Top Items:
Murkowski's gay marriage views ‘evolving’ — U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowsk (R-Alaska) talks to a constituent before entering the Bear Mountain Grill in Eagle River on Wednesday, March 27 in Eagle River, where she addressed the Chugiak-Eagle River Chamber of Commerce.
Politico, CNN, Alaska Public Media, Yahoo! News, The Huffington Post, ThinkProgress, Poliglot, Hot Air, Post Politics, Weasel Zippers, Advocate and Towleroad News #gay
TIME Magazine Sexualizing Same-Sex Marriage With New Cover Photo — One of Time's two new cover photos declaring “gay marriage already won” looks like a wedding kiss. The other looks more like a makeout session.
How Gay Marriage Won — Eager to be eyewitnesses to history, people camped for days in the dismal cold, shivering in the slanting shadow of the Capitol dome, to claim tickets for the Supreme Court's historic oral arguments on same-sex marriage. Some hoped that the Justices would extend marriage rights …
Taylor Marsh,, AMERICAblog, Business Insider, Good As You, Towleroad News #gay and Poynter
David Weigel / Slate:
Flashback: When Democrats Swore They Would Never Back Gay Marriage — Jon Allen follows HuffPost's intriguing advocacy journalism by quoting the few Democrats who haven't endorsed gay marriage yet. (HuffPost's been straight-up shaming them, naming the senators who have yet to flip and explaining that …
The Dish, Hot Air and Betsy's Page
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
The Slow Death of the Anti-Gay-Marriage Movement
The Slow Death of the Anti-Gay-Marriage Movement
Washington Monthly, Balloon Juice and The Dish
Newtown gunman Adam Lanza fired 155 bullets in less than five minutes, prosecutor says — Adam Lanza fired 155 bullets in less than five minutes on the day he killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School, investigators said Thursday in the first detailed account …
Emily Miller / Washington Times:
Hey Piers Morgan, Adam Lanza was not a NRA member
Hey Piers Morgan, Adam Lanza was not a NRA member
NewsBusters blogs
Aaron Katersky / ABCNEWS:
Newtown Gunman Had Arsenal of Pistols, Shotguns, Swords, Knives
Newtown Gunman Had Arsenal of Pistols, Shotguns, Swords, Knives
Yahoo! News
The Secret Republican Plan to Repeal ‘Obamacare’ — And why the fight is far from over. — A few minutes after the Supreme Court issued its landmark decision upholding President Obama's health care law last summer, a senior adviser to Mitch McConnell walked into the Senate Republican leader's office to gauge his reaction.
Manu Raju / Politico:
Mitch McConnell's scorched-earth strategy
Mitch McConnell's scorched-earth strategy
The Fix, The Week, The Caucus, Reuters,, Los Angeles Times and Mother Jones
A Very White Republican Leadership Plans Minority Outreach — Criticism from inside the ranks. “Any kind of racially specific campaign activity was often treated with skepticism by white staffers,” says one former RNC staffer. — Priebus speaks to reporters after holding private talks …
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and The Maddow Blog
Report: Right-Wing Extremists Are ‘Highly Engaged’ With GOP On Twitter — A new report out Thursday finds that right-wing extremists on Twitter are “highly engaged” with the mainstream conservative movement and the Republican Party and highlights the role the GOP has to play in countering their more violent fans.
Little Green Footballs
John Boehner Quote Of Lincoln Edits Out His Call For Higher Taxes — House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) quotes Abraham Lincoln in a memo released Thursday as warning of debt, but ignores the former president's call for a tax or tariff. — The messaging to House Republicans quotes Lincoln expressing concern over debt:
The Plum Line, Jay Bookman, A plain blog about politics and The Maddow Blog
David M. Drucker / GOPpers:
Boehner Memo: ‘We Forged a New Tactical Plan’ — Spring has arrived in Washington, D.C., even though the weather might not yet reflect the season, and that means it's time for spring messaging from Speaker John A. Boehner, R-Ohio. — In a memorandum sent to House Republicans on Thursday morning …
The Plum Line and ThinkProgress
The Most Important Thing to Remember About America's Food Stamp Boom — The Wall Street Journal is out with a long article today exploring why the number of Americans on food stamps isn't falling along with the unemployment rate. As of December there were 47.8 million people enrolled …
Michael Roston / The Caucus:
As Court Considers Marriage Law, Chief Architect Seeks to Return to Congress — A day after a majority of justices at the Supreme Court appeared to express doubts about the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act, one of the lawmakers most responsible for its passage announced he would try to return to Congress.
