Top Items:

WEEKLY ADDRESS: Working to Implement the Affordable Care Act — WASHINGTON, DC— In this week's address, President Obama said we are on the way to fully implementing the Affordable Care Act and helping millions of Americans. Unfortunately, a group of Republicans in Congress are working …
The PJ Tatler and

Obama says Republicans want to ‘confuse people’ — (CNN) - President Barack Obama continued to promote his signature health care reform on Saturday and argued Republicans are trying to “confuse people” about the law. — His comments come as some GOP members in Congress have called …
Reuters and Connecting.the.Dots

Report: Millions Have Incentive to Avoid Obamacare Exchanges, Pay Penalty
Discussion:, Independent Journal Review, Hot Air and AEIdeas

Security forces ‘clear Cairo mosque’ — Egypt's security forces have cleared a Cairo mosque after a long stand-off with Muslim Brotherhood supporters barricaded inside, state media says. — All the protesters have now been taken out of the mosque, and many have been arrested, security forces say.
Washington Monthly, Associated Press and

Mosque at center of Egyptian clashes — Egypt protests … Cairo (CNN) — Renewed clashes between protesters and security forces at a mosque in central Cairo threatened to pull Egypt into another day of widespread violence on Saturday. — The Al-Fateh mosque in Cairo's Ramses Square …

Egypt's ‘day of rage’: Friday August 16 as it happened
Hot Air, The PJ Tatler, United States Senator …, Pat Dollard, Weasel Zippers, Israel Matzav, Atlas Shrugs, and Twitchy

Taliban demands end to Egypt violence
Weasel Zippers and Associated Press

Romney aide calls RNC vote to block CNN, NBC from debates ‘bad optics’ — A top adviser to former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said Friday it was a mistake for the Republican National Committee (RNC) to ban NBC and CNN from hosting debates during the 2016 primaries, saying the unanimous vote would create “bad optics.”
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

A professional clown is a serious clown. — In “Beyond Good and Evil,” Nietzsche observed that “a man's maturity consists in having found again the seriousness one had as a child at play.” Such might be the credo of the professional clown. — Yes, the professional clown.
Power Line and Althouse

Democracy in Egypt Can Wait — WASHINGTON — THE Egyptian military's bloody crackdown on supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood is yet another sign of the dark side of the Arab awakening. Across the Middle East, glimmerings of democracy are being snuffed out by political turmoil and violence.
National Review and p m carpenter's commentary

Obama Suspends the Law. What Would Lincoln Say? — The current president's hero tried to abide by the Constitution and enlist Congress's support. — The Obama administration announced last month via blog post that the president was unilaterally suspending ObamaCare's employer mandate—notwithstanding the clear command of the law.
The Volokh Conspiracy

Idiot Big Brother — On Thursday, the Washington Post's revelation of thousands upon thousands of National Security Agency violations of both the law and supposed privacy protections included this fascinating detail: — A “large number” of Americans had their telephone calls accidentally intercepted …

Texas Police Hit Organic Farm With Massive SWAT Raid — A small organic farm in Arlington, Texas, was the target of a massive police action last week that included aerial surveillance, a SWAT raid and a 10-hour search. — Members of the local police raiding party had a search warrant for marijuana plants …
Pat Dollard, and Crooks and Liars

GOP Congressman Gets Fact Checked By His Own Constituents On Obamacare: ‘Stop Lying!’ — Things got heated for Rep. Daniel Webster (R-FL) during a town hall question-and-answer session in White Haven, Florida on Thursday. His constituents called him out over his multiple votes to repeal …
The Raw Story, Daily Kos, The Week and Talking Points Memo

Where's the oversight on NSA spying? — An explosive Washington Post exposé has revealed that the National Security Agency has trouble following its own lax rules: An internal audit caught 2,776 “compliance incidents” at NSA headquarters alone in a single year …

Watchdogs and Guard Dogs
Washington Free Beacon, Charleston City Paper and The Switch

Feinstein: National Security Agency never ‘intentionally abused its authority’

Brown Cheered in Second Act, at Least So Far — LOS ANGELES — When Jerry Brown became governor of California again, three years ago, this state was on a steep decline, crushed by budget deficits, deep spending cuts, governmental paralysis, high unemployment and a collapsing housing market.
Taegan Goddard's … and Daily Kos

Team Hillary assails ‘brazen deceit’ of latest GOP Benghazi claims — A spokesman for Hillary Clinton fired back Friday at what it called the “brazen deceit” of Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), who earlier in the day said the former secretary of State shouted at lawmakers and deliberately lied …
Weasel Zippers, Washington Free Beacon, Hot Air, National Review and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Dad: Chris Christie pot decision ‘small victory’ — Brian Wilson, the New Jersey father who confronted Gov. Chris Christie about the state's medical marijuana bill, wasn't impressed by Christie's conditional veto on Friday, calling it a “small victory,” but still “ludicrous.”

Christie supports easing medical marijuana access for sick kids
The Lead with Jake Tapper