Top Items:

Ted Nugent to be guest at State of the Union — While other members of Congress are hosting gun-control advocates for Tuesday's State of the Union address, Rep. Steve Stockman has given one of his visitor's gallery tickets to Ted Nugent, the conservative gun-rights supporter.
No More Mister Nice Blog, Mediaite, The Gateway Pundit and The Right Scoop

Ted Nugent to join Stockman at State of the Union — Nugent will be available for interviews — WASHINGTON - Musician and gun advocate Ted Nugent will be Congressman Steve Stockman's guest at Tuesday evening's State of the Union Address by President Barack Obama.

Ted Nugent Will Attend State of the Union Address — Mr. Nugent, who is also a National Rifle Association board member, will be a guest of Representative Steve Stockman, a Texas Republican who recently made headlines by threatening to file articles of impeachment against Mr. Obama …
Taylor Marsh, CNN and alicublog

Lawmaker invites Ted Nugent to Obama's State of the Union address on Tuesday
The Moderate Voice and AMERICAblog

Texas Congressman Invites Ted Nugent, Who Threatened The President's Life, To The State Of The Union
Little Green Footballs, and Right Wing Watch

W.H.: We have a spending problem
The National Memo, Hot Air, Weekly Standard, Speak With Authority, AEIdeas and Weasel Zippers

Lawmakers look to pack State of Union with gun victims
protein wisdom, Roll Call, Talking Points Memo, The National Memo, The PJ Tatler, Los Angeles Times and Business Insider

Lawmakers invite gun violence survivors to State of the Union
The Moderate Voice, Politico and

Biden: We're counting on ‘legitimate media’ for successful gun control effort … During a press conference on gun safety in Philadelphia, Vice President Joe Biden said that any reports that suggest that he was trying to take weapons away from gun owners was a “bunch of malarkey.”
Michelle Malkin, Mediaite, The Gateway Pundit, The Lonely Conservative, protein wisdom and The PJ Tatler

Biden says he's ‘not running’...for the papacy — (CNN) - While there's still no word on 2016, Vice President Joe Biden confirmed Monday he's not throwing his hat in the ring for at least one position-that of the pope. — Asked in Philadelphia about the decision by Pope Benedict XVI …
The Hill, Politico and Balloon Juice

A Statement Rocks Rome, Then Sends Shockwaves Around the World
Guardian, Reuters,, Wall Street Journal, National Review, Telegraph, American Spectator, Washington Post, News Desk, Business Insider, The Week, Hot Air, No More Mister Nice Blog, Taylor Marsh, Washington Monthly, Advocate,, Duck of Minerva, protein wisdom, NPR, Quartz, Politico, The Dish, Mother Jones, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Achenblog, Outside the Beltway, The Confluence,, The Spectacle Blog, The Other McCain, Shakesville, The Moderate Voice, and Lawyers, Guns & Money

What Did Pope Benedict Do, Anyway?
NPR,, NewsHounds blog,, The Impolitic,, Law Blog,, Mock, Paper, Scissors and FIRST DRAFT

The bizarre stories of the four other popes to have resigned in the last 1,000 years
Guardian, The Fix, Poynter, Hit & Run, Daniel W. Drezner, Washington Post and FIRST DRAFT

Biden praises Pope Benedict's integrity, jokes he won't run to succeed him
Weasel Zippers

Biden says gun lobby's depiction of Obama plan ‘a bunch of malarkey’
Chicago Tribune, Washington Examiner, Politico, CNN, Hot Air and Weasel Zippers

The Man Who Killed Osama bin Laden... Is Screwed — For the first time, the Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden tells his story — speaking not just about the raid and the three shots that changed history, but about the personal aftermath for himself and his family.
Discussion:, Wired, Hot Air, AMERICAblog, Truthdig, NO QUARTER USA NET, The Jawa Report, The Impolitic, Newser, The Moderate Voice, The Raw Story, Guardian, The Week, The Gateway Pundit, Mediaite, Weasel Zippers, Wonkblog, emptywheel,, NPR, Politico, BuzzFeed, Washington Free Beacon, Washington Examiner, Jammie Wearing Fools, The Daily Caller and Gawker

Esquire article wrongly claims SEAL who killed Bin Laden is denied healthcare

New Study Finds Koch Bros. Tried to Start Tea Party Movement in 2002 — Were David Koch (and his brother Charles) planning to astroturf the Tea Party even earlier than formerly suspected? — Shattering the public perception that the Tea Party is a spontaneous popular citizens movement …
Mock, Paper, Scissors and DeSmogBlog

Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco and Billionaires
The Raw Story and Little Green Footballs

Justice Ginsburg: The Senate Is ‘Destroying The United States’ Reputation... As A Beacon of Democracy' — Two years ago, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg lamented that if she were nominated today to her current job on the Supreme Court, her “ACLU connection would probably disqualify” her from being confirmed.
Taylor Marsh

New Winger Conspiracy Theory Takes Flight — In the wake of news that Sen. Lindsey Graham is threatening to block the nominations of Hagel and Brennan, there's a whole new conspiracy theory bubbling up on the right. From ground zero of Obama era conspiracy theories comes the conspiracy theory …
Salon, Wonkette, The Atlantic Online, Right Wing Watch and The Reaction

Sources: White House to issue cybersecurity order Wednesday — The White House is poised to release an executive order aimed at thwarting cyberattacks against critical infrastructure on Wednesday, two people familiar with the matter told The Hill. — The highly anticipated directive …

House Republicans Unlikely To Pass New Sequester Replacement Plan — Buried in this Politico story about the House GOP's sequester strategy is a key admission. … This is what Republicans — most recently House Majority Leader Eric Cantor — are obscuring when they claim, in Cantor's words …
The Moderate Voice, and Politico

Signs of bipartisanship offer Obama narrow window to move agenda
Los Angeles Times and Booman Tribune

New Rove Group Could Backfire on G.O.P. — The strategist Karl Rove and his allies last week announced the formation of Conservative Victory Project, a new “super PAC” designed to lend support to what they see as more electable candidates in Republican Senate primaries.
Washington Monthly, Truthdig and Prairie Weather

Don't Believe the Hype — Let's just say it: Marco Rubio is the Wes Clark of 2013. Only with many fewer accomplishments. — It pains me to say this because I'm an admirer of Gen. Wesley Clark. I think he would have made a good president. He was an extremely accomplished career military officer.
Washington Monthly, Crooks and Liars, Booman Tribune and The Daily Caller

“We're Not Going to Be Pushed Around by the Antis” — Julie Burkhart is working to bring abortion care back to Wichita. — Wichita, Kansas, has been without a local abortion provider since an anti-abortion extremist murdered Dr. George Tiller in his church in May 2009.
The Other McCain

Democrats offer ‘prebuttal’ to Marco Rubio's rebuttal of Obama's State of the Union Address — Keep up, if you can—things are about to get strange. — In preparation for President Barack Obama's State of the Union address on Tuesday night, the Democratic National Committee …
Weasel Zippers and Jammie Wearing Fools