Top Items:

Justice Department to challenge states' voting rights laws — The Justice Department is preparing to take fresh legal action in a string of voting rights cases across the nation, U.S. officials said, part of a new attempt to blunt the impact of a Supreme Court ruling that the Obama administration …

Holder Wants Texas to Clear Voting Changes With the U.S. — WASHINGTON — Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced on Thursday that the Justice Department would ask a court to require Texas to get permission from the federal government before making voting changes in that state for the next decade.

Florida To Resume Voter Purge After High Court Ruling — TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — A federal court is dismissing a lawsuit that a Hispanic civic group and two naturalized citizens filed last year to block a voter purge in Florida. — The lawsuit became moot after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in June.

Republicans vs. Democracy in North Carolina
Crooks and Liars and Slate

Holder Targets Texas in New Voting-Rights Push
NewsBusters blogs

Will the GOP's North Carolina End Run Backfire?
Balloon Juice, SCOTUSblog, and The Reaction

Justices on the Job — After Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. took …

Holder seeks to reassert federal power over state voting laws
Reuters, Politico and The Stranger …

With Voting Rights Act Gutted, Florida Set To Resume Voter Purge
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Shakesville

The good wife? Oh, give us a break! — Our would-be Mayor Carlos Danger has done it again. — After sitting for lengthy, sympathetic profiles with The New York Times magazine, New York and People — where he declared, “I feel like a different person” — serial online sexter Anthony Weiner and his wife …
Discussion:, Yahoo! News, Politicker, Patterico's Pontifications, National Review, NY Daily News, CBS New York and Power Line

Many New York Women Are Baffled at Loyalty Shown by Weiner's Wife — Sipping sparkling water by the bustling patios of Bryant Park on Wednesday afternoon, the young women touched on the usual topics of lunchtime gossip: men, work, relationships. — Then the discussion turned …
Althouse, The Hinterland Gazette and The PJ Tatler

Huma Abedin steps into high-profile role as Anthony Weiner's chief defender — It was his news conference, but it was hard to take your eyes off her. — With Huma Abedin's emergence as her husband's chief defender and protector in a second sex scandal, she made a public transformation …
Power Line, Yahoo! News, She The People, Washington Free Beacon and

Limp XXXcuse: Weiner blames rocky marriage for sext relapse — Anthony Weiner came up with an extraordinary excuse yesterday to explain why he went back to sexting after supposedly kicking the habit — he was suffering from marital woes. — In a startling e-mail letter sent to rally campaign supporters …
Roger L. Simon, Power Line,, The Daily Caller, The PJ Tatler and Althouse

Admiration, Puzzlement Over Weiner's Loyal Wife
Politico and Associated Press

Harry Reid: Hillary Clinton Will Be ‘Even Better’ Than Her Husband — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) gushed over Hillary Clinton's presidential prospects during an interview that aired Wednesday, saying that the former secretary of state will “handle things probably even better” …

Hillary Clinton could handle things ‘even better’ than her husband did, says Reid
Jammie Wearing Fools

Some Democrats Look to Push Party Away From Center
The Plum Line and

The Politics of Contempt — Obama pivots for the 973rd time.
The PJ Tatler

Senate Majority Leader Reid: ‘We Should All Work Together’
Weasel Zippers and The World's Greatest …

Anthony Weiner's Lead in NYC Mayor's Race Evaporates After New Revelations of Online Affair: Poll — Weiner admitted Tuesday he had carried on explicit online relationships after he left Congress — Mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner has suffered a massive erosion of support among …
Yahoo! News, Politico, Hot Air and Weasel Zippers

Pelosi blasts Weiner, Filner: Do your therapy in private — Washington (CNN) - House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi tore into Anthony Weiner and San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, saying Thursday the two former House Democrats should “get a clue” as they face backlash for their questionable behavior with women.
The Hill and The PJ Tatler

Rand Paul caught in the middle in Kentucky — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's campaign manager didn't hold back when he learned that his boss had a new GOP primary challenger. — “Matthew Griswold Bevin is not a Kentucky conservative, he is merely an East Coast con man,” …
The Daily Caller, NBC Politics and

McCain, McConnell heading for spell of rocky relations
The Moderate Voice and Taegan Goddard's …

Obama: Reporters tell me my ideas are ‘great’ — President Obama said reporters praise his economic proposals as “great” and tell him they are “all good ideas.” — Obama made the remarks in a speech Wednesday in Galesburg, Ill. focused on the economy. — The address didn't include …
Mediaite, Weasel Zippers, The Daily Caller, Jammie Wearing Fools and The PJ Tatler

McCain: $1 coin could lead to bigger tips for strippers — The Arizona Republican joined Sens. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.) in introducing the COINS Act last month. Advocates for the measure contend that saying sayonara to George Washingtons …

The Unprecedented—and Contemptible—Attempts to Sabotage Obamacare — Doing everything possible to block the law's implementation is not treasonous—just sharply beneath any reasonable standards of elected officials. — When Mike Lee pledges to try to shut down the government unless …
Taegan Goddard's … and Wonkblog

WATCH: Terrifying video of Spain's deadly train derailment — Surveillance footage captures the moment when a high-speed train in Northern Spain veers off the rails, killing 78 — On Wednesday night, a high-speed train derailed near the northern Spanish town of Santiago de Compostela …

Why I'm Boycotting Russian Vodka — Buzzfeed has a photo essay—"36 Photos from Russia That Everyone Needs to See"—that will bring anyone who hasn't been paying attention to the situation in Russia up to speed. And Harvey Fierstein's opinion piece in Monday's NYT offers a great summary of Putin's escalating anti-gay pogrom:
Windy City Media Group, Truth Wins Out, Taylor Marsh, AMERICAblog, Towleroad News #gay,, BuzzFeed, Joe. My. God., ThinkProgress and Guardian

The Right Candidate for New York Mayor — It certainly is unfortunate, for all involved, that Anthony Weiner's personal dilemma has hijacked the mayoralty race in New York. This election, in my opinion, is a pivotal one for New York, as the City struggles to redefine itself while climbing …
NewsBusters and

Thank you, Ray Kelly — President Obama shouldn't nominate Ray Kelly to be secretary of homeland security. He should give the New York City police chief a stern talking to. He should invite him to examine his conscience and consider the error of his ways. Failing that, he should hold him up to national obloquy.
National Review

Republicans prepare for ‘Obamacare’ showdown, with eye to 2014 elections — (Reuters) - With the Obama administration poised for a huge public education campaign on healthcare reform, Republicans and their allies are mobilizing a counter-offensive including town hall meetings …
The Plum Line, Daily Kos and PoliticusUSA

The Inequality President — The rich have done fine under Obamanomics, not so the middle class. — President Obama made his fourth or fifth, or maybe it's the seventh or eighth, pivot to the economy on Wednesday, and a revealing speech it was. We counted four mentions of “growth” but “inequality” got five.