Top Items:

NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year, audit finds — The National Security Agency has broken privacy rules or overstepped its legal authority thousands of times each year since Congress granted the agency broad new powers in 2008, according to an internal audit and other top-secret documents.
Washington Wire, CNN, New York Times,, Techdirt,, The Daily Banter, The Daily Caller, Hot Air, Hullabaloo, The Week, The Hill, Politico, WJLA-TV, Right Wing News, Prairie Weather, Hit & Run, BBC, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Verge, Pat Dollard, Weasel Zippers, GigaOM, emptywheel, Balloon Juice, Mediaite, Little Green Footballs, Simple Justice, The Right Scoop, The Volokh Conspiracy and, more at Mediagazer »

Court: Ability to police U.S. spying program limited — The leader of the secret court that is supposed to provide critical oversight of the government's vast spying programs said that its ability do so is limited and that it must trust the government to report when it improperly spies on Americans.
ThinkProgress, Hillicon Valley, Techdirt, The Verge, Gizmodo and Gawker, more at Mediagazer »

Remember when Obama said the NSA wasn't “actually abusing” its powers? He was wrong.
Weasel Zippers, Techdirt, Patterico's Pontifications and The PJ Tatler

More clashes feared as protesters vow ‘Friday of anger’ in Egypt — Egyptian soldiers take positions alongside armored vehicles as they guard the entrance to Tahrir Square in Cairo on Friday, August 16. Egypt is bracing for more violence as demonstrators plan to defy an emergency order …

What Obama Misunderstands About Egypt
Foreign Policy, National Review, Hot Air and Wonkblog

It's Official: Obama Has Surpassed Jimmy Carter
Reuters, New York Post and Associated Press

TRANSCRIPT: President Obama's remarks on Egypt
The Moderate Voice, Wonkblog, Hit & Run and RealClearWorld

Egyptian Media Creates a U.S. Senator Out of Thin Air
BuzzFeed and Washington Free Beacon

Christie raps potential 2016 rivals at Republican confab — Follow @politicaltickerFollow @PeterHambyCNN — Boston (CNN) - New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie planted himself firmly in the Republican Party's establishment wing Thursday with a pugnacious speech calling on his party to focus …

Eve of Destruction — It is almost impossible to find an establishment Republican in town who's not downright morose about the 2013 that has been and is about to be. Most dance around it in public, but they see this year as a disaster in the making, even if most elected Republicans don't know it or admit it.

Edward Snowden Talks With His Father — But Lawyers for Both Sides Disapproved of the Internet Chat — MOSCOW—Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden and his father spoke for the first time since late May early Thursday, going against the wishes of their lawyers …
Business Insider and Little Green Footballs

Edward Snowden To HuffPost: Media Being Misled — NEW YORK — National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden wants to set the record straight after individuals associated with his father have, in his words, “misled” journalists into “printing false claims about my situation.”
CNN, Smartypants, The Hill and Techdirt, more at Mediagazer »

Snowden downloaded NSA secrets while working for Dell, sources say
Hot Air and The Hill, more at Mediagazer »

Poll Shows De Blasio, Quinn Tied — Thompson is close behind in front runners, while Weiner falls to back of the pack — New York City mayoral candidates Christine Quinn and Bill de Blasio are running neck-and-neck in the race for the Democratic nomination, with each drawing support …
Daily Kos, Taylor Marsh, Business Insider, New York Times and CNN

A real clown wouldn't mock Obama — Editor's note: Judy Quest is a board member and past president of Clowns of America International, an organization of clowns that promotes the craft. She has been a clown for 32 years and has trained hundreds of clowns. She writes regularly for clown journals.
Outside the Beltway and BuzzFeed

White House solar panels being installed this week — After nearly three years, the White House began installing solar panels on the First Family's residence this week, a White House official confirmed Thursday. — The Obama administration had pledged in October 2010 to put solar panels …
PlanetSave, John Hanger's Facts of The Day, Mercury News, Politico, The Verge, ThinkProgress and The PJ Tatler

Anthony Weiner's Relationship With Former Staffer Raises Questions — Anthon Weiner. (Photo: Getty) — Before he married his wife, former Congressman Anthony Weiner had a previously undisclosed relationship with an on-again-off-again congressional and campaign aide nearly two decades his junior.
The Daily Banter

Michael Savage Predicts He Will Replace Hannity at Cumulus, Limbaugh Likely to Stay — Conservative radio host Michael Savage teased a “major announcement” on his website earlier today, and tonight, he delivered. Savage predicted that he will be replacing Sean Hannity's time slot on Cumulus Media's network of stations.
Politico, The Huffington Post and Pat Dollard

Bryan Fischer: Obama Was Photoshopped Into Bin Laden Situation Room Photo (VIDEO) — Conservatives seeking to unveil the transgressions of President Barack Obama's presidency seized upon another target Thursday: the iconic photograph capturing a tense moment in the White House Situation Room …
Atlas Shrugs, The Huffington Post and The Gateway Pundit

Ombo Sauce: Advice for Jeff Bezos From the Post's Former In-House Critic — Dear Jeff: — Congratulations! To paraphrase an old Riggs Bank saying, you've just bought the most important media institution in the most important city in the world; don't screw it up.

Taking Back the GOP Debates — The summer meetings of national political parties are usually quiet affairs, but this week's Republican National Committee meeting in Boston is full of controversy about who should moderate and run the 2016 GOP presidential-primary debates.
Washington Times

No Banker Left Behind — The Detroit bankruptcy case has been cast as a contest between bondholders and pensioners that can be resolved only by shared sacrifice. — In principle, we have no problem with that, though in practice, the pensioners' fair share will have to take into account …
Daily Kos and Prairie Weather

Restoring Israel to greatness — Speaking up for the first time in 28 years, Pollard reserves some tough words for Israel; says that a country with no respect for the dead has no respect for the living. — When tragedy strikes anywhere in the world, the State of Israel is always among …
Israel Matzav

$67 Million Awarded to Groups Helping With Health Law — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Thursday awarded $67 million to 105 groups around the country that will serve as “navigators” to help the uninsured understand their options under the new health care law and sign up for coverage.
The PJ Tatler

Officials add millions of dollars to ObamaCare enrollment drive — The Obama administration added millions of dollars to ObamaCare's enrollment push Thursday, a surprise move designed to help bolster participation in new insurance plans. — The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) …
National Review, Hot Air and WJLA-TV

Moment of Truthiness — We all know how democracy is supposed to work. Politicians are supposed to campaign on the issues, and an informed public is supposed to cast its votes based on those issues, with some allowance for the politicians' perceived character and competence.

Request for gun permits in Newtown set to double last year's numbers: police — Police said the Connecticut town — where 26 students and six staffers were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School during gunman Adam Lanza's massacre — has already had 211 permit requests this year …
Vox Popoli, NewsBusters and Shot in the Dark