Top Items:
Saxby Chambliss: 'I'm not gay. So I'm not going to marry one' — Support for gay marriage is picking up steam all over the country — except on Capitol Hill. — Take Sen. Saxby Chambliss. When asked if his views had changed on gay marriage, the Georgia Republican quipped: “I'm not gay.
Starbucks CEO: If You Don't Like Marriage Equality, Feel Free To Sell Your Starbucks Stock — Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz continued to defend his company's support for marriage equality at a shareholders meeting Wednesday, pointing out that “not every decision is an economic decision.”
Schultz defends Starbucks' support of same-sex marriage
Towleroad News #gay
Ashley Parker / New York Times:
Young Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage Undaunted
Young Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage Undaunted
Good As You, The Heritage Foundation, NOM Blog, Opinionator and Business Insider
Catherine Saint Louis / New York Times:
Pediatrics Group Backs Gay Marriage, Saying It Helps Children
Pediatrics Group Backs Gay Marriage, Saying It Helps Children
John M. Becker, The Raw Story and ThinkProgress
Obama Appears to Move Closer to Israeli Position on Peace Talks — RAMALLAH, West Bank — President Obama, visiting the Israeli-occupied West Bank, appeared to move closer to the Israeli position on Thursday regarding resumption of long-stalled peace talks with the Palestinians …
Yahoo! News, BBC, Mediaite, Foreign Policy, The Hinterland Gazette, Althouse and Lynn Sweet
Analysis: Obama, he had us at ‘Shalom’ — We so want to be accepted, so want to be understood. — He had us at the word “Shalom,” did President Barack Obama, on the tarmac at Ben-Gurion Airport. — Or if not at “Shalom,” then 33 words later when he said in Hebrew, “Tov lihiyot shuv ba'aretz” (It's good to be back in Israel).
Haaretz, Washington Free Beacon and Washington Wire
Obama Lays Out Case for Israel to Revive Peace Talks
Reuters, The Week, Post Politics, Towleroad News #gay and Capital New York
James S. Robbins / Associated Press:
Obama's Middle East policy in tatters: Column
Obama's Middle East policy in tatters: Column
Questions and Observations, Pew Global Attitudes Project, Instapundit and This Just In
Thomas B. Edsall / Opinionator:
The Republican Autopsy Report — On Monday a Republican task force released a remarkably hard-headed diagnosis of the party's many liabilities: its ideological rigidity, its preference for the rich over workers, its alienation of minorities, its reactionary social policies and its institutionalized repression of dissent and innovation.
The Dish, Balloon Juice, Outside the Beltway, Prairie Weather, Poliglot, and
The GOP Disconnect on Economic Policy
The Plum Line, First Read and Reuters
Stuart Rothenberg / Roll Call:
The GOP: A Party Increasingly at Odds With Itself
The GOP: A Party Increasingly at Odds With Itself
American Prospect and Booman Tribune
Conor Friedersdorf / The Atlantic Online:
What Needless, Xenophobic Panic Looks Like — While researching another item, I came across a Townhall column written by Michelle Malkin in 2002, a couple years before she published her book, In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror.
Philip Klein / Washington Examiner:
Iraq War made Obamacare possible
Iraq War made Obamacare possible
Hit & Run and Washington Monthly
Interview With Vice President Joe Biden … The Obama administration is still fighting for a ban on assault weapons to be included in a larger bill in Congress, Vice President Joe Biden said in an interview with NPR. — After the school shootings in Newtown, Conn., last December …
Hawkings Here, BuzzFeed,, Taegan Goddard's …, The Fix, Hot Air, Post Politics,, Mother Jones, Hit & Run and The Hill
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Vulnerable senators face lose-lose scenario on assault weapon vote
Vulnerable senators face lose-lose scenario on assault weapon vote
Daily Kos and The Plum Line
Alan Silverleib / CNN:
House passes Ryan budget — (CNN) - The Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed GOP Rep. Paul Ryan's proposed Fiscal Year 2014 budget Thursday. Ryan's budget would cut $4.6 trillion in spending and eliminate the deficit over 10 years, while also repealing President Barack …
Weasel Zippers, Crooks and Liars, neo-neocon and The Hill
House approves resolution to keep government running; bill heads to White House
Firedoglake, and Post Politics
Jesse Helfrich / The Hill:
Unified House Republicans poised to pass Ryan budget blueprint
Unified House Republicans poised to pass Ryan budget blueprint
Talking Points Memo, and Daily Kos
Peter Hamby / CNN:
Romney campaign chief to lead new GOP research group — (CNN) - Post-mortems written after the 2012 campaign focused on a variety of Republican shortcomings: underwhelming television ads, an outdated voter contact model, and a message that was out-of-step with the changing face of America.
