Top Items:

Texas Congressman: Masturbating Fetuses Prove Need for Abortion Ban — As the House of Representatives gears up for Tuesday's debate on HR 1797, a bill that would outlaw virtually all abortions 20 weeks post fertilization, Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) argued in favor of banning abortions …

Dana Rohrabacher warns John Boehner on speakership — Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) says Speaker John Boehner should be ousted if he rams through an immigration bill without majority Republican support. — “If Speaker Boehner moves forward and permits this to come to a vote even though …
New Republic, The Daily Caller, The Maddow Blog, “The Lid”, Daily Kos and Mediaite

John Boehner is bluffing — The House Speaker, in a private meeting with House conservatives this morning, made a big show of talking tough on immigration reform, claiming he has “no intention” of allowing a House vote on anything that doesn't have the support of a majority of Republicans:
A plain blog about politics

Boehner Aims to Move Immigration by Capitalizing on a Conservative Rift
Politico, First Read, Outside the Beltway and Taegan Goddard's …

John Boehner to require majority GOP support on immigration
The Maddow Blog, Right Wing Watch and Balloon Juice

Boehner: No immigration vote without ‘majority support’ of GOP
Hot Air and The Spectacle Blog

FBI Looks for Leaks at Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court — Investigators still do not know if the FISA system has been compromised, or if Edward Snowden was the source of the Verizon warrant published by the ‘Guardian.’ Eli Lake reports. — The FBI is investigating whether …
Taylor Marsh, Hot Air, emptywheel, Yahoo! News and

To My Congressional Colleagues: Stop the NSA Grandstanding
Lawfare and The Permanent Select Committee …

N.S.A. Chief Says Surveillance Has Stopped Dozens of Plots

McConnell To Reid: If You Go Nuclear On Nominations, I'll Go Nuclear On Everything When I'm Majority Leader — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Tuesday starkly warned Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) not to eliminate the filibuster on presidential nominations …
Washington Monthly, and Taegan Goddard's …

CNN Poll: Did White House order IRS targeting? — Washington (CNN) - A growing number of Americans believe that senior White House officials ordered the Internal Revenue Service to target conservative political groups, according to a new national poll. — And a CNN/ORC International survey …
The Hill, Questions and Observations, Weasel Zippers, Politico, Hot Air, National Review, Conservatives4Palin and The College Fix

Biden: White House has ‘not given up’ on expanded background checks — Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that gun control advocates in the White House “have not given up” on the legislative push to expand background checks. — “I'm here to tell you that the most important message …

GOP needs action, not navel-gazing — We've had enough. Yes, we just lost our second straight presidential election to Barack Obama. Yes, losing is painful and has consequences. Yes, when you lose, you make adjustments. Enough already. Let's get on with it. — Yes, we have plenty of changes to make.
Little Green Footballs, New Republic, Wonkblog, Business Insider, National Review, Washington Monthly and The Maddow Blog

Senate Intel Committee Blocks Former Staffer From Talking To Press About Oversight Process — The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has taken the unusual step of actively blocking a former committee aide from talking to TPM about congressional oversight of the intelligence community.
Hot Air, Secrecy News and Hullabaloo

“What Part of ‘Politico’ Do You Not Understand?” — A conversation about the dark art of driving the conversation — The dominant mode of Washington journalism tends to both reflect and entrench the values of its era. The eminent writers and editors of the immediate postwar age …
Mediaite, Gawker, FishbowlDC, Poynter and Balloon Juice, more at Mediagazer »

Claire McCaskill endorses Hillary Clinton for 2016 — Saying that “it's important we start early,” Sen. Claire McCaskill on Tuesday endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in one of the first major moves of the 2016 cycle. — “Now, as I look at 2016 and think about who is best to lead this country forward …
Ballot Box, Ready For Hillary Clinton …, Washington Wire and Taylor Marsh

EXCLUSIVE: Hidden camera catches wireless company employees passing out ‘Obama phones’ to people who say they'll SELL them for drugs, shoes, handbags and spending cash — The ‘Lifeline’ free-cell-phone scheme cost $2.2 BILLION last year alone, all of it from fees added to the phone bills of paying customers

Distribute this video: — Yes, Father's Day. — Charlie that was really something based upon these photographs: — And this speech: — “I want to be a better father, a better husband, a better man. But I will tell you this: Everything else is unfulfilled if we fail at family, if we fail at that responsibility.
News Desk, Hawkings Here, Mediaite, The Week, National Review, The Raw Story, First Read, Gawker and BuzzFeed

Left Loses Big in Citizenship-Verification Supreme Court Case — Something perverse happened after the Supreme Court's decision today invalidating citizenship-verification requirements in Arizona for registrants who use the federal voter registration form. The Left knows they lost most of the battle, but are still claiming victory.
protein wisdom, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Conservatives4Palin and UrbanGrounds

Bill Ayers: Try Obama for war crimes — Bill Ayers believes President Obama should be put on trial for war crimes at The Hague, the Weather Underground co-founder told Real Clear Politics in an interview posted Tuesday. — Ayers told the website he “absolutely” believed the president …

Groups claim to have found ‘smoking gun’ to force Christie to move U.S. Senate election to November — TRENTON — Two liberal groups say they've found a “smoking gun” in a century-old state law that could force Gov. Chris Christie to schedule the general election in November.

Fantastic Mrs. Fox — Sarah Palin returns to Fox News and forces America into a difficult choice.
Crooks and Liars, The Raw Story and Mediaite

US to begin direct peace talks with Taliban over Afghanistan — ‘Peace and reconciliation’ milestone comes after US drops request for formal rejection of al-Qaida as precondition to talks — The US is to open direct talks with Taliban leaders within days, it was revealed on Tuesday …
New York Times, The Week, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Pat Dollard and The Hinterland Gazette

3 Former NSA Employees Praise Edward Snowden, Corroborate Key Claims — The men, all whistleblowers, say he succeeded where they failed. — USA Today has published an extraordinary interview with three former NSA employees who praise Edward Snowden's leaks, corroborate some of his claims, and warn about unlawful government acts.
Prairie Weather, emptywheel, The BRAD BLOG and Washington's Blog

Your Treasury Secretary's Signature No Longer Looks Like A Cupcake — Much better. — Andrew Kaczynski
The Daily Caller

Mob of Immigration Activists Storm Kansas Secretary of State's Home — Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is calling for a criminal investigation after a huge mob of illegal alien supporters surrounded his private home Saturday and held a rally on his front porch.
The Gateway Pundit

Photographer sues BuzzFeed for $3.6M over viral sharing model — A photographer says BuzzFeed should pay copyright damages not only for an unauthorized photo that appeared on its site — but for the dozens of other sites on which the photo appeared. — An Idaho photographer, Kai Eiselein …
The Raw Story and Poynter, more at Mediagazer »

Moonlight Serenade — Whom does Mrs. Weiner work for? — Anthony Weiner, who resigned from Congress two years ago this Friday in a side-splitting social-media scandal, is running for mayor of New York? We don't know why, but we're now pretty sure it's not for the money.