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Bill and Hillary Clinton are ‘livid’ at comparisons to Weiner's sexcapades and Huma's forgiveness — Bill and Hillary Clinton are angry with efforts by mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner and his campaign to compare his Internet sexcapades — and his wife Huma Abedin's incredible forgiveness …
Yahoo! News, Ballot Box, CBS News, Althouse, Weasel Zippers, Mediaite, Scared Monkeys, Israel Matzav, The Gateway Pundit,, The PJ Tatler and The Hill

Time to Hard-Delete Carlos Danger — WASHINGTON — WHEN you puzzle over why the elegant Huma Abedin is propping up the eel-like Anthony Weiner, you must remember one thing: Huma was raised in Saudi Arabia, where women are treated worse by men than anywhere else on the planet.
ThinkProgress, New York Post, Religion Dispatches, Taylor Marsh, The Hinterland Gazette, First Read, Politicker, theGrio and BuzzFeed

Weiner campaign paid private eye $45,000 to investigate own 2011 Twitter ‘hacking’ lie, reports show

Obama, Hillary Clinton set for Monday lunch
CNN, Taylor Marsh and Connecting.the.Dots

Cumulus planning to drop Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity — In a major shakeup for the radio industry, Cumulus Media, the second-biggest broadcaster in the country, is planning to drop both Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity from its stations at the end of the year, an industry source told POLITICO on Sunday.
The Week, Twitchy,, The Huffington Post, Scared Monkeys,, Myajc Blogs, Outside the Beltway, Towleroad News #gay, PoliticusUSA, The Moderate Voice, The Raw Story, Mediaite, The Gateway Pundit, The Reaction, and Little Green Footballs, more at Mediagazer »

REPORT: Nation's Second Largest Radio Broadcaster Planning To Drop Rush Limbaugh
Shakesville and Prairie Weather

Stranded by Sprawl — Detroit is a symbol of the old economy's decline. It's not just the derelict center; the metropolitan area as a whole lost population between 2000 and 2010, the worst performance among major cities. Atlanta, by contrast, epitomizes the rise of the Sun Belt …
Washington Monthly, Power Line, National Review, The Reality-Based Community, Eschaton, VodkaPundit and Prairie Weather

Are Republicans too divided to have a civil war? — A nasty fight is brewing among Republicans over a proposal to defund Obamacare. Another intra-party fight is flaring over national security and the war on terror. And yet another is well under way over immigration reform.
Booman Tribune and Taegan Goddard's …

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul hits critics for ‘gimme, gimme’ attitude toward federal Sandy relief — FRANKLIN, Tenn. — Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul hit back at New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in the two Republicans' ongoing spat over national security. — Christie last week criticized Paul's opposition …
TIME, Hot Air, The Fix, Post Politics, The Mahablog, The Daily Caller, Hit & Run and CNN

After hits from King and Christie, Rand Paul fires back on Sandy aid
PoliticusUSA, Politico and The Hinterland Gazette

Palestinian, Israeli officials clash over format of Washington peace talks — As Kerry is due to bring Israeli, Palestinian negotiating teams together, PLO's Abed Rabbo tells ‘Voice of Palestine’ that issue of borders comes first, but minister close to Netanyahu says all core issues to be tackled.
Israel Matzav, The Week, and Gawker

Officials: Indyk to shepherd Mideast peace talks — WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. officials say Secretary of State John Kerry will name former U.S. ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk (IHN'-dihk) to shepherd Israeli-Palestinian peace talks that begin Monday in Washington.

Peace talks set to begin after Israel agrees to free 104 Palestinian prisoners
Los Angeles Times, Taylor Marsh and The Hugh Hewitt Show

The Affordable Care Act's Rate-Setting Won't Work — Experience tells me the Independent Payment Advisory Board will fail. — Continuing efforts by congressional Republicans to “defund” further implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, even if it takes shutting …
The Hill, Power Line, and Weasel Zippers

Detroit Looks to Health Law to Ease Costs — As Detroit enters the federal bankruptcy process, the city is proposing a controversial plan for paring some of the $5.7 billion it owes in retiree health costs: pushing many of those too young to qualify for Medicare out of city-run coverage …
ThinkProgress, Weekly Standard, and VodkaPundit

How to Get Obama Out of His Bubble — During Bill Clinton's presidency, I once listened to a senior White House aide complain about the amount of time his boss spent meeting ordinary citizens. There was always a sob story, the aide said, and the president would return to the Oval Office demanding …
Hit & Run

Momentum Builds Against N.S.A. Surveillance — WASHINGTON — The movement to crack down on government surveillance started with an odd couple from Michigan, Representatives Justin Amash, a young libertarian Republican known even to his friends as “chief wing nut,” and John Conyers Jr. …
ThinkProgress, Guardian, Prairie Weather, The Agonist and Mediaite

With NSA revelations, Sen. Ron Wyden's vague warnings about privacy finally become clear
Taylor Marsh and Post Politics

Pope Francis Says He Will Not Judge Gay Priests — ABOARD THE PAPAL AIRCRAFT (AP) — Pope Francis reached out to gays on Monday, saying he wouldn't judge priests for their sexual orientation in a remarkably open and wide-ranging news conference as he returned from his first foreign trip.
Gawker, Mediaite, CBS Philly and Balloon Juice

Pope Francis's Lessons for the GOP
The Week and Taegan Goddard's …

In U.S., 52% Back Law to Legalize Gay Marriage in 50 States — Americans would legalize gay marriage nationwide, favor equal rights for such unions — PRINCETON, NJ — If given the opportunity to vote on a law legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states, the slight majority of Americans …
The Hill, Real Clear Politics and First Read

Fox News to Scholar: Why Would a Muslim Write a Book About Jesus? — It's got plenty of competition but this may just be the single most cringe-worthy, embarrassing interview broadcast on Fox News. At least in recent memory. Fox News anchor Lauren Green had religious scholar Reza Aslan …
The Atlantic Wire, The New Republic, Guardian, CANNONFIRE, The Week, The Raw Story, Mediaite, UPROXX, Crooks and Liars, BuzzFeed and ThinkProgress, more at Mediagazer »

Lautenberg and Booker's tortured history shows up in campaign — Days before Newark Mayor Cory Booker announced he wanted to run for the U.S. Senate seat held by Frank Lautenberg in December, the two men's top aides tried to negotiate over the phone. — Lautenberg Chief of Staff Dan Katz …
Ballot Box

How the Obama campaign won the race for voter data — From the moment Barack Obama took the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2009, and every day thereafter, his team was always preparing for the 2012 campaign. Everyone said Obama's 2008 operation had rewritten the book on organizing.