Top Items:

Scalia: Voting Rights Act Is ‘Perpetuation Of Racial Entitlement’ — WASHINGTON, DC — There were audible gasps in the Supreme Court's lawyer's lounge, where audio of the oral argument is pumped in for members of the Supreme Court bar, when Justice Antonin Scalia offered his assessment of a key provision of the Voting Rights Act.

Supreme Court justices hint at striking Voting Rights Act provision — The Supreme Court signaled strongly on Wednesday that it might strike down a key part of the Voting Rights Act, as the court's conservative members cast the provision as outdated and unfair.

Supreme Court Weighs Future Of Voting Rights Act
The Fix,, The Hinterland Gazette and Althouse

From the Shelby County argument
Discussion:, New York Times, Althouse and Austin American-Statesman

Supreme Court raises doubts about Voting Rights Act
The Raw Story

Conservative Justices Voice Skepticism on Voting Law
Washington Monthly, Los Angeles Times, SCOTUSblog and The Maddow Blog

Conservative Justices Hammer The Voting Rights Act
Little Green Footballs

Chief Justice Roberts' Long War Against the Voting Rights Act
The Plum Line, Election Law Blog, The BRAD BLOG and ABCNEWS

Senate GOP ponders shifting power to Obama — Days before the March 1 deadline, Senate Republicans are circulating a draft bill that would cancel $85 billion in across-the-board spending cuts and instead turn over authority to President Barack Obama to achieve the same level of savings under a plan to be filed by March 8.
Roll Call, Yahoo! News, Business Insider, Hot Air, The Caucus and

Reason for mass release of illegal immigrants “hard to believe,” Boehner says
protein wisdom, Washington Post, The Week, Politico and Booman Tribune

The Sequester Revelation — Obama has the legal power to avoid spending-cut damage.
Discussion: and National Review

Congressional leaders invited to W.H. on spending cuts deadline day
Politico, Hot Air and The Daily Caller

President Obama to Meet Congressional Leaders Friday
Weasel Zippers, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Hot Air

The Establishment's Obama Derangement Syndrome — Others have done an excellent job explaining why so many pundits and news analysts are constitutionally unable to describe the impasse over sequestration as anything other than a bipartisan failure — while also revealing, perhaps unintentionally …
Balloon Juice

Bob Woodward blasts President Obama ‘madness’ — The Washington Post's Bob Woodward attacked President Barack Obama on Wednesday, saying the commander-in-chief's decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier because of budget cuts is “a kind of madness.” — “Can you imagine Ronald Reagan sitting …
Right Turn, A plain blog about politics, The Maddow Blog, Lawyers, Guns & Money and PERRspectives

A political DUI — Some of us can recall the helpless feeling of being in a vehicle driven by someone who is intoxicated. If you're like me, you don't want to cause a scene unless the driving is really erratic. But there comes a moment when you need to say: Stop the car. You're going to hurt someone.
Washington Monthly, Angry Bear and Mother Jones

BOB WOODWARD: Obama Is Showing 'A Kind Of Madness I Haven't Seen In A Long Time'
Mediaite, The Jawa Report, The PJ Tatler and The Daily Caller

Republicans are losing the spending argument — For the past several years, congressional Republicans have focused relentlessly on a single message: Washington — led by President Obama — is spending too much money, and it needs to stop. — But according to new Washington Post-ABC News polling …
CNN, Daily Kos, Forbes,, Washington Times, Post Politics, The Week and BuzzFeed

Annihilate! — Whoever could have imagined that Republicans could be such wussies?
The Moderate Voice

Brief Supporting Same-Sex Marriage Gets More Republican Support — More than two dozen Republicans — including a top adviser to Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, and a former congresswoman who made banning same-sex marriage her signature issue — have added their names …
The Fix, Good As You, Towleroad News #gay, Equality On Trial, Gawker, AMERICAblog and Bloomberg

Marilyn Musgrave denies NYT report that she supports gay marriage
Joe. My. God., Towleroad News #gay and Good As You

Dozens of big U.S. companies to back gay marriage
News Desk, Advocate, TechCrunch, AllThingsD, AMERICAblog, emptywheel, Firedoglake, Taking Note and Joe. My. God.

The Real Reason Why Chris Christie Wasn't Invited to CPAC — ACU Chairman Al Cardenas criticizes New Jersey's Republican governor for supporting Sandy aid bill, Medicaid expansion. — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was not invited to speak at the annual CPAC conference this year …
Washington Monthly, National Review, No More Mister Nice Blog, Hot Air, Mediaite and American Power

Christie's Honeymoon With Conservatives Is Over
The Week, Hot Air,, National Review, The Dish and

Charles Krauthammer: Chris Christie CPAC snub a mistake
Taylor Marsh and Joe. My. God.

Sarah Palin: Feds ‘stockpiling bullets’ to use against us — Sarah Palin says America will eventually default on its debt and claims that the federal government is “stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest” to prepare. — “If we are going to wet our proverbial pants over .3% …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Taylor Marsh

U.P. State Senator Tom Casperson Is Some Kind Of Birther — State Sen. Tom Casperson, R-Escanaba, was on Michael Patrick Shiels' Lansing radio program today and had some fun and interesting things to say about where President Obama was born. — Casperson, whose name might sound familiar …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Talking Points Memo, Progress Michigan, New York Magazine and Balloon Juice

This Charming Man: An Interview With Morrissey — I don't think I really need to introduce you guys to Morrissey, but just in case: He's been an icon for, oh, more than three decades now. He began his career in the early '80s as the frontman (and heart) of the Smiths before going solo in 1987 …
Telegraph, Towleroad News #gay and

As Budgets Face Cuts, Austerity Kills Government Jobs — WASHINGTON — The federal government, the nation's largest consumer and investor, is cutting back at a pace exceeded in the last half-century only by the military demobilizations after the Vietnam War and the cold war.
Economix, Daniel W. Drezner, AEIdeas, The Week, Right Wing News, Brad DeLong, Marginal Revolution and Board of Governors …

Hillary Clinton's Unwritten Memoir The Talk Of The Publishing World — As the former secretary of state begins work on her third book, editors brace for a seven- or eight-figure deal. “A historic bidding war,” predicts one industry insider. — At a “global townterview” in Washington …
Taylor Marsh

W5 + H = A Baseline for Integrity — UPDATE: Let me add up top an update out of the gate. The issue here is not RedState, but a larger issue among conservatives as we keep growing new and expanding existing outlets for reporting the news. With our jobs board up (if you haven't noticed) …
FishbowlDC, Politico, Mediaite and Business Insider