Politico, BuzzFeed and Post Politics
Public Religion Research Institute:
Survey | Citizenship, Values, and Cultural Concerns: What Americans Want from Immigration Reform — ▶ Read the full report here. — ▶ Read the news release here. — ▶ Read a Spanish translation of the news release here. — ▶ Read the topline questionnaire, including the survey methodology, here.
Right Turn and Washington Wire
Julia Preston / New York Times:
Poll Finds Broad Support for Path to Citizenship for Immigrants
Poll Finds Broad Support for Path to Citizenship for Immigrants
National Review
Native American Lawmaker To Anti-Immigrant Kansas Official: ‘When You Mention Illegal Immigrant, I Think Of All Of You’ — Left: Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R). Right: State Rep. Ponka-We Victors (D). — A Native American state representative in Kansas rebuked Secretary of State Kris Kobach …
Andy Marso / Topeka Capital-Journal:
Emotions flow during immigrant tuition hearing
Emotions flow during immigrant tuition hearing
The Political Carnival
Obama Job Approval Slips as Economic Pessimism Rises — Positive Signs on Stocks, Housing Have Little Impact — OVERVIEW — Barack Obama's job approval rating has tumbled since shortly after his re-election, as the public's economic expectations for the coming year have soured.
Weekly Standard and The Daily Caller
Michele Bachmann: Obamacare Will ‘Literally’ Kill People — As the country prepares to celebrate the third anniversary of health care reform, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) insisted on Thursday that the Affordable Care Act will “kill” vulnerable women and children during a speech on the floor of the House.
Girls complicit in Steubenville — Editor's note: Rachel Simmons is the co-founder of Girls Leadership Institute and the author of “Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls.” Follow her on Twitter @racheljsimmons — (CNN) — Is anyone else wondering why the Steubenville …
West Virginia paper's anti-LGBT column wants death for ‘n*ggers, spics, kikes and wops’ — A newspaper in West Virginia is defending its decision to publish a reader's racist and homophobic comments, which called for “queers” to be put to death along with “n*ggers, spics, kikes and wops.”
Associated Press
Why I was hoping for a government shutdown — I'll be honest. I was sort of hoping for a government shutdown. — Congress, you're terrible at your job. (Andrew Harrer/Bloomber) — It's not that I like government shutdowns. I'm as big a fan of national parks as the next guy.
Balloon Juice, The Week, Daily Kos, The Maddow Blog and Politico
Quinnipiac News + Events:
Release Detail — March 21, 2013 - Clinton Tops Florida Favorite Sons In 2016 Race, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; 91% Back Universal Gun Background Checks — Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has double-digit leads over either of Florida's favorite sons, former Gov. Jeb Bush …
Politico, Naked Politics, Ballot Box, CNN, and First Read
Cuomo Seeks to Ease a Newly Passed Gun Restriction — ALBANY — In the wake of the elementary school massacre in Newtown, Conn., Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York pushed through the State Legislature gun control measures that included not only a tougher assault weapons ban but also a tighter restriction …
Michelle Malkin, New York Magazine, JustOneMinute, Hit & Run, Capital New York, Hot Air, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and The PJ Tatler
Secret report raises alarms on intelligence blind spots because of AQ focus — A panel of White House advisers warned President Obama in a secret report that U.S. spy agencies were paying inadequate attention to China, the Middle East and other national security flash points because they had become …
Wall Street Journal, ThinkProgress, Lawfare, AEIdeas, emptywheel and Reuters
Heckler Interrupts Obama Speech In Jerusalem (VIDEO) — A heckler briefly interrupted President Barack Obama's speech to the Israeli people Thursday at a university in Jerusalem, which drew boos from the crowd. — “This is part of the lively debate that we talked about.
The Week and The Raw Story