Top Items:
Washington Wire:
Live Blog: Supreme Court Weighs Gay Marriage, Day 2 — The Supreme Court Wednesday is hearing arguments on the 1996 federal Defense of Marriage Act, completing a two-day exploration of gay marriage after arguments Tuesday that showed the justices divided over how far the rights of gays and lesbians should extend.
Bloomberg, ThinkProgress, Reuters, Politico, National Review, Business Insider, Guardian, Taylor Marsh, Hot Air and Towleroad News #gay

Justices Hears Arguments on Defense of Marriage Act — WASHINGTON — A majority of the justices on Wednesday questioned the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996, as the Supreme Court took up the volatile issue of same-sex marriage for a second day.
Maureen Dowd / New York Times:
Courting Cowardice — As the arguments unfurled in Tuesday's case on same-sex marriage, the Supreme Court justices sounded more and more cranky. — Things were moving too fast for them. — How could the nine, cloistered behind velvety rose curtains, marble pillars and archaic customs …
JustOneMinute, Brilliant at Breakfast, the daily howler, Balloon Juice and FiveThirtyEight

U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan declares her support for gay marriage — Sen. Kay Hagan said Wednesday that she supported the right of gay people to marry, saying “we should not tell people who they can love or who they can marry.” — Hagan, one of the few Democratic senators who had not previously come …
Politico, The Hill, Hot Air and Weasel Zippers
Sam Baker / The Hill:
Supreme Court seems open to killing Defense of Marriage Act — The Supreme Court indicated Wednesday that it is open to striking down the federal law defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. — The court heard arguments Wednesday in a challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act …

Planned Parenthood's president thinks abortion is headed back to the Supreme Court — Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards speaks at the 2012 Democratic Convention. … Sarah Kliff: Tell me a bit about what the restrictions we're seeing out of North Dakota mean.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Taking Note and ThinkProgress

PUNCHES fly as gay marriage advocates and opponents clash outside Supreme Court while landmark case is heard inside — Midway through a National Organization protest in front of the US Supreme Court building, punches flew. One, which landed on the face of a marcher, was thrown …
Joe. My. God., Weasel Zippers and Jammie Wearing Fools
Ricochet Conversations Feed:
Troy Senik, Ed. : The Gay Marriage Fight that Should Unify the Right — As we endure the oral arguments over California's Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act in the Supreme Court this week, things are likely to get a little chippy here on Ricochet.
Questions and Observations

A Social Experiment Without Science Behind It — Advocates of same-sex marriages can't back up claims about positive long-term effects. — The Supreme Court is hearing two cases this week that represent a challenge to one of the oldest and most fundamental institutions of our civilization.
Weekly Standard,, Betsy's Page and Instapundit

Bill O'Reilly: Gay Marriage Foes Can Only ‘Thump The Bible’ In Their Arguments (VIDEO)
The Dish, Hullabaloo, Unqualified Offerings and Trail Blazers Blog
Greg Botelho / CNN:
Meet the woman at center of DOMA
Meet the woman at center of DOMA
emptywheel, Business Insider and Campaign for America's Future
Dana Milbank / Washington Post:
Same-sex marriage can't be stopped by courts
Same-sex marriage can't be stopped by courts
The Other McCain, The Plum Line, She The People, Taylor Marsh, Poynter, Off the Kuff, Prairie Weather, News Desk and Mother Jones
Zack Ford / ThinkProgress:
Kay Hagan Joins Democratic Senators Supporting Marriage Equality
Kay Hagan Joins Democratic Senators Supporting Marriage Equality
Daily Kos and The Hinterland Gazette
Sabrina Siddiqui / The Huffington Post:
Gay Marriage Rights: The 10 Democratic Senators Who Still Say No
Gay Marriage Rights: The 10 Democratic Senators Who Still Say No
Roll Call, Taylor Marsh, Swampland, Washington Wire, Associated Press, Mother Jones, emptywheel, Firedoglake, Salon and The Maddow Blog
Sarah Kliff / Wonkblog:
States are cracking down on abortion—and legalizing gay marriage. What gives?
States are cracking down on abortion—and legalizing gay marriage. What gives?
NOM Blog:
National Organization for Marriage Leads Massive March and Rally in Support of Marriage
National Organization for Marriage Leads Massive March and Rally in Support of Marriage
ThinkProgress, NewsBusters blogs, Alternet, Right Wing Watch, Washington Blade and Joe. My. God.
Igor Volsky / ThinkProgress:
As The Supreme Court Considers DOMA, Boehner Goes Mum
As The Supreme Court Considers DOMA, Boehner Goes Mum
Law, First Read and Daily Kos

