Top Items:

Rand Paul Explains His Surprise Vote For Chuck Hagel — “The president gets to choose political appointees,” Paul says. — Image by Gary Cameron / Reuters — WASHINGTON — Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said his support for a filibuster against Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel never meant that he would vote against Hagel's confirmation.
Hit & Run, Politico and The American Conservative

Senate Confirms Chuck Hagel As Defense Secretary — The Senate confirmed former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) as the next U.S. Secretary of Defense on Tuesday, ending a long and contentious nomination process marked by an unprecedented GOP filibuster of a presidential cabinet level nominee.

Chuck Hagel clears Senate hurdle toward confirmation — The Senate voted 71-27 on Tuesday to end debate on Chuck Hagel's nomination to become secretary of Defense, ending a Republican campaign that forced Democrats to fight for every step toward confirmation, which is expected later in the day.

Senate approves Hagel to lead Defense Department — The vote to confirm Chuck Hagel as Defense secretary came after debate was stopped. — WASHINGTON — The Senate voted 58-41 Tuesday to confirm Chuck Hagel as the new Defense secretary to succeed Leon Panetta, thus ending a contentious battle over his nomination.
The Fix, Advocate, The Gateway Pundit, No More Mister Nice Blog, Joe. My. God. and Senator Ted Cruz

Senate approves Hagel for Defense secretary after historic nomination fight
National Review and Atlas Shrugs

Prez should pull Hagel's nomination
Little Green Footballs and BREITBART.COM

Hagel Prevails in Senate After Bruising Bout With G.O.P.
Taylor Marsh, FiveThirtyEight, The Week, Addicting Info and American Prospect

Liberal Super PAC Goes After Mitch McConnell's ‘Chinese’ Wife — A Democratic group is under sharp criticism for controversial online messages about Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell's wife. — For months, the liberal super PAC Progress Kentucky has attacked McConnell and held demonstrations at his offices and home.
Ballot Box, Politico, Roll Call, Talking Points Memo, Mediaite, Taking Note, The Hill, The Other McCain, Weasel Zippers, The Daily Caller, The PJ Tatler and National Review

Liberal Super PAC Sends Racist Tweet About Mitch McConnell's Chinese Wife — A liberal super PAC in Kentucky is on the defensive after recently sending a racist tweet attacking Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) wife for being Chinese. — McConnell, running for reelection in 2014 …
Post Politics

Liberals Accuse McConnell Of Favoring China Because Of Wife's Race
Discussion:, The Daily Caller and WFPL

No CPAC Invite for Christie Because of ‘Limited Future’ in Republican Party — New Jersey governor Chris Christie was not invited to address the Conservative Political Action Conference because of his position on gun control, according to a source familiar with CPAC's internal deliberations who requested anonymity to speak freely.
New York Times, New Jersey Online, Red Alert Politics, BuzzFeed, Mediaite, Hot Air, Daily Kos and Balloon Juice

Chris Christie Medicaid Plan To Offer Coverage To Poor New Jersey Residents
American Prospect, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, ABCNEWS and The Plum Line

Boehner tells Senate to ‘get off their ass;’ Reid says GOP ‘sitting on their posterior’ — A salty Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Tuesday told members of the Senate to “get off their ass” and pass a bill to replace $85 billion in across-the-board spending cuts, setting off an exchange with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

WaPo/Pew sequestration poll question oddly missing an option — Let's see if you can figure out what Pew and the Washington Post left out of this poll question about blame for the sequester. I won't even give you a hint, even if Rovin had to tip me to this by e-mail: — Say, where is the option for Senate Democrats?
The PJ Tatler and NewsBusters blogs

Wave of Immigrants Released Ahead of Automatic Budget Cuts — In a highly unusual move, federal immigration officials have released a wave of detainees from immigration detention centers around the country in an effort to save money as automatic budget cuts loom in Washington, officials said.
Hot Air, Addicting Info and Prairie Weather

NBC/WSJ poll: Public wary about sequester cuts, but Obama in stronger political position than GOP — With automatic, across-the-board spending cuts set to begin Friday, majorities of Americans believe they aren't a good idea and say the contentious budget negotiations make them less confident …
Discussion:, Taegan Goddard's … and

GOP Seen as Principled, But Out of Touch and Too Extreme
Politico, The Impolitic, Daily Kos, CNN, Business Insider, The Plum Line, The Moderate Voice, American Prospect, The Fix and Taegan Goddard's …

Obama: Cuts are a ‘self-inflicted wound’
Politico, The Democratic Daily and Taylor Marsh

The Republican Sequestration Plan — Whether or not you agree with it, and whether or not it will work, President Obama's strategy on sequestration is perfectly obvious. His goal is to end the automatic budget cuts, which he regards as stupidly constructed and likely to harm the economy …

Apple Joins Morgan Stanley to Back Gay Marriage at Supreme Court — Dozens of companies, including Apple Inc. (AAPL) and Morgan Stanley (MS), are planning to urge the U.S. Supreme Court to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide, saying bans in 41 states harm workplace morale and undermine recruiting.
Towleroad News #gay

Meet The Republicans Telling The Supreme Court To Let Gay People Marry
The Dish and Addicting Info

Ex-legislator Robin Kelly wins Democratic race for ex-US Rep. Jackson Jr.'s Chicago-area seat — CHICAGO — Former Illinois legislator Robin Kelly captured the Democratic nomination Tuesday in the race to replace disgraced ex-U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., after a truncated campaign season …

Bachmann: 'I didn't get anything wrong' — The Congresswoman touts her flawless run for the presidency and love of Beyonce — Tea Party Rep. Michele Bachmann has been laying low since last November's election when she came dangerously close to losing her House seat, possibly in preparation …
The Raw Story

Voting Act Challenge Hinges on a Formula — The Supreme Court is hearing arguments on Wednesday in a major voting rights case. Here is some of the history of the law and the issues that are likely to be raised before the court. — A. The Voting Rights of Act of 1965 addressed pervasive lawless conduct …
ACS Blog

Overturning The Voting Rights Act Would Be Seminal Moment For Conservative Legal Movement
ABCNEWS, Washington Examiner and ProPublica

Caltech Physicist: If All Science Were Run Like Marijuana Research, Creationists Would Control Paleontology … In the face of obstacles to marijuana research from both the Drug Enforcement Administration and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a theoretical physicist at the California Institute …
Daily Kos

Why Everything Republicans Are Saying About The Sequester Is Wrong — Barring a last minute Congressional compromise, $85 billion in automatic across-the-board cuts will go into effect in the next 72 hours as a result of the sequester mechanism included in the 2011 Budget Control Act.
Crooks and Liars and Addicting Info