Ajc Blogs: &lsquo, Crooks and Liars and Ballot Box
Sam Baker / The Hill:
Conservatives wary of Chief Justice Roberts in same-sex marriage cases
Conservatives wary of Chief Justice Roberts in same-sex marriage cases
CNN, Boston Herald and Reuters
Peter Baker / New York Times:
Political Success Can Be a Setback in Gay Rights
Political Success Can Be a Setback in Gay Rights
CNN, The Huffington Post, Democracy in America, News Desk, The Caucus, National Review and
Exclusive: Wal-Mart may get customers to deliver packages to online buyers — (Reuters) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc is considering a radical plan to have store customers deliver packages to online buyers, a new twist on speedier delivery services that the company hopes will enable it to better compete with Inc.
Hit & Run, Crooks and Liars, TechCrunch, The Verge and
US ECONOMY EXPANDS AT 0.4 PERCENT RATE — WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. economy grew at a slightly faster but still anemic rate at the end of last year. However, there is hope that growth accelerated in early 2013 despite higher taxes and cuts in government spending.
The Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers and Jammie Wearing Fools
What the GOP Autopsy Proves — The RNC's report on the state of the Republican Party was resoundingly on point. Stuart Stevens, Mitt Romney's chief 2012 strategist, on how to fix the phony debates and the troubling influence of corporate money. — The Republican National Committee's …
TVNewser, The Fix, The Hill, Post Politics and
A Cinderella Story? How The Koch Brothers Use Florida Gulf Coast University To Promote Their Agenda — It's a great story: the virtually unknown, 15th seeded Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU), has made it to the Sweet 16 in the NCAA tournament. But there's something you might not know about FGCU …
Most Say Illegal Immigrants Should Be Allowed to Stay, But Citizenship Is More Divisive — OVERVIEW — A new survey finds that seven-in-ten Americans (71%) say there should be a way for people in the United States illegally to remain in this country if they meet certain requirements …
Weasel Zippers, The Week, Talking Points Memo, Politico, Business Insider and The National Memo
‘Stupid’: Alan Simpson gores GOP on immigration, Obama on budget — CODY, Wyo.—Alan Simpson has spent the better part of two years flying around the country ticking people off, though that's putting it more politely than the former Wyoming senator does. — Simpson is the Republican half …
The Hill and Taegan Goddard's …
A Michigan RNC Committeeman Wants You to Know the Truth About “Filthy” Homosexuality — Parade goers dance prior to the start of the annual Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade on March 2, 2013 in Sydney, Australia. — Dave Agema is a Republican National Commiteeman from Michigan …
Discussion:, The Raw Story and Post Politics
Dara Kam / Post on Politics:
Scott ‘welcomes’ Obama to Miami by blasting feds for skipping out on ports funding — UPDATE: President Obama reacted to Gov. Rick Scott's demands that the federal government reimburse Florida more than $100 million for two port projects. — “The President believes that the Port of Miami …
Hate preacher Anjem Choudary will not be prosecuted for urging followers to claim 'Jihad Seeker's Allowance' — A controversial Muslim cleric will not face action despite telling his followers to claim benefits and saying David Cameron should be killed. — Telling fellow fanatics …
National Review
Jim Carrey Backlash on eBay for His Anti-Gun Video Mysteriously Disappears — UPDATED: An eBay user who was selling an autographed photo of the actor and promising to buy a gun with the money sparked a mini-trend, though the auction site appears to have put an end to the movement.
Twitchy, Infowars and NewsBusters blogs
Steubenville's Former NAACP President Says Rape Victim Was Drunk And Willing [EXCLUSIVE] — This story has been corrected. Royal Mayo is no longer the president of the Steubenville chapter of the NAACP, a post he left in late 2010. He is currently a member of the group's Ohio executive committee …
Shot in the Dark, Weasel Zippers and The Raw Story
NSC urged Obama to give body armor to Syrian rebels — The National Security Council (NSC) recommended that the United States give non-lethal military assistance such as body armor and night vision goggles to the Syrian rebels last month, but U.S. President Barack Obama did not approve the recommendation, The Cable has learned.
Illinois law must outlaw stalking, not encourage it — I was very troubled to learn recently that despite having made stalking illegal in Illinois, elected officials in the state have afforded union bosses an exemption. — Yes, that's correct; during labor disputes, Illinois's law against …