Top Items:
Leila Kheiry / KRBD:
Don Young talks economy, Arctic development — Alaskans, particularly those above 40, are telling Congressman Don Young that they're worried. During his recent visit to Ketchikan, Young told media representatives that federal overreach through regulatory agencies has expanded rapidly, and the state is feeling the affect.
Firedoglake, CNN, Crooks and Liars, The Fix, The National Memo, Riehl World News, AMERICAblog, Rumproast, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, BuzzFeed, Mediaite, Post Politics, Yahoo! News, First Read, The Hinterland Gazette, NBC Latino, Business Insider, The Plum Line, The Huffington Post,, The PJ Tatler, Gawker, Dependable Renegade and The Raw Story
Rep. Don Young on ‘wetbacks’ comment: I ‘meant no disrespect’ — Rep. Don Young says he “meant no disrespect” when he used the term “wetbacks.” — “My father had a ranch; we used to have 50-60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes,” Young, an Alaska Republican, told a local radio station in a story posted Thursday.
Talking Points Memo, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, PostPartisan and First Read
The GOP's Post-Election Outreach Hits Some Speed Bumps — The GOP's push for inclusivity suffered some setbacks this week. — Earlier this month, the Republican National Committee released its 2012 election post-mortem, conceding that the GOP must do more to reach out to minority communities.
The Moderate Voice, Balloon Juice and Towleroad News #gay
Boehner, pols: Young slur ‘offensive’ — Lawmakers from both parties — including House Speaker John Boehner — are criticizing Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) for using the term “wetback,” a racial slur often directed at Hispanic immigrants, particularly Mexicans. — Boehner (R-Ohio) said the incident called for an “immediate apology.”
The Moderate Voice,, The Daily Caller and Post Politics
Boehner Demands Young Apologize
Hawkings Here and Taegan Goddard's …
Richard Mauer / Anchorage Daily News:
Rep. Young calls farm workers ‘wetbacks,’ says he meant no disrespect
Rep. Young calls farm workers ‘wetbacks,’ says he meant no disrespect
ThinkProgress, BuzzFeed and First Read
Annie-Rose Strasser / ThinkProgress:
GOP Congressman Refuses To Apologize For Calling Latinos ‘Wetbacks’
GOP Congressman Refuses To Apologize For Calling Latinos ‘Wetbacks’
Yahoo! News, The Daily Caller and BuzzFeed
Chris Klint / KTUU-TV:
Rep. Don Young Retreats from Use of ‘Wetbacks’ in Radio Interview
Rep. Don Young Retreats from Use of ‘Wetbacks’ in Radio Interview
CNN, Mediaite and The PJ Tatler
North Korea plan to attack US mainland revealed in photographs — North Korea has revealed its plans to strike targets in Hawaii and the continental United States in photos taken in Kim Jong-un's military command centre. — Related Stories — Judge investigating Nicolas Sarkozy receives bullet in post
James Pearson / NK News:
ANALYSIS: North Korean Photo Reveals ‘U.S. Mainland Strike Plan’
ANALYSIS: North Korean Photo Reveals ‘U.S. Mainland Strike Plan’
KVUE-TV, Business Insider, Gawker and Agence France Presse
White House Weighing Entitlement Limits — Budget May Include Plan to Restrict Inflation Adjustments for Social Security, Other Programs, Along With New Revenue — WASHINGTON—The White House is strongly considering including limits on entitlement benefits in its fiscal 2014 budget …
Daily Kos,, Hullabaloo, Washington Wire, Mother Jones and
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Cheating Our Children — So, about that fiscal crisis — the one that would, any day now, turn us into Greece. Greece, I tell you: Never mind. — Over the past few weeks, there has been a remarkable change of position among the deficit scolds who have dominated economic policy debate for more than three years.