‘Rude’ lawmaker Louie Gohmert pulls rank on cops over parking ticket — A Texas Republican congressman got into a late-night verbal altercation with U.S. Park Police officers earlier this month, pulling rank in an attempt to get out of a parking ticket near the Lincoln Memorial.
Trail Blazers Blog, The Raw Story, Juanita Jean's and Daily Kos
Same Sex Marriage and Gilligan's Island Game Theory — After 28 years of wedded bliss and 2 kids, I'm guessing I'm probably the Conversation's resident marriage champ. (It was an arranged Hindu ceremony, I was 3 and she was 2.) And there's nobody who can better attest to the joys and benefits of a traditional monogamous union.
Power Line and Hit & Run
Our Story — We created POLITICO with a simple promise: to prove there's a robust and profitable future for tough, fair and fun coverage of politics and government. To do this, we cling to a simple principle: always hire the most talented editors, reporters and newsroom staff and then set …

Local Airport Closures Cause GOPers Sequestration Anxiety — We've noted previously that outside Washington D.C. — where politicians and reporters obsess endlessly over inconsequential but high-valence things like White House tours and Easter egg hunts — sequestration is beginning to cause real harm, and political pain.
The Maddow Blog, Daily Kos, St. Augustine Record and DownWithTyranny!
Paul Krugman:
Poland Is Not Yet Lost — But its leaders remain determined to give disaster a chance. — Poland is one of Europe's relative success stories. It avoided the severe slump that afflicted much of the European periphery, then had a fairly strong recovery: — As you can see …
Wonkblog, National Review and TheMoneyIllusion

Poll: 80% of Americans unhappy with Washington — The Sequester — Americans continue to believe the sequester cuts will be bad for the country (41 percent) in the long run, and just 28 percent expect their effect to be good for the country. However, the view that sequester will have no impact …
The National Memo, Politico, The Hill, National Review and First Read

‘Biggest ever attack’ slows internet — The row centres on the blocking of a web-hosting company alleged to be hosting spam websites — The internet around the world has been slowed down in what security experts are describing as the biggest cyber-attack in history.
VentureBeat, GigaOM and Mashable
Washington Post:
CIA director faces a quandary over clandestine service appointment — As John Brennan moved into the CIA director's office this month, another high-level transition was taking place down the hall. — A week earlier, a woman had been placed in charge of the CIA's clandestine service for the first time in the agency's history.
Washington Monthly, Booman Tribune, Business Insider and Boing Boing
Quinnipiac News + Events:
Release Detail — March 27, 2013 - Sandy Won't Change Their Vacation Plans, New Jersey Voters Tell Quinnipiac University Poll; Menendez Gets Small Bounce After Big Drop — New Jersey voters say 85 - 13 percent that they are not changing their summer vacation plans because of Hurricane Sandy …
Politico, Ballot Box and CNN

Cyprus to limit cash, credit-card use abroad — (Reuters) - Cyprus is set to restrict the flow of cash from the island and may curb the use of Cypriot credit cards abroad as it tries to avert a run on its banks after agreeing a tough rescue package with international lenders.
The Gateway Pundit
Ben Goad / The Hill:
Obama moves rule to tighten background checks on gun buys — The Obama administration is moving to shore up the federal criminal background check system as part of the president's effort to curb gun violence — with or without help from Congress. — A proposed rule meant to improve …
protein wisdom, The Maddow Blog, Fox News and The Hill