Top Items:

Hasty Exit Started With Pizza Inside a Hong Kong Hideout — HONG KONG — For Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who has acknowledged leaking numerous documents about American surveillance operations around the world, the path to a sudden departure …

U.S. Rebukes China, Russia and Ecuador Over Snowden — WASHINGTON — An increasingly frustrated Obama administration escalated its criticism on Monday of Russia, China and Ecuador, the countries that appeared to be protecting Edward J. Snowden, the fugitive former government contractor wanted …
Reuters, The Lede, Washington Post, Voices, Althouse, Via Meadia, The Week,, Yahoo! News, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Hinterland Gazette, Daily Kos, Michelle Malkin, The Reaction, Salon, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Huffington Post, Taylor Marsh, Guardian and Politico, more at Mediagazer »

Immigration Bill Gives Hong Kong Access to the Visa Waiver Program
Washington Free Beacon, No More Mister Nice Blog and The Hinterland Gazette

Assange: Snowden is ‘healthy and safe,’ awaiting asylum decision

Snowden Snow Job: Leaker Fools Reporters on to Cuba Flight Without Him
RT, BuzzFeed, WorldViews, Techdirt, Mashable, Firedoglake, The Daily Caller and Poynter, more at Mediagazer »

Edward Snowden leaves reporters chasing shadows around an airport
Whiskey Fire, Reuters and VodkaPundit

Justice Alito's Inexcusable Rudeness — A justice of the Supreme Court should not act like a high schooler on the bench; when the target is a fellow justice, the offense is even greater. — I suspect that the cause of cameras in the Supreme Court suffered a blow on Monday.
Crooks and Liars, Yahoo! News,, Associated Press and New York Times

Immigration reform: Senate backs ‘border surge’ in test vote — The support of 67 senators on a test vote for a so-called border surge deal on Monday strongly signaled that a sweeping overhaul of the nation's immigration laws will clear the Senate later this week.
Red Alert Politics

Senate Passes Cloture Motion on Hoeven-Corker Immigration Amendment
Weasel Zippers

Sarah Palin: Marco Rubio 'Pelosi'-ing the Immigration Bill
Washington Monthly, Human Events, Post Politics, Slate, VodkaPundit, The Hill and Daily Kos

Latest “Deal” from the Senate: Pass Amnesty First, Read the Bill Later
Washington Examiner, The Other McCain, Power Line, The Hill and The Daily Caller

IRS CHIEF: INAPPROPRIATE SCREENING WAS BROAD — You are here — Home » United States » IRS chief: Inappropriate screening was broad — WASHINGTON (AP) — The Internal Revenue Service's screening of groups seeking tax-exempt status was broader and lasted longer …

IRS chief: Agency improperly screened groups until last month — The acting head of the IRS said Monday that the agency was still giving improper scrutiny to groups seeking tax-exempt status when he arrived in May, suggesting that the probe into the IRS's treatment of conservative groups could widen.
Politico and The PJ Tatler

Greenwald: Beltway media types are ‘courtiers to power’ — Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald yesterday clashed with “Meet the Press” host David Gregory, who'd asked Greenwald the following question: “To the extent that you have aided and abetted Snowden, even in his current movements …
The Raw Story, Hit & Run, Mediaite and CNN, more at Mediagazer »

The Other Snowden Drama: Impugning the Messenger — As a pure story, it's tough to beat the Snowden saga. Man of intrigue? Roger. Crusading reporter? Check. A powerful government in hot pursuit? Yessir. Unclear agendas by foreign countries? Most certainly.
Daily Kos, The Other McCain, Yahoo! News, Bangor Daily News, Pressthink and Skating on Stilts

The Anthony Weiner Story The New York Times Didn't Want You To See — Published. Then deleted. Update: Several hours after this story was posted the New York Times republished their story. — On June 10, The New York Times inadvertently briefly posted an article on the lives …
Poynter, Taegan Goddard's … and Rare, more at Mediagazer »

For Women in Weiner Scandal, Indignity Lingers — Customers taunt Lisa Weiss. “Talk dirty to me,” they joke. “We know you like it.” Colleagues refuse to speak with her. Strangers mock her in nasty online messages. — “Clearly she's got mental issues,” declared the latest.
National Review, Yahoo! News and Post Politics

Red panda missing at National Zoo — A male red panda has turned up missing at the Smithsonian National Zoo, a spokeswoman said Monday, and zoo officials have been combing the grounds searching for him. — Rusty, who is less than a year old and is about the size of a raccoon …
City Desk, Bangor Daily News, Weasel Zippers, National Review and Mashable

Texas Legislator Claims Rape Kits Are A Form Of Abortion — In the midst of all the chaos on Sunday night as the Texas legislature pushed through a series of stringent restrictions on abortion and women's health, it was easy to miss what might have been the most inaccurate and dangerous claim …
Discussion:, Feministing, Booman Tribune, Daily Kos and Shakesville

Mitch McConnell Is Either Very Bad at Math or Horribly Disingenuous — The Senate minority leader took me to task on Friday. Unfortunately, he had his facts wrong on virtually every count. — Last Friday morning, I attended a ballyhooed speech given by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell at AEI …
Brad DeLong

Court enters appointments battle — Stepping into a constitutional controversy with deep roots in American history, along with major implications for today's politics, the Supreme Court on Monday agreed to define when the President can act alone to fill vacant government posts.
Washington Post, ACS Blog, Hawkings Here, Althouse, Yahoo! News, Daily Kos, Washington Monthly and The Raw Story

Et Tu, Bernanke? — For the most part, Ben Bernanke and his colleagues at the Federal Reserve have been good guys in these troubled economic times. They have tried to boost the economy even as most of Washington seemingly either forgot about the jobless, or decided that the best …

U.S. Surveillance Is Not Aimed at Terrorists — By Leonid Bershidsky 2013-06-23T22:00:00Z — The debate over the U.S. government's monitoring of digital communications suggests that Americans are willing to allow it as long as it is genuinely targeted at terrorists.

Paul Ryan: 'I'm Focused On Poverty These Days' — House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) said Monday that he's focused primarily on addressing poverty, a week after he complained that the farm bill did not include enough cuts to the food stamp program.
Washington Monthly, and Balloon Juice