Top Items:

Ted Cruz seizes Senate floor in failing quest — Ted Cruz seized control of the Senate floor on Tuesday at about 2:42 p.m., vowing to “speak in support of defunding Obamacare until I am no longer able to stand.” — But Cruz cannot stop a Senate now in motion from eventually returning …
Talking Points Memo, DSCC, Wonkblog, The World's Greatest …, ABC News, Washington Monthly, Ballot Box, Weasel Zippers, Outside the Beltway and Hot Air

The Cruz Campaign Against ObamaCare — The freshman Texas Senator volunteers House Republicans for duty on his implausible defunding gambit. — So House Republicans have passed and sent to the Senate a budget that includes no funding for the Affordable Care Act, setting up a political showdown …
Politico, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, New York Times, Sister Toldjah, The Spectacle Blog, Taylor Marsh, The Daily Caller, Business Insider, No More Mister Nice Blog, p m carpenter's commentary, National Review, The Hill, The Hill, Betsy's Page,, Talking Points Memo, Firedoglake and The World's Greatest …

Ted Cruz Vows To Speak Against Obamacare: ‘Until I Am No Longer Able To Stand’ — On Tuesday at 2:41 p.m., Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., took the Senate floor to protest a government funding bill that funds President Obama's signature health care reform law. He plans to talk — and talk — all afternoon and possibly all evening long.
Business Insider, National Review, American Spectator and The PJ Tatler

Cruz Likens Obamacare Defunding Skeptics To Nazi Appeasers (VIDEO) — During a floor speech Tuesday aimed at reviving the already-dim prospects for his effort to defund Obamacare, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) likened his doubters to Nazi appeasers. — “If you go to the 1940s, Nazi Germany,” Cruz said.
Weekly Standard, Hit & Run and Hullabaloo

Reid's office: Cruz filibuster is fake — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's spokesman said Tuesday that Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-Texas) filibuster was fake. — “Fun fact: Senator Cruz pre-negotiated the terms of his #fakefilibuster with Senator Reid yesterday.
Crooks and Liars, Weasel Zippers, Hit & Run and National Review

Ted Cruz Is Talking Until He Can't Stand Anymore — “I rise in opposition to Obamacare,” the Texas Republican began. This speech may go on for a while. — Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, rose to speak on the Senate floor at 2:41 p.m. He stood up in opposition to Obamacare, he said.
Michelle Malkin, Ricochet Conversations Feed and Yahoo! News

Don't Call It a Filibuster — Ted Cruz's speech is not a filibuster, but he can talk until Wednesday morning. — Despite what you see on C-SPAN2, or what you read on Twitter, Ted Cruz is not filibustering Obamacare. The Republican senator from Texas is speaking on the Senate floor …
CBS News, Little Green Footballs, Washington Wire, Yahoo! News, The Raw Story and Online NewsHour

A Cruz Missile Launch, Like a Light, Shows the Cockroaches Scurrying
Talking Points Memo and Washington Wire

Cruz vows filibuster ‘Until I am no longer able to stand’
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and The Gateway Pundit

GOP leaders face resistance in push to speed up government funding bill

Steve Schmidt rants against GOP ‘asininity’
The Daily Caller, Booman Tribune, American Spectator, Weasel Zippers, Juanita Jean's, The Week, Joe. My. God. and Wall Street Journal

Can Ted Cruz Win by Losing?
Ross Douthat, Democracy in America, The Fix, The Dish, Gawker, Washington Post, GQ Magazine Online and American Prospect

GOP flinches at Obamacare plan devised by Sens. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee
Discussion:, Power Line and Instapundit

One man's ObamaCare nightmare — Andy and Amy Mangione of Louisville, Ky. and their two boys are just the kind of people who should be helped by ObamaCare. But they recently got a nasty surprise in the mail. — “When I saw the letter when I came home from work,” Andy said …
Grassroot Journal, The Heritage Foundation, and Conservatives4Palin

Hillary, don't run for president — Hillary Clinton through the years … (CNN) — Don't run, Hillary. — Nobody is saying the former secretary of state, New York senator, U.S. and Arkansas first lady, and Yale-trained attorney is not qualified for the White House.

Obamacare: One blow after another
National Review, Weekly Standard, Via Meadia, Bloomberg, Reuters, Yahoo! News, neo-neocon, WJLA-TV, NPR, Pirate's Cove,, Washington Post, ThinkProgress and Forbes

The Long Game — Hillary Clinton is perhaps the first …
The Dish, Daniel W. Drezner, No More Mister Nice Blog and Washington Free Beacon

AIG CEO: Anger over AIG bonuses ‘just as bad’ as lynchings — AIG's CEO Robert Benmosche — who came in to rescue the company after the 2008 financial crisis — told the Wall Street Journal that the outrage over the bonuses promised to AIG's members was just as bad as when white supremacists …
ThinkProgress, PolicyMic, Mediaite, No More Mister Nice Blog, Balloon Juice and Lawyers, Guns & Money

AIG's Benmosche and Miller on Villains, Turnarounds and Those Bonuses
American Prospect, The Huffington Post, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, MoneyBeat, PostPartisan, The Tell and Gawker

WSJ buries the lead deep on AIG's CEO
Crooks and Liars

AIG Exec: Public Outrage Over Bonuses ‘Just As Bad’ As Lynchings In The South
FIRST DRAFT and Hullabaloo

Obama Just Gave His Most Significant Foreign Policy Speech — President Barack Obama's speech Tuesday to the United Nations was his most significant foreign policy statement since becoming president. It showed he had clearly learned something from the recent “red line” fiasco in Syria.
The Dish, FP Passport, Hot Air and The Reaction

Obama tells UN that diplomatic path must be tested with Iran — President says secretary of state John Kerry will lead nuclear negotiations and acknowledges US role in 1953 Iran coup — President Obama on Tuesday pledged to focus his foreign policy efforts on the Middle East …
Washington Free Beacon, The Reaction and Real Clear Politics

Obama and Rouhani: A Handshake that Could Shake the World
NBCNews, New York Times, WorldViews, Washington Free Beacon, Hot Air, Reuters and Guardian

Obama Says He Will Pursue Diplomacy on Iran and Syria
Washington Monthly, The Dish, The Lede and FP Passport

Cornel West + “Crossfire” = One Hell Of A GIF Factory — Thank goodness for split screen reaction shots on cable news. — You may have missed the extremely animated debate over Obamacare and the future of conservatism last night on Crossfire. — Well, Bill Kristol was there, and he did this, which was great.

What's It All About Then — Simon Wren-Lewis writes with feeling about the “austerity deception”; what sets him off is a post that characterizes the whole austerity debate as being about “big-state” versus “small-state” people. — Wren-Lewis's point is that only one side of the debate saw it that way.
Hullabaloo, mainly macro, Cafe Hayek and Economist's View

Obama's reckoning to come on November 19! — Klayman Calls for the Masses to Force Resignation of Convicted President — Last Wednesday, the great usurper, Barack Hussein Obama, after having been indicted by an Ocala, Florida citizens' grand jury, was convicted by a people's court …
Talking Points Memo, RenewAmerica, Right Wing Watch and Joe. My. God.

How a Crypto ‘Backdoor’ Pitted the Tech World Against the NSA — In August 2007, a young programmer in Microsoft's Windows security group stood up to give a five-minute turbo talk at the annual Crypto conference in Santa Barbara. — It was a Tuesday evening, part of the conference's …
Center for Democracy … and The Switch