Prairie Weather, Brad DeLong, Paul Krugman and Daily Kos
Susie Madrak / Crooks and Liars:
Let The White House Know TODAY You Don't Want SS, Medicare Cuts — Someone reminded me of that old story about the pre-Russian revolution days. Peasants would lament how bad things were, and at the end would add, “If only the czar knew!” Because they somehow believed the czar had no idea …
Washington Monthly, CANNONFIRE and Corrente
Jordy Yager / The Hill:
Obama uses executive power to move gun control agenda forward — President Obama is quietly moving forward on gun control. — The president has used his executive powers to bolster the national background check system, jumpstart government research on the causes of gun violence and create …
The Political Carnival, New York Times, Weasel Zippers, The Gateway Pundit and
Rand Paul hits Hollywood on gun control
Hit & Run, Hot Air and Weasel Zippers
Liz Cheney / Wall Street Journal:
Republicans, Get Over the 2012 Loss—and Start Fighting Back — Those who counsel that the GOP should move left are wrongheaded or Democrats, or both. — “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream.
Mediaite, The Right Scoop, Swampland, Right Turn and
John Podhoretz / Commentary Magazine:
Time to Get Serious — Barack Obama is a serious man. Yes, he likes to golf, and yes, he ran a campaign with cutesy Facebook pictures and seemingly inane Flash slideshows like “Life of Julia.” No, he does not seem interested in the mechanics of legislation, nor does he seem adept at negotiation.
American Prospect, Mother Jones, The Spectacle Blog, The Atlantic Online and Patterico's Pontifications
Libertarians name North Dakota “most free” state — Sorry, women! Your “freedoms” aren't as important as freedom from excessive taxation — The Mercatus Institute, a libertarian-oriented — and Koch brothers-affiliated — think tank based out of George Mason University (a public university …
Chris Good / ABCNEWS:
No Abortions for 800 Miles — For women seeking abortions …
No Abortions for 800 Miles — For women seeking abortions …
Yahoo! News and
John McCormack / Weekly Standard:
Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion — Florida legislators considering a bill to require abortionists to provide medical care to an infant who survives an abortion were shocked during a committee hearing this week when a Planned Parenthood official endorsed a right to post-birth abortion.
The Lonely Conservative, The Daily Caller, The PJ Tatler, Weasel Zippers, The Gateway Pundit and
Soaring Bee Deaths in 2012 Sound Alarm on Malady — BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — A mysterious malady that has been killing honeybees en masse for several years appears to have expanded drastically in the last year, commercial beekeepers say, wiping out 40 percent or even 50 percent of the hives needed …
Washington Monthly and Lawyers, Guns & Money
John Avlon / The Daily Beast:
Palin's SarahPAC Embarrassment: Consultants Are Cashing In — The ex-governor and VP pick railed against political consultants at CPAC. But her latest FEC filings show they took millions of dollars from her in the last election cycle. — She's baaaack.
American Prospect and The Other McCain
Ben Geman / E2-Wire:
EPA's low-sulfur gasoline rules fuel fight with GOP over prices — The Environmental Protection Agency on Friday unveiled draft rules on auto emissions and low-sulfur gasoline designed to curb smog-forming, soot and toxic pollution, drawing attacks from Republicans who allege the mandate will increase consumer costs.
Deal Reached to Force Paid Sick Leave in New York City — New York is poised to mandate that companies with 15 or more employees provide paid time off for them when they are sick. — A compromise agreement reached Thursday night resulted from a raw display of political muscle by a coalition …
ThinkProgress, Daily Kos, CBS New York, Crooks and Liars,, Capital New York, Cafe Hayek, Taylor Marsh and Balloon Juice
McCrory eliminates Latino outreach office — WASHINGTON North Carolina's Latino advocates are voicing alarm following the governor's decision to eliminate the state's office for Latino affairs. — The closing of the Office of Hispanic/Latino affairs was sudden and caught many by surprise.
Sequester: Democratic theory of the case — The public has largely tuned out the Democrats' repeated warnings about mid-air plane crashes, troop deaths and mass illness from tainted meat if the sequester cuts stay in place. — But Democrats aren't dropping the threat of disaster …
The Jawa Report