Top Items:

Meet President Obama's new economic message. Same as his old economic message. — You could be forgiven if you thought you had heard President Obama's speech on the economy today before. Because you have. For most of the 2012 campaign. (Don't trust us, read Obama's 2012 acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention.)
Weekly Standard, Hit & Run, New Republic, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Jihad Watch, Washington Post and ABC News

Nice speech, Mr. President. You still can't do much to help the economy — Barack Obama flew to Knox College in his political home state of Illinois to deliver a ballyhooed economic speech Wednesday afternoon on the plight of the hard-knocks middle class.
The PJ Tatler

Obama dismisses scandals as ‘phony’ — President Obama on Wednesday dismissed a series of controversies dogging his administration as “phony” in remarks that represented a clear shift in White House tactics. — “With an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals …

A warmed-over jobs message
Mother Jones, PostPartisan, Washington Monthly, Hot Air, The Maddow Blog, Post Politics, Ed Driscoll, ABC News and The Fix

Boehner, Cantor blast Rep. Steve King for drug mule comments

Boehner rips Obama speech
Discussion:, The Huffington Post, Guardian, CNN and Washington Monthly

Older, But Not Wiser — “As a country, we're older and we're wiser …
Washington Free Beacon

Republicans for Snowden — A left-right House coalition rushes to stop metadata collection. — Few things are more dangerous than Congress in heat, and so it is this week as a libertarian-left wing coalition in the House of Representatives is rushing to neuter one of the National Security Agency's antiterror surveillance programs.
Guardian, The Huffington Post, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Hit & Run, Hot Air and Goppers

Amash NSA Amendment Fact Sheet
The Raw Story, Daily Kos and The White House

House rejects effort to curb NSA surveillance powers, 205-217
Reuters, Firedoglake and The Hill

What's the Matter With North Carolina? — The state went from beacon of tolerance to bastion of voter suppression in a month. — North Carolina is proving itself to be the poster child for all that is wrong with modern American democracy and—with thanks to Moral Mondays—also highlighting all that may someday save it.

READ: Obama's Economic Speech In Illinois As Prepared For Delivery — Eight years ago, I came here to deliver the commencement address for the class of 2005. Things were a little different back then. I didn't have any gray hair, for example. Or a motorcade. I didn't even have a teleprompter.
The Plum Line, PoliticusUSA, Firedoglake and Yahoo! News

Obama Focuses on Economy, Vowing to Help Middle Class
Economix, Outside the Beltway,, and New Republic

A Cut Above: President and Mrs. George H.W. Bush Join Patrick's Pals — Our little guy received some high-powered support this week when President George Bush 41 volunteered to shave his head to show his support for Patrick and Patrick's Pals. — Members of his Secret Service detail …
Outside the Beltway, and Gawker

George H.W. Bush shaves head in solidarity with cancer-stricken child — What did you expect from a guy who didn't hesitate to celebrate his 85th birthday with a parachute jump? — Former President George H.W. Bush shaved his head this week in solidarity with the leukemia-stricken 2-year-old son of a member of his security detail.

America's scariest police chief shoots “libtards” and forms militias — Meet Chief Marc Kessler: Liberal hater, M-16 carrier and founder of armed group to defend the country from tyranny — Mark Kessler really loves guns. “I carry an M-16 at work,” he says.
Daily Kos and Balloon Juice

Mother of Golf Prodigy in Hazing Death Defied by FratPAC — Harrison Kowiak was 19 years old when he died after schoolmates pummeled him on a pitch-black field in Hickory, North Carolina. It was part of a fraternity hazing. — Determined to protect other students, Kowiak's mother Lianne devoted herself to fighting hazing.
The Week, Jezebel, Business Insider, BuzzFeed and Yahoo! News

CBS News poll finds more Americans than ever want Obamacare repealed — (CBS News) A new CBS News poll finds more Americans than ever want the Affordable Care Act repealed. — According to the poll, 36 percent of Americans want Congress to expand or keep the health care law while 39 percent …
Discussion:, Rush Limbaugh, Hot Air, The Hill, The Daily Caller, and Balloon Juice

Senate approves deal on student loan rates — The Senate voted 81-18 Wednesday for legislation on student loan rates, splitting Democrats in the chamber. — Seventeen Democrats voted against the bipartisan bill that would cap most student loan rates at 8.25 percent.
Politico and Hullabaloo

NYC poll: Anthony Weiner narrowly ahead — Former Rep. Anthony Weiner still holds a slight lead for the Democratic primary for New York City mayor, but challenger William Thompson may fare best if the race turns to a runoff, according to a new poll. — Weiner leads Democratic candidates …
Los Angeles Times, New York Post, his vorpal sword, The Atlantic Wire, The Daily Beast, CNN, Weasel Zippers and The Mahablog

Postal Service looks to end at-your-door mail — If you're moving to a newly built house, say goodbye to mail delivery at your door. — And if some House Republicans get their way, all door-to-door mail delivery will go away. — The U.S. Postal Service is marching towards a more …
San Diego Free Press, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Daily Caller and Simply Left BehindThe …

Tax writers promise 50 years of secrecy for senators' suggestions — Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and the panel's top Republican, Sen. Orrin Hatch (Utah), assured lawmakers that any submission they receive will be kept under lock and key by the committee and the National Archives until the end of 2064.
The Moderate Voice

Obama to nominate Caroline Kennedy as ambassador to Japan — (CNN) - Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of former President John F. Kennedy and a prominent Democratic backer, was nominated by President Barack Obama Wednesday to serve as U.S. ambassador to Japan.

Conservatives Desperately Move To Shut Down Government Over Obamacare — Running out of time and options, conservatives are exploring new ways to corner Congress into shutting down the government this fall unless Obamacare is defunded. But they aren't likely to achieve much more than giving Republican leaders heartburn.
ThinkProgress, Taylor Marsh and The Huffington Post

GOP senator: Don't hold debt limit ‘hostage’ over ObamaCare funds