow Blog, Daily Kos, The Daily Caller and Washington Wire

Immigrant Son — Oriales García Rubio knows how it feels to want more. When she was a girl in central Cuba in the 1930s, her family of nine lived in a one-room house with a dirt floor. Her dolls were Coke bottles dressed in rags. She dreamed of becoming an actress.
CNN, and FishbowlDC

Meet Marco Rubio, the new leader of the Republican party
Washington Monthly,, Power Line, NPR, Hot Air, Post Politics and CNN

Some in GOP want sequester deal
Daily Kos, The Plum Line and New York Times

SNEED EXCLUSIVE: Pending Jesse Jackson Jr. plea deal includes ‘significant jail time,’ source says — Sneed has learned a plea deal is now on the table between former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. and federal authorities probing allegations of campaign fund misuse.

Obama's Apparent Pick for Commerce Secretary Has a History of Shady Commerce — As he continues to fill out his cabinet, a report emerged late Wednesday that President Obama is “close to choosing” Chicago billionaire Penny Pritzker as America's next Secretary of Commerce. There's only one problem.
Crooks and Liars

Tony Perkins Still Believes SPLC Motivated Shooter At Family Research Council — Earlier today, Floyd Lee Corkins pleaded guilty to several counts relating to when he opened fire at the Family Research Council, injuring a guard before he was subdued. FRC's Tony Perkins used that news …
Firedoglake and NOM Blog

Floyd Lee Corkins pleads guilty in Family Research Council shooting
The Raw Story, WJLA-TV, Jihad Watch and

Sen. Menendez contacted top officials in friend's Medicare dispute — Sen. Robert Menendez raised concerns with top federal health-care officials twice in recent years about their finding that a Florida eye doctor — a close friend and major campaign donor — had overbilled the government …
Right Turn, The Hill,, The Daily Caller, Hot Air and Jammie Wearing Fools

L.A. police look for ex-cop suspected in shootings — Los Angeles (CNN) — A former Los Angeles cop who had allegedly warned he would target law enforcement in retribution for being fired is now suspected of shooting three officers early Thursday, killing one, authorities said.
Represent! and L.A. NOW

Officials hunt for ex-cop in shootings of 3 officers; 1 killed
Vox Popoli and NPR

Harvard: Just 6 in 10 Millennials have jobs, half are part-time … A comprehensive new Harvard University report on Americans under 30, the so-called Millennials, shows that the economy is having a crushing impact, with just 62 percent working, and of those, half are toiling at part-time jobs.
The Gateway Pundit and

Congress — not email — destroyed the Postal Service — The oft-maligned U.S. mail is actually quite well-run. Politicians steered it into the ditch — You know that feeling of pleasure you get when you see someone stand up to a bullying, incompetent boss? It's viscerally satisfying, isn't it?
Balloon Juice, She The People,, The Atlantic Online, AEIdeas, Felix Salmon and The Week

Thanks To Congressional Incompetence, Saturday Mail Delivery Is History
The Week, Esquire, The Atlantic Online, UrbanGrounds, Wonkblog, “The Lid” and Fox News

News Media Scrub Cop Murderer's Manifesto of Pro-Obama, Hillary, MSNBC, CNN, Gay, and Anti-Gun Comments — I've been following closely the news story about Chris Dorner, who is now suspected of murdering three people, including one police officer, and shooting another two police officers.
The Jawa Report and The PJ Tatler

Obama Plans Fund-Raising Trips to Aid Senate and House Candidates — President Obama may have run his last political campaign, but that does not relieve him of his obligations to the Democratic Party. — The president, who has a vested interest in Democrats retaining their Senate majority …
CNN, Ballot Box, Roll Call and The Reaction

Release Detail — February 7, 2013 - Americans Back Women In Combat 3-1, But Less For Draft, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Support For Universal Gun Background Checks Is 92% — American voters support allowing women in combat by an overwhelming 75 - 22 percent, including 77 …
Politico, The Plum Line, Taegan Goddard's …, Outside the Beltway and

Biden delivers impassioned plea to House Democrats on gun control — LEESBURG, Va. - Vice President Joe Biden delivered an impassioned and at times emotional plea to House Democrats to rally around the Obama administration's gun-control proposals, telling lawmakers they can't rely on political excuses for inaction.
Hot Air, Politico, CNN and Connecting.the.Dots